
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
3676CarteSAM3.1#1Samuelson, Norbert M.Jewish Philosophy: An Historical Introductionnu
3677CarteSAM3.1#2Samuelson, Norbert M.Jewish Philosophy: An Historical Introductionda
3678CarteSAN1.1Sandbach, F. H. Aristotle and the Stoicsda
3679CarteSAN2.1Sansen, Raymond Doctrine de l`amitie chez Ciceron. Expose-Source-Critique-Influenceda
3680CarteSAR2.1Sára, Balázs (ed.)Quelle & Deutung VIIda
3681CarteSAR1.1Sarna, Nahum M.Understanding Genesis : the world of the Bible in the light of historyda
3682CarteSAS1.1Sasu, Voichita-Maria De l'amour de l'aventure a l'aventure de l'amour (Moyen Age-Renaissance)da
3683CarteSAU1.1Saurma-Jeltsch, Lieselotte E.Die Miniaturen im "Liber scivias" der Hildegard von Bingen : die Wucht der Vision und die Ordnung der Bilderda
3684CarteSAN3.1Sánchez, Estefania BernabéSigna Iudicii. Orígenes, fuentes y tradición hispanada
3685Articolx-sca1.1Scazzoso, Piero Rivelazioni del linguaggio Pseudo-Dionisiano intorno ai temi della contemplazione e dell'estasida
3686ArticolX-sch1.1Schabel C.Questions on Future Contingents by Michael of Massa, OESAda
3687ArticolX-sch5.3Schabel C.Divine Foreknowledge and Human Freedom: Auriol, Pomponazzi, and on "Scholastic Subtletiesda
3688ArticolX-sch5.2Schabel C.Landulphus Caracciolo and a Sequax on Divine Foreknowledgeda
3689ArticolX-sch5.11Schabel C.The Quodlibeta of Peter of Auvergneda
3690ArticolX-sch5.12Schabel C.The Nicosia Franciscans vs. The Chapter of Nicosia Cathedralda
3691ArticolX-sch5.13Schabel C.Reason and Revelation in the Sentencesda
3692ArticolX-sch5.15Schabel C.La dottrina di Francesco di Marchia sulla predestinazione da
3693ArticolX-sch5.16Schabel C.Il determinismo di Francesco di Marchia (parte 2)da
3694ArticolX-sch5.17Schabel C.Il determinismo di Francesco di Marchiada
3695ArticolX-sch5.18Schabel C.The Redactions of Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Book 3 of the sentencesda
3696ArticolX-sch5.19Schabel C. , Papamarkou C. si Katsoura E.Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Book 4 of the sentences. Traditions and Redactions, with Questions on Projectile Motion, Polygamy, and the Immortality of the Soulda
3697ArticolX-sch5.6Schabel C. si Courtenay W. J.Augustinian Quodlibeta after Giles of Romeda
3698ArticolX-sch5.14Schabel C. si Rossini M.Time and Eternity Among The Early Scotistsda
3699ArticolX-sch5.4Schabel, C.Francis of Marchia on Divine Ideasda
3700ArticolX-sch5.5Schabel, C.Carmelite Quodlibetada
3701ArticolX-sch5.8Schabel, C.Notes on a Recent Edition of Parts of Francis of Marchia's in Primum Librum Sententiarumda
3702ArticolX-sch5.9Schabel, C.Unpublished Documents from the Papal Nuncio Raymond of Pinsda
3703Articolx-sch5.20Schabel, C.Early carmelites between giantsda
3704ArticolX-sch5.7Schabel, C. si Friedman, R. L.Francis of Marchia's Commentary on Sentences: Question List and State of Researchda
3705ArticolX-sch5.10Schabel, C. si Minervini, L.The French and Latin Dossier on the Institution of the Governments of Amaury of Lusignanda
3706ArticolSCH5.3Schabel, ChristopherDominican Anti-Thomism: James of Metz's Question on DIvine Foreknowledge with a rebuttal from the Correctorium Iacobi Metensisda
3707CarteSCH5.1Schabel, ChristopherTheology at Paris 1316-1345, Peter Auriol and the Problem of divine foreknowledge and future contingentsnu
3708CarteSCH5.2Schabel, Christopher (ed.)Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Fourteenth Century.da
3709CarteSCH1.1Schachten, Winfried H. J. Ordo salutis : das Gesetz als Weise der Heilsvermittlung ; zur Kritik des hl. Thomas von Aquin an Joachim von Fioreda
3710CarteSCH14.1Schaefer, Christina Das Haus schreiben : Bewegungen ökonomischen Wissens in der Literatur der Frühen Neuzeit da
3711CarteSCH4.1Schafer, ChristianThe Philosophy of Dionysius the Areopagiteda
3712CarteSCH10.1Scheepsma, Wybren Zwei Mittelniederländische Texte Des "Geistbuchs"da
3713CarteSCH13.1Schelling, F. W. J; Fichte, J. G.Exposition de mon systeme de la philosophie. Sur le vrai concept de la philosophie de la nature ; Sur l' Exposition du systeme de l' identite de Schellingda
3714CarteSCH9.1Schlette, Heinz RobertWeltseele, Geschichte und Hermeneutikda
3715CarteHTKNT6Schlier, HeinrichDer Römerbriefda
3716Carte~E.Schmidt, Rudiger, Spreckelsen, CordNietzsche fur Anfangerda
3717CarteSCH2.1Schmolinsky, SabineDer Apokalypsenkommentar des Alexander Minorita zur frühen Rezeption Joachims von Fiore in Deutschlandda
3718CarteHTKNT4.1Schnackenburg, RudolfDas Johannesevangeliumda
3719CarteHTKNT4.2Schnackenburg, RudolfDas Johannesevangeliumda
3720CarteHTKNT4.3Schnackenburg, RudolfDas Johannesevangelium da
3721CarteHTKNT4.4Schnackenburg, RudolfDas Johannesevangelium da
3722CarteHTKNT13.3Schnackenburg, RudolfDie Johannesbriefeda
3723ArticolX-sch3.1Schneider, Arthur Die Ordenschulen in Koln al Vorlaufer der Universitatda
3724CarteHTKNT5.1Schneider, GerhardDie Apostelgeschichte.Teil1da
3725CarteHTKNT5.2Schneider, GerhardDie Apostelgeschichte.Teil2da