Nr.CotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
2541ERA1.2Desiderius ErasmusPanegiric pentru Filip. Educarea principelui creştinda
2542SAL5.1Salonen, KirsiPapal justice in the late Middle Ages. The Sacra Romana Rotanu
2543HOF5.1Hoffe, Otfried, Imbach, RuediParadigmes de theologie philosophiqueda
2544CHI2.1Chindea, GabrielParadoxul transcendenţei la Aristotel şi Plotinda
2545LEF1.1Leff, GordonParis and Oxford Universities in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuryda
2546SCO1.5Johannes Duns ScotusPariser Vorlesungen über Wissen und Kontingenzda
2547COU5.2Courtenay, William J.Parisian scholars in the early fourteenth century. A social portraitda
2548FAB1.1Fabro, CornelioParticipation et causalite selon Thomas d'Aquinda
2549ARI1.65AristotelParva naturalia : scurte tratate de ştiinţe naturaleda
2550HOE1.4Hoenen, M. J. F. M; Engel, Karsten (eds.)Past and future. Medieval studies todayda
2551VIS1.1Claude VIshnu Spaak et Ovidiu Stanciu (dir.)Patocka, Lecteur d'Aristote. Phenomenologie, ontologie, cosmologieda
2552BAD2.1Cristian Badilita (ed.)Patristique et oecumenismeda
2553LTHK8Buchberger, MichaelPatron bis Rudolfda
2554COV1.1Cova, LucianoPeccato originale. Agostino e il Medioevoda
2555PET6.1.1Pelagie la Penitente, Pierre PetitmenginPelagie la Penitente. Metamorphoses d'une legende Ida
2556PET6.1.2Pelagie la Penitente, Pierre PetitmenginPelagie la Penitente. Metamorphoses d'une legende IIda
2557MEI1.5Meirinhos, José; Lázaro Pulido, Manuel (org.)Pensar a naturalezada
2558AMI1.1Amir-Moezzi, Mohammad Ali; Dubois, J. D.; Jullien, C.; Jullien, F. (eds.)Pensée grecque et sagesse d'orient: hommage à Michel Tardieuda
2559NAR1.1Narbonne, Jean-Marc; Reckermann, Alfons (ed.)Pensees de l'"Un" dans l'histoire de la philosophieda
2560LIB1.4Libera, Alain dePenser au Moyen Ageda
2561GEI1.1Geiger, Louis-BertrandPenser avec Thomas d'Aquinda
2562VAS1.5Vasiliu, AncaPenser Dieu: Noetique Et Metaphysique Dans L'antiquite Tardiveda
2563ROS5.1 Saetta Cottone, Rossella (ed.)Penser les dieux avec les présocratiquesda
2564PPM1.1***Pensiero politico medievaleda
2565GOF1.2Le Goff, JacquesPentru un alt Ev Mediu : valori umaniste în cultura şi civilizaţia Evului Mediuda
2566BEC1.1Beccarisi, A; Imbach und Pasquale PorroPer perscrutationem philosophicam da
2567FLS1.6Beccarisi, Alessandra; Palazzo, Alessandro (eds.)Per studium et doctrinam. Fonti e testi di filosofia medievale dal XII al XIV secoleda
2568BRUO2.2Figorilli, Maria CristinaPer una bibliografia di Giordano Bruno: (1800 - 1999)da
2569REA1.1Reale, GiovanniPer una nuova interpretazione di Platoneda
2570COU3.1Coulter, M. DalePer visibilia ad invisibilia. Theological method in Richard of St. Victorda
2571ROG1.3Rogers, Kathrin Perfect Being Theologyda
2572PTO1.4PtolemeusPeri kritikou kai hegemonikouda
2573ERI1.7.2Iohannes Scotus EriugenaPeriphyseon. Liber Secundusda
2574MUS1.2Musca, VasilePermanenta idealismuluida
2575STR2.2Strauss, LeoPersecution and the art of writingda
2576MON5.1MontesquieuPersianische Briefeda
2577THO1.29.6***Persona, legge naturale, diritti umani in una società complessa e globale nu
2578JOL1.5Jolivet, JeanPerspectives médiévales et arabesda
2579ROS1.2Rosemann, Philipp W.Peter Lombardda
2580COL3.1.1Marcia L. Colish (ed.)Peter Lombard vol. Ida
2581COL3.1.2Marcia L. Colish (ed.)Peter Lombard vol. IIda
2582AUV1.1Pierre de Auvergne; Griet Galle (ed.)Peter of Auvergne Questions on Aristotle's De Caelonu
2583HIS1.2Petrus HispanusPeter of spain, Questiones super libro 'De animalibus' aristotelisda
2584THO1.7Thomas d'AquinPetite somme politique (ant. D. Sureau)da
2585ARI1.61AristotelPetits traites d'histoire naturelleda
2586LOM1.1Petrus Lombardus; Migne, J.-P. (ed.)Petri Lombardi Senteriarum Libri Quatuorda
