
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
2051CarteGHO1.1Ghosh, Kantik; Soukup, Pavel (eds.)Wycliffism and Hussitism : methods of thinking, writing, and persuasion, c.1360-c.1460da
2052CarteGIE2.1Giele, Maurice; Steenberghen, Fernand van; Bazan, Bernard (eds.)Trois commentaires anonymes sur le traite De l'ame d'Aristoteda
2053CarteGIE1.1Gierens, M. (ed.)Controversia de aeternitate mundida
2054CarteCRI2.1Gilbert Crispin (Abbot of Westminster)Disputatio iudaei et christiani ; Disputatio christiani cum gentili de fide Christida
2055CarteOUY1.1.1Gilbert OuyLes Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. Ida
2056CarteOUY1.1.2Gilbert OuyLes Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. IIda
2057CarteVIT2.1Giles of ViterboThe Commentary on the Sentences of Petrus Lombardusda
2058CarteGIL3.1Gill, Christopher; Postlethwaite, Norman; Seaford, Richard (eds.)Reciprocity in ancient Greeceda
2059CarteGIL2.1Gilmont, Jean-Francois; Vanautgaerden, AlexandreLes instruments de travail a la Rennaissanceda
2060ArticolX-gil1.1Gilson, Etienne Sens et nature de l'argument de Saint Anselmeda
2061CarteGIL1.7Gilson, EtienneL'esprit de la philosohpie medievaleda
2062CarteGIL1.1Gilson, EtienneIndex scolastico-cartesienda
2063CarteGIL1.4Gilson, EtienneLa philosophie de Saint Bonaventureda
2064CarteGIL1.5Gilson, EtienneJean Duns Scot, Introduction a ses positions fondamentalesda
2065CarteGIL1.6Gilson, EtienneLes sources greco-arabes de l'augustinisme avicennisantda
2066CarteGIL1.2Gilson, Etienne et aliiJacques Maritain: son oeuvre philosophiqueda
2067CarteGIO1.1Gioacchino da FioreSull'Apocalipse. Traduzione e cura din Andrea Tagliapetrada
2068CarteGIR3.1Giraud, Cédric (ed.)A companion to twelfth-century schoolsda
2069CarteGIR3.1#2Giraud, Cédric (ed.)A companion to twelfth-century schoolsnu
2070CarteGIR3.2Giraud, Cédric; Morard, Martin (eds.)Universitas scolarium : mélanges offerts à Jacques Verger par ses anciens étudiantsda
2071CarteGIR4.1Giraud, Eleonor J.; Leitmeir, Christian Thomas (eds.)The Medieval Dominicans : books, buildings, music, and liturgynu
2072CarteGIR2.1Giraudeau, MicheleLes Notions Juridiques Et Sociales Chez Herodoteda
2073CarteGIR1.1Girgenti, GiuseppeIl pensiero forte di Porfirio. Mediazione fra henologia platonica e ontologia aristotelicada
2074CarteGLE1.1Glenisson, Jean (dir.)Le Livre au Moyen Ageda
2075CarteGLO1.1.2Glorieux, PalemonLa litterature quodlibetique, vol. IIda
2076CarteGLO1.1.1Glorieux, PalémonLa litterature quodlibetique de 1260 a 1320da
2077CarteGLO1.3Glorieux, PalémonPour revaloriser Migne. Tables Rectificativesda
2078CarteGLO1.2.1Glorieux, PalémonAux origines de la Sorbonne. Vol. I Robert de Sorbonnu
2079CarteGLO1.2.2Glorieux, PalémonAux origines de la Sorbonne. Vol. II Le cartulaireda
2080CarteHTKNT10.1Gnilka, JoachimDer Kolosserbriefda
2081CarteHTKNT10.2Gnilka, JoachimDer Epheserbriefda
2082CarteHTKNT10.3Gnilka, JoachimDer Philipperbriefda
2083CarteHTKNT10.4Gnilka, JoachimDer Philemonbriefda
2084CarteGOD1.1Goddu, AndréCopernicus and the Aristotelian Traditionda
2085CarteGOD2.2Godescalc de NepomukTeologia ca dispoziţie ştiinţifică. Prologul Comentariului la Cartea Sentinţelor da
