Colloquia Journal of Central European History Volume XIII, No 1-2, 2006

A. Politics, Society and Material Culture in Medieval and Early Modern Transylvania and Banat
Attila Zsoldos, ‘The Siege of Codlea'.
B. Frontiers. Borders, Limits: Politics, Material Culture ands Symbolic Meaning
Ştefan Ghenciulescu, ‘Frontiers and Habitation: The Case of Bucharest'.
View Points
Henry Pillsbury, ‘How can someone be Romanian? Notes of an American Tourist, 1971'.
Source Book
Tamás Fejér and Anikó Szász, ‘The so-called Libri Regii: Protocols of the Transylvanian Princes'.
Zsolt Bogdándi and Emőke Gálfi, ‘The Alba Iulia Chapter of Authentication after Secularization.
Ioan Drăgan, ‘Zsigmond Jakó - A Report on the Archives of Oradea in 1949'.
Profile Zsigmond Jakó
András Kubinyi, ‘Zsigmond Jakó, The Scholar of History'.
Interview with Zsigmoind Jakó, initiated by Mária Lupescu Makó.
In honorem Zsigmond Jakó
In Memoriam
Daniela Mârza, ‘In memoriam Gheorghe Platon'
Robert Nagy, ‘In memoriam András Magyari'