Babeş–Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca - Faculty of History and Philosophy

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Statute of the Centre




Art. 1. The Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, with the Romanian title “Centrul de Filosofie Antică și Medievală” and the acronym CFAM, hereafter referred to as the Centre, is constituted as a research structure within the “Babeș-Bolyai” University from Cluj-Napoca, the Faculty of History and Philosophy, along the Department of Premodern and Romanian Philosophy, in order to concentrate the research efforts in the field of Ancient and Medieval history of philosophy, as well as support the development of higher education in this field.

Art. 2. The Centre is based in Cluj-Napoca, M. Kogălniceanu Street, nr. 1, room 139.

Art. 3. The Centre is constituted for an unlimited period of time.


Art. 4. The Centre aims for the expansion and cultivation of Ancient and Medieval philosophy studies at the “Babeș-Bolyai” University. The determined purpose of the Centre’s foundation is the creation of working teams that systematically publish reference works of Ancient and Medieval philosophy that are absent in the Romanian language and necessary for a proficient philosophical formation.

Art. 5. To achieve this purpose, the Centre declares itself open to any state or private initiative, oriented towards the assimilation, promotion, development and publication of Ancient and Medieval philosophy studies.

Art. 6. The research centre sets the following as its main objectives:

a) the systematic publication of reference works of Ancient and Medieval philosophy which are absent or whose translations are outdated or unprofessional.

b) the creation of specialists in Greek and Latin palaeography, capable of editing manuscripts and exploiting the local collections of manuscripts existent in Romanian libraries;

c) the exploitation of the results obtained by the Centre’s team from the Master Program in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy which functions along the Department of Premodern and Romanian Philosophy, as well as from the doctoral programs of the “Babeș-Bolyai” University whose subjects pertain to the domain of Ancient and Medieval philosophy;

d) the organising of conferences, symposia, debates, study circles and research programs;

e) the establishment of connections with cultural organisations, programs, approaches and figures, from Romania or abroad, which are representative for the theoretical field addressed within the Centre;

f) the acquirement of grants, scholarships, research contracts in order to support the Centre’s activities;

g) the active involvement of bachelor students, Master students and young PhD students in the Centre’s activities.


Art. 7. The founding members of the Centre are natural persons with professional competence in the domain of Ancient and Medieval philosophy or the domain of Classical philology, who know the Centre’s statute, express their agreement with its conditions, express their intention to contribute to the achievement of the Centre’s objectives and agree with its constitution documents.

Art. 8. Any natural person who has professional competence in the domain of Ancient and Medieval philosophy or the domain of Classical philology, knows the Centre’s statute, expresses their agreement with its conditions, expresses their intention to contribute to the achievement of the Centre’s objectives and completes an application for membership can become a member of the Centre. The application is analyzed and validated by the Centre’s General Assembly of the Centre Members.

Art. 9. The Centre can designate honorary members, natural persons from Romania or abroad, who, based on their activity, contribute to the increase of the Centre’s prestige. Honorary members cannot be appointed in the administrative, management and control boards of the Centre and have no voting rights.

Art. 10. All members of the Centre have the following obligations:

a) to respect the conditions of the Statute and the decisions of the management boards of the Centre;

b) to act towards the achievement of the objectives and to contribute through their activity to the increase of the Centre’s prestige;

c) not to take actions contrary to the conditions of the present statute and the Centre’s interests.

Art. 11. All members of the Centre have the following rights:

a) to choose and to be chosen in the administrative, management and control boards of the Centre;

b) to make suggestions of additions and changes to the present statute, in order to improve the activity of the Centre;

c) to consult the decisions and the reports of the General Assembly;

Art. 12. The Centre membership is revoked:

a) by request;

b) by exclusion, as a consequence of breaching the prezent statute or the decisions of the management boards or as a consequence of the respective person’s engagement in illegal actions.


Art. 13. The operating body of the Centre is the General Assembly of the Centre Members which considers itself legally constituted in the presence of 2/3 of the number of members. The General Assembly ordinarily meets once a year and in extraordinary cases at the request of one of the management boards mentioned in art. 14 or at a request submitted by at least 1 of the members of the Centre. The General Assembly has the following authority:

a) to modify the Statute of the Centre;

b) to assign and revoke the management bodies;

c) to decide the exclusion of members of the Centre;

d) to decide awarding the title of honorary member;

e) to approve the yearly administration Plan of the Centre’s funds.

Art. 14. The Centre has the following management and administration bodies:

a) the Director of the Centre;

b) the general scientific Secretary of the Centre.

Art. 15. The Director of the Centre is chosen by the Centre’s General Assembly, for a term of 4 years. The duties of the Director of the Centre are:

a) the management of current problems;

b) to represent the Centre in its relations with the “Babeș-Bolyai” University from Cluj-Napoca;

c) to represent the Centre in its relation with other research structures from Romania and abroad.

Art. 16. The general scientific Secretary of the Centre is proposed by the Director of the Centre and validated by the General Assembly of the Centre. The general scientific Secretary has the following duties:

a) to assure the communication with the members of the Centre;

b) to support the Director of the Centre in current activities;

c) to organise, update and archive documents regarding scientific activity;

d) to represent the Centre in the absence of and at the request of the Director;

e) to supervise the organising of the Centre’s research projects.


Art. 17. The dissolvation and liquidation of the Centre can be made only at the wish of the Centre’s members with a vote of 2/3 of the members’ total number, or in situations established by law.

Art. 18. The Centre can acquire legal personality in the conditions established by law and by the decision of the General Assembly of the Members of the Centre.

Art. 19. Any litigation regarding the Centre will be resolved amicably or in court.

Art. 20. The present Statute is completed by the other legal provisions in force.

The present Statute was adopted at the meeting of the General Constitution Assembly of June 1st 2004 and amended at the extraordinary meeting of November 21st 2013.