
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
281CarteARI1.52.1AristotelAristoteles graece ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri, vol. 1da
282CarteARI1.52.2AristotelAristoteles graece ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri, vol. 2da
283CarteARI1.52.3AristotelAristoteles graece ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri, vol. 3da
284CarteARI1.52.4AristotelAristoteles graece ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri, vol. 4da
285CarteARI1.52.5AristotelAristoteles graece ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri, vol. 5da
286CarteARI1.52.6AristotelAristoteles graece ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri, vol. 6da
287CarteARI1.52.7AristotelAristoteles latine ex recensione Immanuelis Bekkeri, vol. 7da
288CarteLEH1.1Lehmann, Yves (ed.)Aristoteles Romanus. La reception de la science aristotelicienne dans l'Empire greco-romainda
289ArticolX-ada1.1#1Adamson, PeterAristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinusda
290ArticolX-ada1.1#2Adamson, PeterAristotelianism and the Soul in the Arabic Plotinusda
291CarteARI1.48Plezia, Marianus (ed.)Aristotelis epistularum fragmenta cum testamentoda
292CarteARI1.3AristotelAristotelis Physicada
293CarteARI1.46Plezia, Marianus (ed.)Aristotelis qui ferebatur Liber de pomoda
294CarteWEL1.1Wels, HenrikAristotelisches Wissen und Glauben im 15. Jahrhundertda
295ArticolX-koy1.1Koyre, AlexandreAristotelisme et platonisme dans la philosophie du Moyen Ageda
296CarteARO1.1Arosio, MarcoAristotelismo e Teologia da Alessandro di Hales a San Bonaventurada
297CarteBLU3.1Blumenthal, H. J. Aristotle and Neoplatonism in Late Antiquity. Interpretations of the De animada
298CartePET7.1Peters, F.E.Aristotle and the Arabs: The Aristotelian Tradition in Islam da
299Articolx-kin3.1King, Hugh R. Aristotle and the Paradoxes of Zenoda
300Articolx-kir2.1Kirwan, Christopher Aristotle and the So-called Fallacy of Equivocationda
301CarteSAN1.1Sandbach, F. H. Aristotle and the Stoicsda
302CarteMAR2.2Marenbon, John (ed.)Aristotle in Britain during the Middle Agesda
303Articolx-amb1.1Ambler, WayneAristotle on Nature and Politics: The Case of Slaveryda
304Articolx-mor1.1Moravcsik, J.M.E. Aristotle on Predicationda
305CarteHOO1.1Hood, Pamela MAristotle on the category of relationda
306Articolx-bur1.1 Burke, Richard J.Aristotle on the Limits of Argumentda
307Articolx-whe1.1Wheeler, Marcus Aristotle's Analysis of the Nature of Political Struggleda
308Articolx-nic1.1Nichols, Mary P.Aristotle's Defense of Rhetoricda
309Articolx-ack1.2 Ackrill, J. L. Aristotle's Definitions of Psucheda
310Articolx-cob1.1Coby, Patrick Aristotle's Four Conceptions of Politicsda
311Articolx-hes1.1 Hesse, Mary Aristotle's Logic of Analogyda
312CarteARI1.40.1Aristotel; Ross, W.D.Aristotle's Metaphysics, vol. Ida
313CarteARI1.40.2Aristotel; Ross, W.D.Aristotle's Metaphysics, vol. IIda
314CarteHAA1.1F. de Haas, J. MansfeldAristotle's On generation and Corruption, I, Symposium Aristotelicumda
315CarteLAN3.1#1Lang, Helen S.Aristotle's Physics and its medieval varietiesda
316CarteLAN3.1#2Lang, Helen S. Aristotle's Physics and its medieval varietiesda
317CarteLEE2.2Pieter de Leemans (ed.)Aristotle's Problemata in different Times and Tonguesda
318Articolx-ein1.1Einarson, BenedictAristotle's Protrepticus and the Structure of the Epinomisda
319Articolx-ros2.1 Rose, Lynn E.Aristotle's Syllogistic and the Fourth Figureda
320CarteGRA6.2Graham, W. DanielAristotle's two systemsda
321Articolx-mol1.1Moline, Jon Aristotle, Eubulides and the Soritesda
322Articolx-bar1.1 Barnes, JonathanAristotle, Menaechmus, and Circular Proofda
323CarteJAE1.1Jaeger, WernerAristotle.Fundamentals of the history of his Developmentnu
324CarteARN4.1Arnaldus de Villanova, Michael R. McVaugh (ed.)Arnaldi de Villanova Opera medica omnia, v. 2, Tractatus de humido radicali da
325CarteLUL1.2Raimundus LullusArs brevisda
326CarteARI1.13AristotelArs Rhetoricada
327CarteANA1.1AnaximeneArs Rhetoricada
328CarteVIC1.1Caius Iulius VictorArs Rhetoricada
329CartePEL2.1PelagoniusArs veterinariada
330CarteRAC1.2Rachiteanu, Eugen Arta şi estetica franciscană în secolele XIII-XIVda
