661 | GRE1.1.2 | Gregorius Magnus | Dialogues II | da |
662 | LIB1.1.2 | Libera, Alain de | Archéologie du sujet: La quête de l'identité (vol.2) | da |
663 | KON1.1 | König-Pralong, Catherine | Le bon usage des savoirs | da |
664 | ERI2.1 | Erismann, Christophe | L'homme commun | da |
665 | AGA1.1 | Agamben, Giorgio | Angeli | da |
666 | RIC1.1 | Ricklin, Thomas (ed.) | Exempla docent | da |
667 | PET2.1.1 | Petrarca | Rerum familiarum I-III | da |
668 | PET2.1.2 | Petrarca | Rerum familiarum IV-VII | da |
669 | PET2.1.3 | Petrarca | Rerum familiarum VIII-XI | da |
670 | PET2.1.4 | Petrarca | Rerum familiarum XII-XV | da |
671 | PET2.1.5 | Petrarca | Rerum familiarum XVI-XIX | da |
672 | PET2.2.1 | Petrarca | Rerum senilium I-III | da |
673 | PET2.2.2 | Petrarca | Rerum senilium IV-VII | da |
674 | PET2.2.3 | Petrarca | Rerum senilium VIII-XI | nu |
675 | PET2.2.4 | Petrarca | Rerum senilium XII-XV | nu |
676 | PET2.3.1 | Petrarca | Africa I-V | da |
677 | UNT1.1.4 | Untersteiner, Mario | Sofisti : testimonianze e frammenti IV | da |
678 | UNT1.1.1 | Untersteiner, Mario | Sofisti : testimonianze e frammenti I | da |
679 | UNT1.1.2 | Untersteiner, Mario | Sofisti : testimonianze e frammenti II | da |
680 | UNT1.1.3 | Untersteiner, Mario | Sofisti : testimonianze e frammenti III | da |
681 | LEF2.1 | Lefèvre, Charles | Sur l'évolution d'Aristote en phychologie | da |
682 | BOB2.1 | Bobzien, Susan | Determinism and freedom in stoic philosophy | da |
683 | SAN1.1 | Sandbach, F. H. | Aristotle and the Stoics | da |
684 | LON1.2 | Long, A. A. | Problems in stoicism | da |
685 | DYS1.1 | Dyson, Henry | Prolepsis and Ennoia in the early Stoa | da |
686 | BPhM54 | | Bulletin de philosophie médiévale SIEPM | da |
687 | ALL1.1#1 | Petri de Alliaco | Questiones super primum, tertium et quartum librum Sententiarum: Principia et questio circa prologum | da |
688 | HER1.2#1 | Hervaeus Natalis; de Rijk, L. M. | De quattuor materiis sive determinationes contra magistrum Henricum de Gandavo Vol. II | da |
689 | BEE1.1 | Bees, Robert | Die Oikeiosislehre der Stoa | da |
690 | NES1.1 | Ada Babette Neschke-Hentschke | Callimachus II | da |
691 | FUR1.1 | Furley, David J. | Two studies in the greek atomists | da |
692 | THO5.1 | Thome de Argentina | Super Sententiarum prima pars | da |
693 | PAP1.2 | Papahagi, Adrian (coordonator) | Vocabularul cartii manuscrise | da |
694 | GOU3.1 | Goulet- Caze, Marie-Odile (ed.) | Etudes sur la theorie stoicienne de l'action | da |
695 | LOR1.1 | Lories, Danielle | Le sens commun et le jugement du phronimos | da |
696 | MAN1.1 | Mansion, Augustin | Introduction a la Phisique aristotelicienne | da |
697 | INW1.2 | Inwood, Brad (ed.) | Assent and argument | da |
698 | COU1.1 | Couloubaritsis, Lambros | La Phisique d'Aristote | da |
699 | INW1.1 | Inwood, Brad | Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism | da |
700 | HUD1.1 | Hurdy, Francoise | Liber XXIV Philosophorum. Instrumenta lexicologica latina | da |
701 | MAR6.1 | Marchiaro, Michelangiola | La biblioteca di Pietro Crinito | da |
702 | VIT1.1 | Jacques de Viterbe | L'ame, l'intellect et la volonte | da |
703 | GER1.1 | Gerson, Jean | Sur la theologie mystique | da |
704 | MON3.1 | Monagle, Clare | Orthodoxy and controversy in twelfth-century religious discourse. Peter Lombard's Sentences and the development of theology | da |
705 | FRI1.1.1 | Friedman, Russell L. | Intellectual traditions at the medieval university Vol. 1 | da |
706 | VIA1.1 | Vial, Marc | Jean Gerson Theoricien de la theologie mystique | da |
707 | PER5.1 | Perini-Santos, E. | La theory Ockhamienne de la connaisance evidente | da |
708 | FRI1.1.2 | Friedman, Russell L. | Intellectual traditions at the medieval university Vol. 2 | da |
709 | EME1.1 | Emery, Kent; Friedman, Russell (eds) | Philosophy and theology in the long middle ages | da |
710 | VIG1.2 | Vignaux, Paul | Philosophie au moyen age | nu |
711 | OCK1.2 | Ockham, William | Traite sur la predestination | da |
712 | GRE2.1 | Grellard, Christophe | Croire et savoir les principes de la connaissance selon Nicolas d' Autrecourt | da |
