15 – 16 octombrie 2016

Humboldt-Conference: Violence in the Prehistory and Antiquity

Afis Humboldt-KollegOn October 15th and 16th the Faculty of History and Philosophy of the Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca will host the Humboldt-Conference Violence in the Prehistory and Antiquity.

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Presentation in German

Poster of the Conference


The violence is a daily reality of the 21st century, at the international level (war, terrorism) as well as at the social level (repression, criminality) and even at the domestic one. The shapes of violence are multiple: armed, physical, verbal, etc. Violence is in general rejected by the contemporary societies, which culturally equate the violence with delinquency.


Was the violence in the past more spread and common than in our days? Was society’s attitude towards violence then more permissive than today? In what measure was violence accepted (or even promoted) and justified through ideologies of those times?


Our conference sets as its goal to examine the forms of violence from the past (prehistory, early history, antiquity and the migrations period) and the ways the communities related to it, starting from the written, archaeological and iconographical sources.


The forms of violence we propose to be examined are war, ritual sacrifices, criminality, massacres, political/social repression, hunting, gladiator fights, executions, violent discourses, domestic violence, etc.


The languages of the conference are English, German, French and Italian.


The contributions will be published as a dedicated issue of our journal Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai, series Historia.

Events and conferences sponsored by the Alexander von Humbolt Foundation