4 decembrie 2019

Europe in the 16th Century – Magic, Medicine, Mentalities

Afis prlegere David TomicekDomnul dr. David Tomicek, magister la Universitatea ”Jan Evanghelista Purkyne” din Usti nad labem, Cehia, va susţine prelegerea miercuri 4 decembrie orele 16,00 în sala D.D. Roșca din clădirea centrală UBB.

The lecture focuses on the selected aspects of the intellectual milieu at the turn of the late Middle-Ages and the early modern period. It concerns with the contemporary concept of the human physiology a and physiognomy, etiological interpretations of the causes of diseases and methods of treatments. The second field of interest lays on the contemporary magic and magica thinking, alchemy, astrology and other fields of occult thinking. In conclusion, the lecture tries to achieve some general notes about the mentalities of the selected period.
Poster of the conference