501x-caj1.7Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
502x-caj1.8Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
503x-caj1.9Cajori, FlorianThe History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limitsda
504x-cha1.1 Chappel, V.C. Time and Zeno's Arrowda
505x-chi1.1Chihara, Charles S.On the Possibility of Completing an Infinite Processda
506x-cor5.1Corbett, S.M. Zeno's 'Achilles": A Reply to John McKieda
507x-fra1.1 Frankel, HermannZeno of Elea's Attacks on Pluralityda
508x-fra1.2Frankel, HermannZeno of Elea's Attacks on Pluralityda
509x-gla1.1 Glazebrook, TrishZeno against Mathematical Physisda
510x-gru1.1 Gruender, C. DavidThe Achilles Paradox and Transinfinite Numbersda
511x-har1.1 Harrison, Andrew Zenon's Paper Chaseda
512x-jon3.1 Jones, Philip ChapinAchilles and the Tortoiseda
513x-lee1.1 Lee, Harold N.Are Zeno's Paradoxes Based on a Mistake?da
514x-may1.1 Mayo, Bernard Shooting It Out With Zenoda
515x-mck1.1McKie, John R.The Persusasiveness of Zeno's Paradoxesda
516x-mor2.1Morris, Charles W.Has Russel Passed the Tortoise?da
517x-mue1.1Mueller, IanZeno's Paradoxes and Continuityda
518x-qua1.1Quan, Stanislaus The solution of Zeno's first paradoxda
519x-sch9David S. SchwayderAchilles Unboundda
520x-she2.1Sherry, David M.Zeno's Metrical Paradox Revisitedda
521x-swe1.1Swenson, David F. The Logical Significance of the Paradoxes of Zenoda
522x-vla1.4Vlastos, Gregory Plato's Testimony concerning Zeno of Eleada
523x-wed1.1Wedeking, Gary A.On a Finitist "Solution" to some Zenonian Paradoxesda
524x-wis1.1Wisdom, J.O.Why Achilles does not Fail to Catch the Tortoiseda
525x-dob1.1Dobbs, Darrel Choosing Justice: Socratese' Model City and the Practice of Dialecticda
526x-jac1.1Jackson, Robin Socrates' Ialoas: Myth and Eristic in Plato's Euthydemusda
527x-ker1.1Kerferd, G.B. Plato's Noble Art of Sophistryda
528x-klo1.4Klosko, G.Criteria of Fallacy and Sophistry for Use in the Analysis of Platonic Dialoguesda
529x-klo1.1 Klosko, GeorgePlato and the Morality of Fallacyda
530x-klo1.2 Klosko, George The Insufficiency of Reason in Plato's Gorgiasda
531x-klo1.3 Klosko, GeorgeThe Refutation of Callicles in Plato's 'Gorgias"da
532x-min1.1 Minardi, StefanoOn Some Aspects of Platonic Divisionda
533x-mor5.1 Morrison, J.S. Socrates and Antiphonda
534x-mor6.1Morrow, Glenn R. Palto's Conception of Persuasionda
535x-neu1.1Neumann, Harry On the Sophistry of Plato's Pausaniasda
536x-pec1.1Peck, A.L. Plato's Parmenides: Some Suggestions for Its Interpretationda
537x-ram1.1 Ramage, Edwin S.An Early Trace on Socratic Dialogueda
538x-rob1.2 Robinson, Richard Plato's Consciousness of Fallacyda
539x-rob1.1Robinson, Richard Up and down in Plato's Logicda
540x-ryl1.1 Ryle, Gilbert Plato's 'Parmenides'da
541x-sch10Edward SchiappaDid Plato Coin Rhetorikeda
542x-sco1.1Scoon, Robert Plato's Parmenidesda
543x-sha2.1Sharvy, Richard Plato's Causal Logic and the Third Man Argumentda
544x-tat2.1Tate, J. Socrates an the Mythsda
545x-vla1.1 Vlastos, GregoryElenchus and Mathematics: A Turning-Point in Plato's Philosophical Developmentda
546x-vla1.2 Vlastos, Gregory "Self-Predication" in Plato's Latter Periodda
547x-vla1.3Vlastos, Gregory The Socratic Elenchusda
548x-wol2.1 Wolfsdorf, D.The Historical Reader of Plato's Protagorasda
549X-car3.1 Carreras y Artau, JoaquínInfluencia de Ramon Llull en pensamiento teologico-filosofico de los siglos XIV y XVda
550X-nar1.2Narbonne, Jean-Marc La methaphysique de Plotinda
551X-blu1.6Blumenthal, Henry J.Some problems about body and soul in later pagan neoplatonism: Do they follow a pattern?da
552X-blu1.4Blumenthal, Henry J.Plotinus Adaptation of Aristotle's Psychology: Sensation, Imagination and Memoryda
