Lista de publicaţii



1. Colloquial Romanian. A Complete Language Course, London: Routledge, 1983, 318pp; 2nd ed. 1995


2. Historians as Nation Builders:  Central and South-East Europe, London, Macmillan, 1988, 245 pp (joint editor with H Hanak)


3. Studies in Romanian History, Bucharest:  Editura Enciclopedică, 1991, 351 pp


4. Teach Yourself Romanian, London:  Hodder and Stoughton, 2nd ed. revised,1997, reprinted, 2001, 3rd ed. Revised, 2003, 245 pp + 60 min. cassette (with Yvonne Alexandrescu).


5. Occasional Papers in Romanian Studies, no.1, 1995, London: SSEES, 1995, 70pp. (edited by Dennis Deletant)


6. Ceausescu and the Securitate:  Coercion and Dissent in Romania, 1965-89, London: Hurst & Co.; New York : M.E. Sharpe, 1995, 425pp


7. Ceauşescu şi Securitatea. Constrângere şi disidenţă în România anilor 1965-1989, Bucharest: Humanitas, 1998, 390pp. reprinted 1999 (English translation of Ceauşescu and the Securitate. Coercion and Dissent in Romania, 1965-1989, London: Hurst, 1995).


8. Romania observed: studies in contemporary Romanian history: Bucharest:

Encyclopedic Publishing House, 1998 (co-author with Maurice Pearton)


9. Romania under Communist Rule, Iaşi: Center for Romanian Studies, 1999, 203pp; 2nd rev. ed., 2006, 283pp.


10. Communist Terror in Romania: Gheorghiu-Dej and the Police State, 1948-65,

London: Hurst & Co.; New York: St Martin's Press, 1999, 351pp


11. Teroarea comunistă în România. Gheorghiu-Dej şi statul poliţienesc, 1948-1965,

Iaşi: Polirom, 2001, 259 pp. Romanian version of Communist Terror in Romania. Gheorghiu-Dej and the Police State, 1948-1965, London: Hurst, 1999, 351 pp.


12. Good Wine needs a Bush: The British Council and Romania. 1937 to the Present. London and Bucharest: The British Council, 2000, 36pp.


13. Security Intelligence Services in New Democracies: The Czech Republic, Slovakia and Romania, London: Macmillan, 2001, 291pp (with Kieran Williams)



14. Colloquial Romanian, London: Routledge, 2002, 328pp + 2 CDs and 2 cassettes with original tapescripts (with Ramona Gonczol-Davies). This is a completely new version of item 1


15. CD-Rom collection of documents entitled Romania and the Warsaw

Pact, Bucharest: Institute for Political Studies of Defense and Military History, 2002. Introduction (2000 words) and selection of 12 documents totalling 75 pages.


16. Dennis Deletant, Mihail Ionescu, Romania and the Warsaw Pact, 1955-1989, Cold War International History Project, Working Paper no.42, Washington DC, 2004, 103pp. (pp1-61 authored by DJD).


17. Dennis Deletant, Mihail.E. Ionescu, Romania and the Warsaw Pact, 1955-1989. Selected Documents, Bucharest: Politeia, SNSPA, 2004, 398 pp.


(Documents also posted at Cold War International History Project at CWIHP) and the Parallel History Project at collections (April 2004)).


18. In and Out of Focus. Romania and Britain. Relations and Perspectives from 1930 to the Present, Bucharest: British Council, 2005, 310 pp.


19. Hitler's Forgotten Ally. Ion Antonescu and his Regime, Romania, 1940-1944, London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, 379 pp.


20. Holocaustul din România în documente ale celui de-al III-lea Reich. 1940-1944, co-editor with Ottmar Traşcǎ, Cluj-Napoca: Dacia, 2006, 263 pp. (my contribution 20%).




