11 | Carte | MON4.3 | Mondésert, Claude | Pour lire les Pères de l'Église dans la collection "Sources chrétiennes" | da |
12 | Articol | X-alb1.4 | Albertus Magnus | Quaestio de ratione superiori et synderesi; Quaestio de synderesi | da |
13 | Carte | LUC3.2 | Rabe, Hugo (ed.) | Scholia in Lucianum | da |
14 | Carte | GAT1.1 | Gatti, Roberto | Storie dell'anima: le Confessioni di Agostino e Rousseau | da |
15 | Carte | FAR1.1 | Farrington, Benjamin | The philosophy of Francis Bacon | da |
16 | Carte | FUC1.1 | Fuchs, Franz | Venedig und der oberdeutsche Buchmarkt um 1500 | da |
17 | Carte | ARN5.1 | Arnzen, Rüdiger; Thielmann, Jörn | Words, texts and concepts cruising the Mediterranean Sea | da |
18 | Carte | KNO1.1 | Knoll, Paul W. | "A pearl of powerful learning": the university of Cracow in the fifteenth century | nu |
19 | Carte | GAG1.1 | Gage, Jean | "Basileia". Les Cesars, les Rois d'Orient et les Mages | da |
20 | Articol | X-kor1.1 | Korolec, Jerzy B. | "Compendium divinorum" Heimeryka de Campo w RKP. BJ 695 | da |
21 | Articol | X-cor1.1 | Cornea, A. | "If There Were an Eye on the back of The Heaven..." | da |
22 | Articol | X-vig1.1 | Vignaux, P. | "Nicolas d'Autrecourt" | da |
23 | Articol | X-van3.1 | Vanni Rovighi, Sofia | "Ratio" in Saint'Anselmo d'Aosta | da |
24 | Articol | x-vla1.2 | Vlastos, Gregory | "Self-Predication" in Plato's Latter Period | da |
25 | Articol | X-cor3.1 | Corrigan, Kevin | "Solitary" Mysticism in Plotinus, Proclus, Gregory of Nyssa, and Pseudo-Dionysius | da |
26 | Articol | x-osb1.1 | Osborne, Thomas Jr. | "Unibilitas": The Key to Bonaventure's Understanding of Human Nature | da |
27 | Carte | SHA1.1 | Shank, Michael H. | "Unless You Believe, You Shall Not Understand". Logic, University and Society in Late Medieval Vienna | da |
28 | Articol | X-tus1.1 | Tuszynska, Franciszka | "Vultus Naturae" w traktacie "De esse et essentia" Jana de Novo Domo | da |
29 | Carte | AND3.1 | Pseudo-Andronicus din Rhodos | 'Peri pathon' | da |
30 | Articol | X-mur1.1 | Murdoch, John | 1277 and Late Medieval Natural Philosophy | da |
31 | Carte | PHI2.2 | Philo; Saadya Gaon; Yehudah Halevi | 3 Jewish Philosophers | nu |
32 | Carte | BAU1.10 | Baumgarten, Alexander | 7 idei inrauritoare ale lui Aristotel | da |
33 | Articol | X-poi1.6 | Poirel, Dominique | << La boue et le marbre>> L'exegese du Pseudo-Denys par Hugues de Saint-Victor | da |
34 | Carte | LTHK1 | Buchberger, Michael | A bis Bartholomaer | da |
35 | Carte | EBB2.1.1 | Ebbesen, Sten; Goubier, Frédéric (eds.) | A catalogue of 13th-century sophismata: 1. Indroduction and indices | nu |
36 | Carte | HOM1.9.1 | A. Heubeck, S. West, J.B. Hainsworth | A Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. I | da |
37 | Carte | HOM1.9.2 | A. Heubeck, A.Hoekstra | A Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. II | da |
38 | Carte | HOM1.9.3 | A. Heubeck, M. Fernandez-Galiano, J. Russo | A Commentary on Homer's Odyssey, vol. III | nu |
39 | Carte | KLE1 | Klein, Jacob | A Commentary on Plato's Meno | nu |
40 | Carte | ERL2.1 | Erll, Astrid; Nünning, Ansgar (eds.) | A companion to cultural memory studies | nu |
41 | Carte | RAW1.1 | Beryl Rawson | A companion to families in the Greek and Roman worlds | nu |