331CarteROS2.2Rosier-Catach, IrèneArts du langage et théologie aux confins des XIe-XIIe sièclesda
332CarteJOL1.2Jolivet, JeanArts du langage et théologie chez Abélardda
333CarteART1.1Arts Liberaux et Philosophie au Moyen Ageda
334CarteMEI1.6Meirinhos, José; Oliveira e Silva, Paula (org.)As Disputaçoes Metafisicas de Francisco Suárezda
335CarteSOU1.1de Souza, José Antonio de C. R. (org.)As Relaçoes de Poder: do Cisma do Ocidente a Nicolau de Cusada
336ArticolX-jol1.13 Jolivet, JeanAspects de la pense medievale: Abelard. Doctrines du langageda
337CarteINW1.2Inwood, Brad (ed.)Assent and argumentda
338ArticolX-alv1.1Alverny, Marie-Thérèse D'Astrologues et Theologiens au XII Siecleda
339CarteKEN2.1Kennedy, Edward S.Astronomy and astrology in the Medieval Islamic worldda
340ArticolX-mic2.1Michou, CyrilleAsymetries: Thomas d'Aquin et Guillaume d'Occam precurseurs de Fregeda
341CarteARI1.58AristotelAthenaion Politeiada
342CarteBOE4.1Boegehold, Alan L.; Scafuro, C. Adele (eds.)Athenian identity and civic ideologyda
343CarteARI1.17AristotelAtheniensium Respublicada
344CarteVOI2.1Armand-Alexandru, VoinovAtitudinea faţă de sinucidere în platonism şi neoplatonismda
345CarteLUT1.1Lüthy, Christoph; Nicoli, Elena (eds.)Atoms, corpuscles and minima in the Renaissanceda
346CartePAB1.1Pabst, Bernhard Atomtheorien des Lateinischen Mittelaltersnu
347CartePRI1.1.2Priori, Domenico; Balena, Massimo (a cura di)Atti del II Convengno Internazionale su Francesco d'Appignanonu
348CartePRI1.1.3Priori, Domenico (a cura di)Atti del III Convengno Internazionale su Francesco d'Appignanoda
349CartePAL2.2Grigorie Palama (Saint Gregory Palamas)Atto e luce divina. Scritti filosofici e teologici. Testo greco a frontenu
350CarteHAM1.7Hamesse, Jaqueline (ed.)Auctoritates Aristotelis Senecae, Boethii, Platonis, Apulei et quorundam aliorum I Concordanceda
351CarteHUI1.1Huian, Georgiana Augustin : le coeur et la crise du sujetda
352CarteCRU1.1Cruceru, Marius DavidAugustin, un amator ... Studiu asupra terminologiei filosofico-teologice de influenta greceasca in tratatele teologice tirzii ale lui augustinda
353CarteFIL3.1Filip, DanielAugustin. Despre libertateda
354CarteBRO2.4Brown, PeterAugustine of Hippo : a biographyda
355CarteFIT1.1Fitzgerald, Allan D. (ed.)Augustine through the ages: an encyclopedianu
356Articolx-hol1Toivo J. Holopainen Augustine, Berengar and Anselm on the Role of Reason in Theologyda
357ArticolX-sch5.6Schabel C. si Courtenay W. J.Augustinian Quodlibeta after Giles of Romeda
358CarteSAA2.1.1Saak, Eric Leland Augustinian theology in the later Middle Ages (vol. 1)da
359CarteSCI1.1Sciacca, Michele FedericoAugustinusda
360CarteVAS2.2.1Vasile cel MareAusgewahlte Briefeda
361CarteAUG1.37.1AugustinAusgewählte Briefe (I-II)da
362CarteAUG1.37.2AugustinAusgewählte Briefe (III-IV)da
363CarteHIE1.1HieronymusAusgewahlte Historische Homiletische und Dogmatische Schriftenda
364CarteVAS2.2.2Vasile cel MareAusgewahlte Homilien und Predigtenda
365CarteAUG1.36AugustinAusgewählte Praktische Schriften/Homiletischen und Katechetischen Inhaltsda
366CarteCHR3.1Petrus ChrysologusAusgewählte Predigtenda
367CarteEPI3.1Epiphanius von SalamisAusgewalhte Schriftenda
368CarteEPH1.2Ephram des SyrersAusgewalhte Schriftenda
369CarteBRA3.1Braun, Oskar (tr.)Ausgewälte Akten Perschischer Märtyrenda
370CarteWEB3.1.1Weber, SimonAusgewälte Schriften der Armenische Kierchenväter (Band I)da
371CarteWEB3.1.2Weber, SimonAusgewälte Schriften der Armenische Kierchenväter (Band II)da
372CarteLAN4.1Landersdorfer, P. S. (tr.)Ausgewälte Schriften der Syrischer Dichterda
373CarteWEI3.1.2.2Weissenfels, Oskar (ed.)Auswahl aus Aristoteles und den nachfolgenden Philosophen (kommentar)da
374CarteWEI3.1.2.1Weisenfels, Oskar (ed.)Auswahl aus Aristoteles und den nachfolgenden Philosophen (Text)da
375ArticolX-kal1.2#1Kaluza, ZenonAuteur et plagiaire: quelques remarcsda
376ArticolX-kal1.2#2Kaluza, ZenonAuteur et plagiaire: quelques remarquesda
377CarteBEI1.4Beierwalters, WernerAutoconoscenza ed esperienza dell'Unità. Plotino, Enneade V 3da
378Articolx-ash1.1 Ashworth, E.JAutor des Obligationes de Roger Swyneshed: La Nova Responsioda
379CarteARI1.70AnonimAutorităţile lui Aristotelda
380CarteVAN3.1Vansteenberghen, E. Autour de la docte ignoranceda