50 entries on Romanian writers for Cassell's Encyclopaedia of World Literature, London:  Cassell, 1973


30 entries on Romanian writers for Everyman's Encyclopaedia, London:  Dent, 1977


‘Rumanian' in A Guide to Foreign Language Courses and Dictionaries, ed. J Walford and J Screen, London:  Library Association, 1977, pp 244-48


‘Romanian Society in the Danubian Principalities in the early 19th century' in Balkan Society in the age of Greek Independence, ed. R Clogg, London:  Macmillan, 1981, pp 229-48


Four entries on Romanian writers in The Fontana Bibliographical Companion to Modern Thought, ed. A Bullock and R B Woodings, London:  Fontana, 1983


Introduction to M Dinescu, Exile on a Peppercorn, London:  Forest Books, 1985, pp X-XIV


‘Some Considerations on the Emergence of the Principality of Moldavia in the Middle of the Fourteenth Century', in Historians as Nation Builders:  Central and South-East Europe, ed. D Deletant and H Hanak, London:  Macmillan, 1988, pp 31-50


‘Some Considerations on the Implementation of the Allied-Romanian Armistice Agreement of 12 September 1944' in Rom@nii  [n Istoria Universală, vol. III/i, Iaşi:  Universitatea, 1988, pp 399-419


‘Literature and Society in Romania since 1948' in Perspectives on Literature and Society in Eastern and Western Europe, ed. G Hosking and G Cushing, London:  Macmillan, 1989, pp 121-61


‘Language Policy and Linguistic Trends in Soviet Moldavia' in Language Planning in the Soviet Union, ed. M Kirkwood, London:  Macmillan, 1989, pp 189-216


25 entries on Romanian history and literature for Longman's Encyclopaedia, London:  Longman, 1989


‘What would self-determination mean for the Moldavians' in The Soviet Union and the Challenge of the Future, vol. 3:  Ideology, Culture and Nationality, ed. A Shtromas and M A Kaplan, New York:  Paragon House, 1989, pp 479-508


‘Romania' and ‘The Moldavian SSR' in The Times Book of Eastern Europe, London:  Times Books, 1990, pp 125-43 & 237-43

Updated entries on above in revised edition 1991, pp 133-153, & 251-259


Contributions on 11 authors to Writers from Eastern Europe, ed. Celia Hawkesworth, London:  The Book Trust, 1991, pp 60-69


‘Romania' in Revolutionary and Dissident Movements, Third edition, Harlow:  Longman Current Affairs, 1991, pp 279-82


‘The Rights of Ethnic Minorities in Eastern Europe:  Some Considerations' in Emerging Rights within the New Europe,  ed. R Beddard and D Hill (Southampton Papers in International Policy, no 2), pp 50-56


‘The Bessarabia Question', ‘Transylvania', and ‘Northern Bukovina, Serpents' Island' in Border and Territorial Disputes, Third edition, ed. J Allcock, G Arnold, A Day, D S Lewis, L Poultney, R Rance and D Sagar, Harlow:  Longman, 1992, pp 37-48, 109-20, & 150-56


‘Romania' in Eastern Europe and the CIS 1992, London:  Europa Publications, 1992, pp 249-54


Contributions on 23 authors for The Everyman Companion to East European Literature, ed. R B Pynsent and S I Kanikova, London:  J M Dent, 1993


‘Ethos and Mythos in the History of Transylvania:  the case of the chronicler Anonymus', Historians and the History of Transylvania, ed. L Péter, Boulder:  East European Monographs, 1992, pp 67-86


‘The Past in Contemporary Romania:  Some Reflections on Recent Romanian Historiography' in Historians and the History of Transylvania, ed. L Péter, Boulder:  East European Monographs, 1992, pp 133-58


‘Convergence versus Divergence in Romania:  the Role of the Vatra Românească movement in Transylvania' in Towards a New Community, Culture and Politics in Post-Totalitarian Europe, ed Peter J S Duncan and Martyn Rady, University of London:  SSEES, LIT Verlag, Hamburg and Munster, 1993, pp 101-119


‘Romanian' in Pergamon Encyclopaedia of Language, Oxford:  Pergamon Press, 1993, pp 555-56


‘Ion Luca Caragiale', International Dictionary of Theatre, vol. 2, Detroit, London, Washington DC:  St James' Press, 1994, pp 165-67


‘Influenţa sovietică asupra securităţii române, 1944-1953' (Soviet influence on the Romanian securitate) in Memoria ca formă de justiţie,, Comunicări prezentate la Seminarul de la Sighetul Marmaţiei, (10-12 iunie 1994), pp 35-46


Entries on ‘Romania', Bessarabia', Bukovina' and ‘Transnistria' in The Oxford Companion to the Second World War, Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 1995, pp 129, 169, 954-959 & 1122


‘Romania' in Traveller's Literary Companion to Eastern and Central Europe, ed. J Naughton, London:  In Print Publishing, 1995, pp 227-80


‘What was the role of the Romanian Communist party in the coup of 23 August 1944', Occasional Papers in Romanian Studies, no.1, 1995, London: SSEES, 1995, pp.25-36


‘Coloniile de muncă din Delta Dunării, 1949-1960',  (The Penal Colonies in the Danube Delta, 1949-1960), in Instaurarea Comunismului - Intre Rezistenţă_şi represiune , Bucharest: Fundaţia Academia Civică, 1995, pp. 383-87.