42 | Carte | HOS1.1 | Hose, Martin; Schenker, David (eds.) | A companion to Greek literature | da |
43 | Carte | SMA1.2 | Šmahel, František (ed.); Pavlicek, Ota (colab.) | A Companion to Jan Hus | da |
44 | Carte | GRE2.5 | Grellard, Christophe; Lachaud, Frederique (eds.) | A companion to John of Salisbury | da |
45 | Carte | WHI1.1 | White, Nicholas P. | A companion to Plato's Republic | da |
46 | Carte | GIR3.1#2 | Giraud, Cédric (ed.) | A companion to twelfth-century schools | nu |
47 | Carte | GIR3.1 | Giraud, Cédric (ed.) | A companion to twelfth-century schools | da |
48 | Articol | x-rit1.1 | Ritchie, A.D. | A Defence of Aristotle's Logic | da |
49 | Carte | DEB1.1 | De Boni, Luis A. | A Entrada de Aristoteles no Ocidente Medieval | da |
50 | Articol | X-cal2.2 | Calma, Dragos ; Imbach, Ruedi | A fifteenth-century metaphysical treatise: preliminary remarcs on the colliget principiorum of Heymericus de Campo | da |
51 | Carte | SIR1.3 | Sirat, Colette | A history of Jewish philosophy in the middle ages | da |
52 | Carte | HUS1.1 | Husik, Isaac | A history of Medieval philosophy | da |
53 | Carte | COP2.1 | Copleston, Frederick | A History of Philosophy. Vol. I: Greece and Rome | da |
54 | Carte | COP2.2 | Copleston, Frederick | A History of Philosophy. Vol. II: Augustine to Scotus | da |
55 | Carte | COP2.3 | Copleston, Frederick | A History of Philosophy. Vol. III: Ockham to Suárez | da |
56 | Carte | DUB1.1 | Dubel, Sandrine; Favreau-Linder, Anne-Marie; Oudot, Estelle | A l'Ecole d'Homere: la culture des orateurs et des sophistes | da |
57 | Carte | TWE1.1 | Twersky, Isadore | A Maimonides reader | da |
58 | Articol | X-don2.1 | Donati, Silvia | A new witness to the radical aristotelianism condemned by Etienne Tempier in 1277 | da |
59 | Carte | POS2.1 | Posa, Carmel | A not-so-unexciting life: essays on Benedictine history and spirituality in honor of Michael Casey, OCSO | da |
60 | Articol | X-jol1.5 | Jolivet, Jean | A propos d'une critique abelardienne du realisme | da |
61 | Articol | x-lib1.7 | Libera, Alain de | A propos de quelques theories logiques de Maitre Eckhart | da |
62 | Carte | WEI1.17#1 | Weijers, Olga | A scholar's paradise: Teaching and debating in medieval Paris | da |
63 | Carte | WEI1.17#2 | Weijers, Olga | A scholar's paradise: Teaching and debating in medieval Paris | nu |
64 | Carte | EGY1.1 | Egyed, Péter | A szabadság a filozófiában | da |
65 | Articol | X-bia1.2 | Bianchi, Luca | A turning point in medieval philosophy | da |
66 | Carte | MAC6.1 | Macdonell, Arthur Aanthony | A VEDIC READER FOR STUDENTS | da |
67 | Carte | AUG1.3 | Agostinho de Hipona | A verdadeira religiao | da |
68 | Carte | HER4.1 | Herodian | Ab axcessu divi Marci (ed. Stavenhagen) | da |
69 | Carte | LIV2.2.1.2 | Livius, Titus | Ab urbe condita ( IV-VI) | da |
70 | Carte | LIV2.1.1 | Livius, Titus | Ab Urbe condita ( XXI, XXII) | da |
71 | Carte | LIV2.1.3 | Livius, Titus | Ab Urbe condita ( XXVI - XXX) | da |
72 | Carte | LIV2.1.2 | Livius, Titus | Ab Urbe condita (XXIII - XXV) | da |
73 | Carte | LIV2.3.2 | Livius, Titus | Ab urbe condita (XXVI-XXVII) | da |
74 | Carte | TIT1.2.1 | Titus Livius | Ab urbe condita, I-III | da |
75 | Carte | TIT1.1.1 | Titus Livius | Ab urbe condita, tomus I | da |