553x-arm1.1 Armstrong, A. H.Form, Individual and Person in Plotinusda
554X-rap1.1 Rappe, Sara Self-knowledge and subjectivity in the Enneadsda
555X-ome1.1O'Meara, Dominic J.The hierarchical ordering of the reality in Plotinusda
556X-cry1.1 Crystal, Ian Plotinus on the Structure of Self-Intellectionda
557X-arm1.2Armstrong, A. H.The Background of the Doctrine "That the Intelligibles are not Outside the Intellectda
558X-had1.2Pierre HadotLa conception Plotinienne de l'identité entre l'intellect et son objetda
559X-jon2.1#2 Jonas., HansThe soul in gnosticism and Plotinusda
560X-hoe1.3Maarten J. F. M. HoenenHeymeric van de Velde (1460) und die Geschichte des Albertismusda
561X-chu1.1Chuvin, Pierre ; Fayant, Marie-Christine (trad.)Paul le Silentaire. Description de Sainte Sophie Constantinopleda
562X-cla1.1 Clasen, Sophronius O. F. M.Der studiengang an der kolner artistenfakultatda
563X-dro1.1Dronke, PeterThe Return of Eurydiceda
564X-PHI3.1Philippus Cancellarius ParisiensisSumma de bono; pars priorda
565X-put1.2Putallaz, Francois-Xavier La connaissance de soi au Moyen Age: Siger de Brabantda
566x-ack1.2 Ackrill, J. L. Aristotle's Definitions of Psucheda
567x-ris1.3Rist, John M.Integration and the undescended soul in Plotinusda
568x-blu1.5Blumenthal, Henry J.Soul and Body (chapter 2 in Plotinus ' Psychology)da
569x-mee1.1 Meersseman, G.Een Nederlandsch Koncilientheoloog - Emeric Van de Velde († 1460)da
570x-bal1.1Balberghe, Emile vanSylvain van de Weyer et la vente des manuscrits de Parc in 1829da
571x-saf1.3Saffrey, Henri-DominiqueProclus, diadoque de Platonda
572x-sch5.21Chris SchabelThe Quaestiones Libri Physicorum by Franciscus Marbres (alias Johannes Canonicus). Part I: Author, Text and Receptionda
573SCH5.3Schabel, ChristopherDominican Anti-Thomism: James of Metz's Question on DIvine Foreknowledge with a rebuttal from the Correctorium Iacobi Metensisda
574X-mom1.1Mommsen, Theodor E.Petrarch`s conception of the "Dark ages"da
575X-she1.1Sheppard, AnnePhantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De anima, 3.3da
576X-ver1.1#2 Verbeke, Gerard Les progres de l'Aristotel latin: Le cas du De Animada
577X-ada1.1#2Adamson, PeterAristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinusda
578x-bla1.2#2Blazek, P.Congres terminesda
579X-fla1.1#2Flasch, KurtKennt die mittelalterliche Philosophie die konstitutive Funktion des menschlichen Denkens? Eine Untersuchung zu Dietrich von Freibergda
580X-had1.3#2Hadot, PierreLa distiction de l'étre et de l'éfant dans le "De hebdomadibus" de Boéceda
581X-kuk1.1#2Kukkonen, TaneliPlenitude, Possibility and the limits of reason: A Medieval Arabic debate on the metaphysics of natureda
582x-kuk1.3Kukkonen, TaneliPossible worlds in the Tahafut al-tahafut: Averroes on Plenitude and Possibilityda
583x-lib1.2#2Libera, Alain de Philosphie et censureda
584x-nar1.1#2Narbonne, Jean-Marc Levinas et le platonismeda
585x-sol1.1#2Solere, Jean-LucNeoplatonisme et rhetorique: Gilles de Rome et la premiere proposition du ,,De causis"da
586x-sto2.1Stone, Martin W F.Moral Psychology afer 1277: Did the Parisian Condemnation Make a Difference to Philosophical Discussions of Human Agency?da
587X-van3.1Vanni Rovighi, Sofia"Ratio" in Saint'Anselmo d'Aostada
588X-wei1.2#2Weijers OlgaDe la joute dialectique a la dispute Scolastiqueda
589X-wei1.6#2Weijers Olga La commission Léonine et l'histoire intelectuelle du XIIIe siécleda
590x-loh1.1Lohr, CharlesChaos nach Roman Lull und Nikolaus von Kuesda
591X-kal1.5Kaluza, ZenonUn manuel de théologie en usage a l`Université de Cracovie : le commentaire des Sentences dit Utrum Deus gloriosusda