'British Policy Towards Romania; 23 August 1944-6 March 1945', 6 Martie 1945. Inceputurile Comunizării Rom@niei, Bucharest: Editura Enciclopedică, 1995, pp.102-14.


'The Soviet Takeover in Romania, 1944-48', The End of the War in Europe 1945, ed. Gill Bennett, London: HMSO, 1996, pp. 204-220 (with Maurice Pearton)


'The Debate between Tradition and Modernity in the Shaping of a Romanian Identity', The Literature of Nationalism. Essays on East European Identity, ed. Robert B. Pynsent, London: Macmillan, 1996, pp.14-26.


Language Policy and Linguistic Trends in the Republic of Moldavia, 1924-1992' in Studies in Moldovan, ed. by Donald L. Dyer, Boulder, Colorado: East European Monographs, 1996, pp.53-88. (update of an earlier published article)


'Romania Today' in Romania Today, University of Glasgow: Central European Research and Development Unit, 1996, pp.5-15.


'Câteva consideraţii despre neelucidarea revoluţiei din decembrie 1989', Bibiloteca Sighet. O Enigmă_care împlineşte şapte ani.Timişoara, 1989-1996, Bucharest: Fundaţia Academia Civică, 1997, pp.37-44.


‘Anul 1948 văzut prin optica legaţiei britanice de la Bucureşti', (The Year 1948 seen through the eyes of the British legation in Bucharest) Analele Sighet, vol.6, ed.

by R. Rusan, Bucharest: Fundaţia Academia Civică, 1998, pp. 712-715.


'Silviu Crăciunaş (13 februarie 1914- 1 februarie 1998). Fragmente dintr-o biografie.', Analele Sighet, vol.7, ed. by R. Rusan, Bucharest: Fundaţia Academiei Civice, 2000, pp.490-495.


'The Evolution of the Romanian Security Services since 1990: Some Observations', Romanian and British Historians on the Contemporary History of Romania, ed. by G. Cipăianu and V. Ţîrău, Cluj-Napoca; Cluj-Napoca University Press, 2000, pp. 205-16.


'Postface', Romanian and British Historians on the Contemporary History of Romania, ed. by G. Cipăianu and V. Ţîrău, Cluj-Napoca; Cluj-Napoca University Press, 2000, pp.261-68.


Introductory study to Marius Oprea, Banalitatea Răului. O istorie a securităţii în

documente, 1949-1989 (The Banality of Evil. A History of the Securitate in Documents, 1949-1989), Iaşi: Polirom, 2002, pp.21-55 (in Romanian).


'Transnistria 1942: A Memoir of George Tomaziu. An Eyewitness Account of the

 Shooting of a Column of Jews Near the Rov River in 1942', Romania. A Crossroads

 of Europe. ed. by Kurt Treptow, Iaşi: The Center for Romanian Studies, 2002,



'Romania sub regimul communist (Decembrie 1947-Decembrie 1989)' (Romania

under the Communist Regime, December 1947-December 1989) in Mihai

Bărbulescu, Dennis Deletant, Keith Hitchins, Şerban Papacostea, Pompiliu Teodor,

Istoria României, Bucharest: Corint, 2002, pp.392-465 (in Romanian).


'The British Council and Romania: 1934 to the Present', National Development in

Romania and South-Eastern Europe. Papers in Honor of Cornelia Bodea, ed. by

Paul E. Michelson and Kurt W. Treptow, Iaşi: Center for Romanian Studies, 2002,



‘Preface'to Marius Oprea, Stejărel Olaru, The Day We Won't Forget, 15 November 1987, Braşov, Bucharest: Polirom, 2003, pp.9-12.


‘De vorbă cu domnul Coposu' (In conversation with Mr Coposu), Cronica unui sfârşit de sistem (Analele Sighet, vol.10), Bucharest: Fundaţia Academia Civică, 2003, pp.58-60.


‘The Security Services since 1989: Turning over a New Leaf', Romania since 1989. Politics, Economics, and Society, ed. By Henry F. Carey, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2004, pp. 503-21.