76 | Carte | TIT1.1.2 | Titus Livius | Ab urbe condita, tomus II | da |
77 | Carte | TIT1.1.3 | Titus Livius | Ab urbe condita, tomus III | da |
78 | Carte | TIT1.1.4 | Titus Livius | Ab urbe condita, tomus IV | da |
79 | Carte | TIT1.1.5 | Titus Livius | Ab urbe condita, tomus V | da |
80 | Carte | TIT1.2.2 | Titus Livius | Ab urbe condita, VII-X | da |
81 | Carte | TIT1.2.3 | Titus Livius | Ab urbe condita, XXI-XXIII | da |
82 | Carte | TIT1.2.4 | Titus Livius | Ab urbe condita, XXIV-XXVI | da |
83 | Carte | TIT1.2.5 | Titus Livius | Ab urbe condita, XXVII-XXX | da |
84 | Carte | TIT1.2.7 | Titus Livius | Ab urbe condita, XXXVI-XXXVIII | da |
85 | Carte | LIV2.3.1 | Livivs, Titus | Ab vrbe condita ( XXI-XXII) | da |
86 | Carte | LIV2.3.3 | Livius, Titus | Ab vrbe condita ( XXVIII-XXX) | da |
87 | Carte | ABE1.6 | Pierre Abelard | Abaelard: Der Briefwechsel mit Heloisa | da |
88 | Carte | RAN1.1 | Randolph Daniel, E. | Abbot Joachim of Fiore and Joachinism | da |
89 | Carte | JOL1.8 | Jolivet, Jean | Abelard ou la philosophie dans le langage | da |
90 | Carte | JOL1.4 | Jolivet, Jean | Abelard: artele limbajului si teologia | nu |
91 | Carte | SCO1.2 | Johannes Duns Scotus | Abhandlung uber das erste Prinzip | da |
92 | Articol | X-hoe1.2 | Hoenen, M. | Academics and intellectual life in the Low Countries. The university career of Heymericus de Campo († 1460) | da |
93 | Articol | x-jon3.1 | Jones, Philip Chapin | Achilles and the Tortoise | da |
94 | Articol | x-sch9 | David S. Schwayder | Achilles Unbound | da |
95 | Carte | ORI1.3.2.1 | Origenes | Acht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil I, buch I-IV | da |
96 | Carte | ORI1.3.2.2 | Origenes | Acht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil II, buch V-VIII | da |
97 | Carte | ZIC1.1#2 | Zickermann, Kathrin | Across the German Sea. Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Region | da |
98 | Carte | ZIC1.1#1 | Zickermann, Kathrin | Across the German Sea. Early Modern Scottish Connections with the Wider Elbe-Weser Region | da |
99 | Carte | MUS2.1 | Musurillo, H, | Acta Alexandrinorum | da |
100 | Carte | LEA1.1 | Leal, Jerónimo | Actas Latinas de Mártires Africanos | da |
101 | Carte | MIH2.1 | Mihailov, Emilian; Constantinescu, Mihaela; Flonta, Mircea (eds.) | Acţiune şi raţiune | da |
102 | Carte | CAR1.2 | Caroti, Stefano; Imbach, Ruedi; Kaluza, Zenon; Stabile, Giorgio; Sturlese, Loris (eds.) | Ad ingenii acutionem. Studies in honour of Alfonso Mayeru | da |
103 | Carte | SEN1.2.1 | Seneca | Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, vol. I (libri I-XIII) | da |
104 | Carte | SEN1.2.2 | Seneca | Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, vol. II (libri XIV-XX) | da |
105 | Carte | SEN1.3.3 | Seneca | Ad Lucilium Epistularum moralium quae supersunt | da |
106 | Carte | MAR5.2 | [Marcus Aurelius] M. Antoninus Imperator | Ad se ipsum | da |
107 | Carte | MAR5.4 | Marcus Aurelius | Ad se ipsum libri XII (ed. Dalfen) | da |
108 | Articol | x-lag1.1 | Lagarde, George de | Adaptation de la politique d'Aristote | da |
109 | Carte | DUF1.1 | Dufraigne, Pierre | Adventus Augusti, adventus Christi | da |
110 | Carte | BOU5.1 | Boulanger, Andre | Aelius Aristide et la sophistique dans la province d' Asie au IIe siecle de notre ere | da |