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Corpus Aristotelicum
Univers Enciclopedic Gold Publishing House
The project of a complete and bilingual version of Aristotle’s works was born in 2013 during the collaboration between the Centre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy and Univers Enciclopedic Gold Publishing House from Bucharest. Relying on some of the translations already published and initiating new others, the project aims at carrying out the translations of Aristotle’s works or belonging to the corpus that was attributed to him in order to offer the students and researchers the essential material to any philosophical and scientific development. The particularity of this version resides in the effort to adapt these translations and commentaries in order to ensure the maximum of transparency in the Romanian version of the Aristotelian text and to make possible the use of these translations in understanding Greek, Syrian, Arab, Hebrew and Latin commentary traditions.
Published volumes:
1. Aristotle, Despre suflet (On the soul), second edition, translation and commentaries by Alexander Baumgarten, Bucharest, 2013.
2. Aristotle, Politica (Politics), third edition, translation and commentaries by Alexander Baumgarten, Bucharest, 2014.
3. Aristotle, Fizica (Physics), translation and commentaries by Alexander Baumgarten, Bucharest, 2018.
Works in progress:
4. Aristotle, Retorica (Rhetoric), second edition, translation by Cristina Andrieş and commentaries by Ştefan Maftei.
5. Aristotle, Despre părţile animalelor (On the parts of animals), translation and commentaries by Andrei Bereschi.
6. Aristotle, Analiticele I-II (Analitics I-II), translation and commentaries by Alexander Baumgarten.