24 octombrie 2024

Conferința The Human and Its Place in the World in the Context of Genetic and Generative Phenomenology, Dr. Jaroslava Vydrová

Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie prin Departamentul de Filosofie și Centrul de Filosofie Aplicată vă invită la conferința intitulată The Human and Its Place in the World in the Context of Genetic and Generative Phenomenology susținută de către Dr. Jaroslava Vydrová (University of Trnava/ Slovak Academy of Sciences). Evenimentul va avea loc joi, 24 octombrie 2024, de la ora 18.00, pe platforma Zoom.

We are delighted to invite you to join the on-line talk The Human and Its Place in the World in the Context of Genetic and Generative Phenomenology by Dr. Jaroslava Vydrová (University of Trnava/Slovak Academy of Sciences) on Thursday, October 24 at 6 p.m. The event is hosted by the Department of Philosophy/Centre for Applied Philosophy at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Abstract and connection details below.

The place of the person in the world in a broader meaning, as well as the place as the home in a more personal, familial sense, entails feelings of security and familiarity, which are, however, often questioned. On the one hand, we create and search for places that are associated with the feelings of “our place”; on the other hand, they are shaken when we find ourselves in an alienated environment when we make radical changes in our lives, try to establish a new home, or lose home violently. The striving for a place in the world is universal as well as locally specific, as can be seen in the habits, rituals, and different kinds of homes and buildings that we create. In my contribution, I will outline the genetic and generative phenomenological approach to this problematic because lived experience is the starting point of the analysing of the place of the human being. Moreover, this experience is one of the most intimate (as we experience in the family) as well as deeply creative (as is expressed in the achievements of architecture). This kind of approach is anchored in Edmund Husserl’s philosophy but also in the elaborations of contemporary phenomenologists, such as Ted Toadvine. In my contribution, I will also draw on the philosophy of Jan Patočka and his considerations on the constitution of space.

Topic: Jaroslava Vydrová
Time: Oct 24, 2024 18:00 Bucharest

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