‘Transnistria: Câteva consideraţii despre semnificaţia acesteia pentru Holocaustul din România', România şi Transnistria: Problema Holocaustului, ed. by Viorel Achim and Constantin Iordachi, Bucharest: Curtea Veche, 2004, pp.162-200.


‘Aspects of the Ghetto Experience in Eastern Transnistria: The Ghettos and Labor Camp in the Town of Golta', Ghettos 1939-1945. New Research and Perspectives on Definition, Daily Life, and Survival, Washington DC: Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, 2005, pp.15-66.


‘Romanian Studies in the UK', Mutual Understanding. 125 Years of Anglo-Romanian Diplomatic Relations, Bucharest: Humanitas, 2005, pp.21-32.


‘British Plans and Attempts at Subversion in Romania, 1939-40, in In and Out of Focus. Romania and Britain. Relations and Perspectives from 1930 to the Present, ed. by Dennis Deletant, Bucharest: British Council, 2005, pp. 71-86.


‘Romania, 1945-89: Resistance, Protest and Dissent'in Revolution and Resistance in Eastern Europe. Challenges to Communist Rule, ed. by Kevin McDermott and Matthew Stibbe, Oxford: Berg, 2006, pp.81-99.


‘Frustrating German Ambitions: British Military Subversion in Romania, 1939-1940', in Hegemoniile Trecutului. Profesorului Ioan Chiper la 70 de ani, ed. by Mioara Anton, Florin Anghel, Cosmin Popa, Bucharest : Curtea veche, 2006, pp.199-210.


‘Romania' in Hitler and His Allies in World War Two, ed. by Jonathan Adelman, London: Routledge, 2007, pp.166-185    ISBN: 9780415321679



‘Romania's Return to Europe: Between Politics and Culture', Europe and the Historical Legacies in the Balkans, ed. by Raymond Detrez and Barbara Segaert, Pieterlen, Switzerland: Peter Lang AG, 2008, pp.83-99.


‘Rumänien', Handbuch der kommunistischen Geheimdienste in Osteuropa, 1944-1991, ed. By Lukasz Kaminski, Krzysztof Persak and Jens Gieseke, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2009, pp. 341-94 (updated version of item 51).


‘Lebensbedingungen in den Ghettos und Arbeitslagern in Transnistrien 1942-1944: Der Fall Golta', Holocaust an der Peripherie. Judenpolitik und Judenmord in Rumänien und Transnistrien 1940-1944, ed by Wolfgang Benz and Brigitte Mihok, Berlin: Metropol Verlag, 2009, pp.45-70 (updated version of ‘Ghetto Experience in Golta, Transnistria, 1942-1944', Holocaust and Genocide Studies, vol.18, no.1, Spring 2004, pp.1-24.




‘Rumanian Studies', The Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, vol. 33 (1971), London:  MHRA, pp 472-77


‘A Copy of the Original Greek Version of John Calecas's Homily for Easter Sunday in the British Museum', Revue des études sud-est européenes, vol.X (1972), No 2, Bucharest, pp 219-25


‘O Copie după Didahiile lui Ivireanul', Manuscriptum, vol. V (1974), No 2, Bucharest, pp 162-63


‘A Survey of Rumanian Presses and printing in the Sixteenth Century', The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 53, No 131 (April 1975), pp 161-74


‘A Survey of the Gaster Books in the School of Slavonic and East European Studies Library', Solanus, No 10 (June 1975), pp 14-23


‘Un Manuscris al lui Mihail Moxa din Muzeul Britanic', Revista de istorie şi teorie literara_, vol. 24, No 2 (1975), Bucharest, pp 255-62


‘Fondul Gaster în Biblioteca Universităţii din Londra', Almanah Tribuna ‘76, (1976), Cluj, pp 204-07


‘Un centru de Studii Româneşti la Universitatea din Londra', Limba şi Literatură, Bucharest, 1976, pp 147-48


‘The Sunday Legend', Revue des études sud-est européenes, vol. XV, No 3 (1977), pp 431-52


‘The Soviet View of Bessarabia', The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. LVI, No 1 (January 1978), pp 115-18


‘The Slavonic and East European Review', Cahiers roumains d'études litteraires, No 4 (1978), Bucharest, pp 131-32


‘Vestigii ale culturii romaneşti în bibliotecile din Anglia', Luceafarul, No 13 (31 martie 1979), Bucharest, p 8