2086CarteGOD2.1Godescalp de NepomukSuper libros sententiarum. Ms. Kraków, BJ 1499da
2087CarteBIBL1.45Golob, Nataša,; Vodopivec, Jedert (ed.)Bookbindings : theoretical approaches and practical solutions da
2088CarteGOM1.1.2Gomperz, TheodorThe Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.2da
2089CarteGOM1.1.3Gomperz, TheodorThe Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.3da
2090CarteGOM1.1.1Gomperz, TheodorThe Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.1da
2091CarteGOO1.1Goodenough, Erwin R.An Introduction to PHILO JUDAEUSda
2092CarteGOO1.2Goodenough, Erwin R.THE POLITICS OF PHILO JUDAEUS. Practice and Theoryda
2093CarteGOS1.1Gosden, DavidStarting to Read Medieval Latin Manuscriptda
2094CarteGOS2.1Gosling, J. C. B.; Taylor, C. C. The Greeks on Pleasureda
2095CarteGOT1.1.1Gottschall, D; Sterr, G;Der deutsche `Lucidarius´(vol. I)da
2096CarteGOT1.2Gottschall, DagmarKonrad von Megenbergs, Buch von den natürlichen Dingenda
2097Articolx-tew1Gotz-Rudiger TewesDie papstliche Kurie und die Lehre an der Pariser Universitat im 13. Jahrhundertda
2098CarteGOU4.1Gouguenheim, SylvainAristote au Mont Saint Michelda
2099CarteGOU3.1Goulet- Caze, Marie-Odile (ed.)Etudes sur la theorie stoicienne de l'actionda
2100CarteCAZ2.1Goulet-Cazé, Marie-OdileLe cynisme : une philosophie antiqueda
2101CarteGOU2.2Goullet, Monique; Parisse, MichelTraduire le latin médiévalda
2102CarteGOU2.1Goullet, Monique; Parisse, MichelApprendre le latin médiévalda
2103Articolx-gou1.1Gourinat MichelLa doctrine platonicienne de l'ame du monde d'apres le ,,De anima" d'Aristoteda
2104CarteGOU1.1Gourinat, Jean-BaptisteLa dialectique des stoïciensnu
2105Articolx-gra1.1Grabman, M.Die lehre vom intellectus possibilis und intellectus agens im liber de anima des Petrus Hispanus des speteren Papstes Johannes XXIda
2106CarteGRA1.1Grabmann, MartinDie mittelalterlichen Kommentare zur Politik des Aristotelesda
2107CarteGRA2.1Gracia, Jorge J. E.Individuation in Scholasticismda
2108CarteGRA2.2Gracia, Jorge J. E.Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Agesda
2109CarteGRA2.3Gracia, Jorge J. E. (ed.)Individuation in Later Scholasticism and Counter-Reformation. 1150-1650da
2110CarteGRA6.2Graham, W. DanielAristotle's two systemsda
2111CarteGRA6.3Graham, W. DanielExplaining the Cosmos: The Ionian Tradition of Scientific Philosophynu
2112CarteGRA6.1.1Graham, W. Daniel (ed.)The texts of early Greek philosophy : the complete fragments and selected testimonies of the major Presocratics. Part Ida
2113CarteGRA6.1.2Graham, W. Daniel (ed.)The texts of early Greek philosophy : the complete fragments and selected testimonies of the major Presocratics. Part IIda
2114CarteGRA3.1Grammont, MauricePHONETIQUE DU GREC ANCIENda
2115CarteGRA4.1Granarolo, JeanD`Ennius a Catulle. Recherches sur les antecedents romains de la "poesie nouvelle"da
2116Articolx-gra2.1Granel GerardLudwig Wittgenstein ou Le refus de la couronneda
2117CarteLIC1.1Granius LicinianusRelivaeda
2118Articolx-gra3.1Grant, EdwardThe translation of Greek an Arabic Science into Latinda
2119CarteGRA5.1Grant, Jeanne E. For the Common Good. The Bohemian Land Law and the Beginning of the Hussite Revolutionda
