[Elena Firea] Gerhard Jaritz (ed.), Angels, Devils. The Supernatural and Its Visual

Representation (Budapest: Central European University Press, 2011), 205 pp., ISBN 978-615-5053-21-4

[Doina-Elena Crăciun] Ana Marinković - Trpimir Vedriš (eds.), Identity and Alterity in Hagiography and the Cult of Saints (Zagreb: Hagiotheca, 2010), 287 pp., ISBN 978-953-56205-0-1


[Sever Oancea] C. Scott Dixon - Dagmar Freist - Mark Greengrass (eds.), Living with Religious Diversity in Early-Modern Europe (Farnham: Ashgate, 2009), 295 pp., ISBN 978-0-7546-6668-4

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[Sever Oancea] Jaroslav Miller - László Kontler (eds.), Friars, Nobles and Burghers - Sermons, Images and Prints. Studies of Culture and Society in Early-Modern Europe. In Memoriam István György Tóth (Budapest - New York: CEU Press, 2010) 448 pp., ISBN 978-9639776678

[Emese Rácz] András Emődi, A szatmári római katolikus egyházmegye műemlékkönyvtárának régi állománya. Altbücherbestand der Bibliothek der Diözese in Sathmar. Fondul de carte veche al bibliotecii eparhiale din Satu Mare. Katalógus: 1701 előtti külföldi nyomtatványok. Régi Magyar Könyvtár [The Old Book Collection of the Roman Catholic Diocesan Heritage Library of Satu Mare. A Catalogue: Foreign Prints from Before 1701. Old Hungarian Library] /A Kárpátmedence magyar könyvtárainak régi könyvei. Albbücherbestände ungarischer Bibliotheken im Karpatenbecken. Cărţi vechi ale bibliotecilor maghiare din Bazinul Carpatic, 5/ (Nagyvárad: Szatmári Római Katolikus Püspökség - Varadinum Script, 2010), 237 pp., ISBN 978-606-92421-2-4

[Lucian Turcu] Barbara Skinner, The Western Front of the Eastern Church. Uniate and Orthodox Conflict in Eighteenth-century Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia (DeKalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press, 2009), 295 pp., ISBN 10- 0875804071

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