‘Slavonic Letters in Moldavia, Wallachia and Transylvania from the Tenth to the Seventeenth Centuries', The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 58, No 1 (January 1980), pp 1-21


‘A Survey of Rumanian Literature in the 19th and 20th centuries', Modern Languages, vol. LXI, No 1 (March 1980), pp 37-42


‘Some Aspects of the Byzantine Tradition in the Rumanian Principalities', The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 59, No 1 (January 1981), pp 1-14


‘Arhivele şi bibliotecile britanice, sursă a culturii româneşti', Panoramic britanic, (Autumn 1981), London:  COI, pp 47-49


‘Rumanian Presses and printing in the Seventeenth Century, Part 1', The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 60, No 4 (October 1982), pp 481-99


‘Mărturii româneşti în arhive şi biblioteci britanice',  Magazin istoric, vol. XVIl, no 9 (September 1982), pp 29-30


‘Nicolae Titulescu şi Marea Britanie', Panoramic britanic, (Autumn 1982), London:  COI, p 5


‘Romania and the Moldavian SSR', Soviet Analyst, vol. 12, No 1, (January 1983), pp 6-8


‘Rumanian Presses and Printing in the Seventeenth Century, Part II', The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 61, No 4, (October 1983), pp 481-511


‘Istorici români şi Moldova', Panoramic britanic (Autumn 1983), London:  COI, pp 34-37


(pseud. D Aspinall) ‘Romania:  Queues and Personality Cults', Soviet Analyst, vol. 13, No 10 (16 May 1984), pp 4-5


‘Genoese, Tatars and Rumanians at the mouth of the Danube in the Fourteenth Century', The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 62, No 4 (October 1984), pp 511-30


‘Cuvânt la decernerea premiului', Secolul 20, Nos 270-271, 6-7 (1983), Bucharest, pp 160-62


‘Archie Gibson:  The Times correspondent in Romania 1928-40', Anuarul Institului de istorie sçi arheologie ‘A D Xenopol', vol. XXII (1985), pp 135-48


(pseud D Aspinall) ‘Romanians Bite the Bullet', Soviet Analyst, vol. 14, No 11 (29 May 1985), pp 5-6


‘Romanian literature in English', Cahiers roumains d'études littéraires, 1985, No 2, pp 139-41


‘Moldavia between Hungary and Poland, 1387-1412', The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 64, No 2, pp 189-211


‘Archie Gibson's Prayer for Peace', The Slavonic and East European Review, vol. 64, No 4, pp 571-74


‘A Shuttlecock of History:  Bessarabia', The South Slav Review, vol. 10, No 4 (Winter 1987), pp 1-14


‘The Past in Contemporary Romania', Slovo, vol. 1, No 2 (November 1988), pp. 77-91


‘Crimes Against the Spirit', Index on Censorship, vol. 18, No 8 (September 1989), pp 25-28 & 33-34


‘Romania', 1989 Britannica Book of the Year, Chicago:  Encyclopaedia Britannica, pp 474


‘The Romanian Elections of May 1990', Representation:  Journal of the Electoral Reform Society, (Winter 1990), pp 23-26


‘Romania', 1990 Britannica Book of the Year, Chicago:  Encyclopaedia Britannica, pp 491-92


‘The Role of Vatra Românească in Transylvania', RFE/RL Research Institute Report on Eastern Europe, vol. 2, No 5 (1 February 1991), pp 28-37


‘Actualitatea gîndirii lui Nicolae Titulescu în problema minoritatçilor' (The topicality of Nicolae Titulescu's thinking on the problem of minorities), 22, No 11, (22 March 1991), pp 14


‘Rewriting the past: trends in contemporary Romanian historiography', Ethnic and Racial Studies, vol. 14, No 1 (January 1991), pp 64-86


‘In the Aftermath of Ceauşescu:  Romania's Current Problems', New Hampshire International Seminar Papers, Durham, New Hampshire:  University of New Hampshire, (April 1991), 25 pp


(with Prof Paul Michelson), ‘Moscow 1939 - Chişinău 1991:  The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact Conference in Moldavia', Report on the USSR, vol. 3, No 34 (23 August 1991), pp 16-18


‘Pactul Molotov-Ribbentrop şi Consecinţele lui pentru Basarabia', 22, Anul II, No 36, p 9, No 37, pp 11-13


‘The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and its Consequences for Bessarabia:  Some Considerations on the Human Rights Implications', Revue Roumaine d'Histoire, vol. XXX (1991), No 3-4, pp 221-33


