28 martie 2024

Conferința Axel Honneth, Judith Butler, and artificial intelligence?, Dr. Natalia Juchniewicz

Facultatea de Istorie și Filosofie prin Departamentul de Filosofie și Centrul de Filosofie Aplicată vă invită la conferința intitulată Axel Honneth, Judith Butler, and artificial intelligence? susținută de către Dr. Natalia Juchniewicz (Universitatea din Varșovia, Facultatea de Filosofie). Evenimentul va avea loc joi, 28 martie 2024, de la ora 18.00, pe platforma Zoom.

We are delighted to invite you to join the on-line talk Axel Honneth, Judith Butler, and artificial intelligence? by Dr. Natalia Juchniewicz (Assistant Professor, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Philosophy), on Thursday, March 28 at 6 p.m. The event is hosted by the Department of Philosophy/Centre for Applied Philosophy at the Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Un rezumat al prezentării și datele de conectare pot fi găsite mai jos.

Abstract and connection details below.

Abstract: The aim of the presentation will be to indicate in which areas and in what sense Axel Honneth’s and Judith Butler’s classical theories of recognition (along with their interpretations) can play a significant role in research on human relations with artificial intelligence. The theory of recognition provides a multi-level description of the construction of self-awareness by the subject, of relationships with other people, and normative constraints on one’s own actions. It also diagnoses situations in which misrecognition occurs. In the era of developing artificial intelligence, which forms the background of everyday activities performed by people (e.g. activity-tracking applications, algorithms on social media), is implemented into assisting technologies (e.g. social robots), and plays a significant role in decision-making processes based on large computational models (e.g. programs supporting human resources departments) or displacing some professions from the job market (e.g., analysts), the question that needs to be asked from the perspective of social philosophy and philosophy of technology is whether the classical theory of recognition can be applied to AI research, and if so, whether it requires certain changes and supplements. In the presentation, I will demonstrate how the theory of recognition operates in research on AI and I will identify areas that still require augmentation.

Topic: Conferinta CFA
Time: Mar 28, 2024 06:00 PM Bucharest

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