713 | RIP1.3 | Jean de Rippa | Lectura super primum sententiarum. Prologi questiones I & II | da |
714 | EME1.2 | Emery, Kent; Courteney, William (eds.) | Philosophy and theology in the studia of the religious orders and at papal and royal courts | da |
715 | HUM1.1 | Humbertus de Prulliaco | Humbertus de Prulliaco, Sententia super librum Metaphisice Aristotelis, Liber I-V | da |
716 | ROS1.2 | Rosemann, Philipp W. | Peter Lombard | da |
717 | ROS1.3.2 | Rosemann, Philipp W. | Mediaeval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard Vol II | da |
718 | ALT1.1 | Iacobus de Altavillia | In primum librum Sententiarum. Ms. Erfurt, Ampoloniana CA 2° 118 | da |
719 | GOD2.1 | Godescalp de Nepomuk | Super libros sententiarum. Ms. Kraków, BJ 1499 | da |
720 | KOW1.1 | Kowalczyk, Maria | Krakowskie mowy uniwersyteckie z pierwszej polowy XV wieku | da |
721 | BAU1.11 | Baumgarten, Alexander | Vanatorul cu o singura sageata | da |
722 | FRI2.1.1 | Friedberg, Aemilius (ed.) | Corpus Iuris Canonici. Pars prior | da |
723 | TUF1.1 | Ibn Tufayl (Abentofal) | Hayy bin Yaqzan sau tainele intelepciunii rasaritene | da |
724 | MEI1.7 | Meirinhos, José Francisco | Bibliotheca manuscripta Petri Hispani | da |
725 | ANG1.1 | C. Angotti, M. Brinzei, M. Teeuwen (eds.) | Portraits de maitres offerts a Olga Weijers | da |
726 | LUC1.1 | Lucentini, P.; Parri, I; Perrone, V. (eds.) | Hermetism from Late Antiquity | da |
727 | GRO1.2 | Roberto Grosseteste | Tratado da luz e outros opusculos sobre a cor e a luz | da |
728 | AUG1.3 | Agostinho de Hipona | A verdadeira religiao | da |
729 | CUS1.2 | Nicolaus Cusanus | O nao-outro / De non aliud | da |
730 | PAT2.1 | Patar, Benoit | Dictionnaire des Philosophes medievaux | da |
731 | ANS1.3 | Anselm de Canterbury | Dialogos Filosophicos | da |
732 | CH11 | | Chora, revue d'etudes anciennes et medievales, 11, 2013 | da |
733 | DON3.1.1 | D'Onofrio, Giulio | Storia della Teologia nel Medioevo, vol. I | da |
734 | AHDLMA17 | *** | Archives d'Histoire Doctrinales et Litteraire du Moyen Age | da |
735 | AHDLMA67 | *** | Archives d'Histoire Doctrinales et Litteraire du Moyen Age | da |
736 | BOE1.1 | Boethius | Consolation de la Philosophie | da |
737 | BOE1.3 | Boethius | La consolazione della Philosophia | da |
738 | ISI1.1 | Isidor de Sevilla | Etimologii XI-XII | da |
739 | BON1.3 | Bonaventura | Itinerario dell'anima a Dio | da |
740 | ROG1.1 | Rogers, Kathrin | The Anselmian Approach to God and Creation | da |
741 | ROG1.2 | Rogers, Kathrin | The neoplatonic metaphisics and epistemology of Anselm of Canterbury | da |
742 | POI1.3 | Poirel, Dominique (ed.) | L'ecole de Saint Victor de Paris | da |
743 | SCH5.1 | Schabel, Christopher | Theology at Paris 1316-1345, Peter Auriol and the Problem of divine foreknowledge and future contingents | nu |
744 | BIA1.1 | Biard, J. et Rommevaux, S. (ed.) | La nature et le vide dans la Physique medievale. Etudes dediees a Edward Grant | da |
745 | KON1.2 | Konig-Pralong, Katherine | Avenement de l'aristotelisme en terre chretienne | da |
746 | VIA2.1 | Viano, Christina (ed.) | L'Alchimie et ses racines philosophiques | da |
747 | FLA1.3 | Flasch, Kurt (ed.) | Das Buch der 24 Philosophen | da |
748 | THO1.27 | Thomas de Aquino | Summa contra Gentiles | da |
749 | BIA1.2 | Joel Biard | Science et nature. La theorie buridanienne du savoir | da |
750 | AUG1.4.1 | Augustin | De trinitate, I-XII | da |
751 | AUG1.4.2 | Augustin | De trinitate, XIII-XV | da |
752 | DAM2.2 | Petrus Damianus | Despre omnipotenţa divină | da |
753 | BLA1.1 | Blaise de Parme | Questiones super perspectiva communi | nu |
754 | CIO1.1 | Cioba, Mianda | Introduccion a la Edicion critica del Manuscrito castellano medieval | da |
755 | VUI1.1 | Vuillemin, Jules | Le Dieu D'Anselme et les apparences de la raison | da |
756 | GIL1.4 | Gilson, Etienne | La philosophie de Saint Bonaventure | da |
757 | PLA1.3.1 | Platon | Dialogi, ed. Hermann, vol. I | da |
758 | PLA1.3.2 | Platon | Dialogi, ed. Hermann, vol. II | da |
759 | PLA1.3.3 | Platon | Dialogi, ed. Hermann, vol. III | da |
760 | PLA1.3.5 | Platon | Dialogi, ed. Hermann, vol. V | da |