2120CarteGRA7.1Grasso, Christian; Miglio, Massimo (eds.)Eretico ed erotico nel Medioevo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi (Roma, 1-2 dicembre 2016)da
2121CarteGRE6.1Green, J. R.Theatre in ancient Greek societyda
2122CarteGRE5.2Green, Monica H.Women's Healthcare in the Medieval Westda
2123CarteGRE5.1Green, Monica H.Making Women's Medicine Masculine. The Rise of Male Authority in Pe-Modern Gynaecology.da
2124ArticolX-gre1.1Greene, Robert A.Instinct of nature: natural law, synderesis, and the moral senseda
2125CarteGRE4.1Greenhalgh, MichaelConstantinople to Cordoba. Dismantling ancient architecture in the East, North Africa and Islamic Spainda
2126CarteGRE4.2Greenhalgh, MichaelMarble past, monumental present. Building with antiquities in the mediaeval Mediterraneanda
2127CarteNAZ1.1Gregor von NazianzReden 1-20da
2128CarteNYS1.2Gregor von NyssaSchriftenda
2129CarteGRE3.1.1Gregorii Ariminensis OESALectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus I (Dist 1-6)da
2130CarteGRE3.1.2Gregorii Ariminensis OESALectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus II Super Primum (Dist 7-17)da
2131CarteGRE3.1.3Gregorii Ariminensis OESALectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus III Super Primum (Dist 19-48)da
2132CarteGRE1.3.1Gregorio MagnoStorie di santi et di diavoli, vol. Ida
2133CarteGRE1.3.2Gregorio MagnoStorie di santi et di diavoli, vol. IIda
2134CarteGRE3.2Gregorius (de Arimino)Lectura super secundum Sententiarum, distinctiones 34-37da
2135CarteGRE3.1.7Gregorius AriminensisLectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus VII Indicesda
2136CarteGRE3.1.6Gregorius AriminensisLectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus VI Super Secundum (Dist 24-44)da
2137CarteGRE3.1.5Gregorius AriminensisLectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus V Super Secundum (Dist 6-18)da
2138CarteGRE3.1.4Gregorius AriminensisLectura Super Primum et Secundum Sententiarum. Tomus IV Super Secundum (Dist 1-5)da
2139CarteGRE1.2Gregorius MagnusHomiliae in Hiezechihelemda
2140CarteGRE1.1.2Gregorius MagnusDialogues IIda
2141CarteNAZ1.2Gregorius NazianzenusChristus patiensda
2142CarteGRE2.7Grellard, ChristopheLa possibilità dell'errore. Pensare la tolleranza nel Medioevoda
2143CarteGRE2.6Grellard, ChristopheDe la certitude volontaire: débats nominalistes sur la foi à la fin du Moyen Âgeda
2144CarteGRE2.1Grellard, ChristopheCroire et savoir les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d' Autrecourtda
2145CarteGRE2.2Grellard, ChristopheJean de Salisbury et la Renaissance medievale du scepticismeda
2146CarteGRE2.3Grellard, Christophe (ed.)Miroir de l'amitié: mélanges offerts à Joël Biard à l'occasion de ses 65 ansda
2147CarteGRE2.4Grellard, Christophe; Lachaud, Frederique (eds.)Jean de Salisbury, Nouvelles lectures, nouveaux enjeux da
2148CarteGRE2.5Grellard, Christophe; Lachaud, Frederique (eds.)A companion to John of Salisburyda
2149Articolx-gri1.1Grignaschi MarioLe role de l'aristotelisme dans le << Defensor Pacis >> de Marsile de Padoueda
2150CarteGRE1.4Grigore cel Mare, Cristina Horotan (trad.)Dialogurida