‘Romania', 1991 Britannica Book of the Year, Chicago:  Encyclopaedia Britannica, pp 473-75


‘A Balancing Act - Romania, 1919-40', History Today, vol. 42 (June 1992), pp 48-54


‘Romania', 1992 Britannica Book of the Year, Chicago:  Encyclopaedia Britannica, pp 439-40


‘Social Engineering in Romania:  Ceausçescu's Systematization Program, 1965-1989', Romanian Civilization, vol. 2, No 1 (Spring 1993), pp 53-74


‘The securitate  and the Police State in Romania, 1948-64', Intelligence and National Security, vol. 8, No 4 (October 1993), pp 1-25


‘The securitate and the Police State in Romania, 1948-64', Intelligence and National Security, vol. 9, No 1 (January 1994), pp 22-49


‘Romania', 1994 Britannica Book of the Year, Chicago:  Encyclopaedia Britannica, pp 450-51


‘The Romanian Gulag in the 1950s', Slovo, vol. 7, No 2 (October 1994), pp 53-75


‘Romania', 1995 Britannica Book of the Year, Chicago:  Encyclopaedia Britannica, pp 450-51


‘The Role of Soviet Advisors in the Romanian Security Apparatus, 1944-1954', Revue roumaine d'histoire, vol. 33, Nos 3-4 (1994), pp 345-53 (English language version of earlier item)


‘Politica britanică faţă de România - 23 august 1944 - 6 martie 1945', 22, No 10 (8-15 March 1995), p 11


‘New Light on Gheorghiu-Dej's Struggle for Dominance in the Romanian Communist Party, 1944-49', Slavonic and East European Review, vol.73, no.4 (October 1995), pp.659-90.


‘Minorităţile şi autonomia în Europa de East contemporană: schimbări ale percepţiei internaţionale', Altera 1, vol.1 (1995), pp 7-17


‘The securitate  legacy in Romania. Who is in Control ?', Problems of Post-Communism, (November-December 1995), pp. 23-28.


'Fatalism and Passiveness in Romania: Myth and Reality', Saeculum, 'Lucian Blaga' University of Sibiu, vol.1 (1995), nos 3-4, pp.75-87 (published in April 1997).


‘The Repression of the Gheorghiu-Dej Era in the Light of the Securitate Files', Occasional Papers in Romanian Studies, No.2, ed. By Rebecca Haynes, London: SSEES, 1998, pp.111-124.


‘The Post-Communist Security Services in Romania', Occasional Papers in Romanian Studies, No.2, ed. By Rebecca Haynes, London: SSEES, 1998, pp.173-192.


(with Peter Siani-Davies) ‘The Romanian Elections of November 1996', Representation, vol.35 (Spring/Autumn 1998), nos 2 & 3, pp. 155-67.


'The Image of France in the Romanian People's Republic, 1948-1965', Forum for Modern Language Studies 2000, vol.xxxvi, no.2, pp.143-152.


‘Have new institutional structures been put in place for the production, dissemination and reception of historical knowledge since the end of the Cold War ? Do they work ? How ? ‘Xenopolitana, vol.XI (2003), nos 1-2, pp.3-8.


‘Ghetto Experience in Golta, Transnistria, 1942-1944', Holocaust and Genocide Studies, vol.18, no.1, Spring 2004, pp.1-24.


‘Memoriul unor intelectuali români, înaintat la Palat, în vara 1942' (A Memorandum by Romanian writers and professors, submitted to King Michael in summer 1942), Sfera Politicii, no.107, 2004, pp.49-53.


‘Intoarcerea Romaniei in Europa: intre politica si cultura' (‘Romania's return to Europe; between Politics and Culture), 22 (12-18 January 2007), pp.14-18.


‘Dosarul meu de securitate', (my securitate dossier), 22 (31 August-5 September 2007, pp.7-8.


Deletant, Dennis (2007) ''Taunting the Bear': Romania and the Warsaw Pact, 1963-89', Cold War History, 7:4, 495 - 507


‘Cheating the Censor: Romanian Writers under Communism', Central Europe, vol.6, no.2 (November 2008), pp.122-171.



Contributed reviews to the English Historical Review, to Slavonic and East European Review annually since 1971, and to International Affairs, Slavic Review, and The Times Literary Supplement spasmodically since 1985.



Translation of and Introduction to M Sorescu, Vlad the Impaler, London: Forest Books, 1987, 112pp