2587KOG1.1Kogel, JuliusPetrus Lombardus in seiner Stellung zur Philosophie des Mittelaltersda
2588AMB1.1AmbrosiusPflichtenlehre und Ausgewählte Kleinere Schriftenda
2592LEV1.1Lévy, Carlos (ed.)Philon d'Alexandrie et le langage de la philosophieda
2593SOR1.1Sorabji, RichardPhiloponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Scienceda
2594CAS1.4Cassin, Barbara Philosopher en langues. Les intraduisibles en traductionda
2595BAR6.1J. Barnes, M.Griffin (eds.)Philosophia togata, I, Essays on Philosophy and Roman Societyda
2596BAR6.2J. Barnes, M.Griffin (eds.)Philosophia togata, Ii, Plato and Aristotle at Romeda
2597BRI2.3Brînzei, Monica; Schabel, Cristopher (eds.)Philosophical psychology in late-medieval commentaries on Peter Lombard's Sentencesda
2598VIG1.2Vignaux, PaulPhilosophie au moyen agenu
2599STE3.3Van Steenberghen, FernandPhilosophie des Mittelaltersda
2600GUE1.1Guelluy, RobertPhilosophie et Théologie chez Guillaume d'Ockhamda
2601MUL1.1Müller, Gernot Michael; Zini, Fosca Mariani (eds.)Philosophie in Rom - Römische Philosophie? : Kultur-, literatur- und philosophiegeschichtliche Perspektivenda
2602CUS1.5Nicolaus CusanusPhilosophische und Theologische Schriftenda
2603HOE1.3Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; Schneider, J. H. Josef; Wieland, GeorgPhilosophy and Learning. Universities in the Middle Agesda
2604ADA3.2Adamson, Peter ed.Philosophy and medicine in the formative period of Islamda
2605CLA7.1Clark, Gillian; Rajak, Tessa (eds.)Philosophy and power in the Graeco-Roman world : essays in honour of Miriam Griffinda
2606CUR1.1Curuţ, Ioana FlaviaPhilosophy and Theology at the University of Vienna in the XVth Century: The Case of Thomas Ebendorferda
2607EME1.1Emery, Kent; Friedman, Russell (eds)Philosophy and theology in the long middle agesda
2608EME1.2Emery, Kent; Courteney, William (eds.)Philosophy and theology in the studia of the religious orders and at papal and royal courtsda
2609HYM1.1Hyman, Arthur, Walsh, James J. (eds.)Philosophy in the Middle Agesda
2610PHI7.1Westermann, Antonius Philostratorum et Callistrati operada
2611GRA3.1Grammont, MauricePHONETIQUE DU GREC ANCIENda
2613PLO1.8          Phronesis. Aug.2001, Vol. 46da
2619ARI1.24.1AristotlePhysics, I-IVda
2620ARI1.24.2AristotlePhysics, V-VIIIda
2622CHE2.1Dennis Des ChenePhysiologia. Natural Philosophy in Late Aristotelian and Cartesian Thoughtda
2623PHY1.1          Physiologus latinusda
2624GON1.1 Gonsette, J.Pierre Damien et la culture profaneda
2625OLI2.4Alain Boureau et Sylvain (eds.)Pierre de Jean OLivi (1248-1298), pensee scolastique, dissidence spirituelle et societeda
2626DAV3.1Davidson, Arnold I.; Worms, Frederic (eds.)Pierre Hadot, l'enseignement des antiques, l'enseignement des modernesda
2627DEL1.1Delhaye, PhilippePierre Lombard. Sa vie, ses oeuvres, sa moraleda
2628MAC5.1MacCoinnich, Aonghas Plantation and civility in the North Atlantic world: the case of the northern Hebrides, 1570 - 1639da
2629KEU1.1Keuls, Eva C.Plato And Greek Paintingda
2630ROB1.1Robinson, RichardPlato's Earlier Dialecticda
2631PLA1.25PlatoPlato's Ioda
2632COR3.1Cornford, Francis M.Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist)da
2633BOB3.1Bobonich, ChristopherPlato's utopia recast : his later ethics and politics da
2634VLA2.1Vlastos, GregoryPlato: a collection of critical essayda
2635TAY1.2Taylor, A. E,Plato: the man and his workda
2636NIE3.1Nietzsche, Friedrich ; Merker, Anne (ed.)Platonda
2637TAY1.1 Taylor, A. E.Platonda
2638SCH6.1Schuhl, Pierre-MaximePlaton et l'art de son temps (Arts plastiques)da
2639PAT3.1Patocka, JanPlaton et L'Europeda
2640MAT3.1Mattéi, Jean-FrançoisPlaton et le miroir du mythe: de l'âge d'or à l'Atlantide da