3176 | COU5.4.3.1 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume III: 1378-1394, Part one | da |
3177 | COU5.4 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume III: 1378-1394, Part two | da |
3178 | KOT1.1 | Kotkas, Toomas | Royal Police Ordinances In Early Modern Sweden The Emergence Of Voluntaristic Understanding Of Law | da |
3179 | PEL4.1 | Pelbart din Timişoara | Rozariul de aur al teologiei. Prolog | da |
3180 | ALE1.1 | Alexandre, Renaud; Guerin, Charles; Jacotot, Mathieu | Rubor et pudor, vivre et penser la honte dans la Rome ancienne | da |
3181 | LTHK9 | Buchberger, Michael | Rufina bis Terz | da |
3182 | VAN5.1 | Vanni Rovighi, Sofia | S. Anselmo e la filosofia del sec. XI | da |
3183 | DRO1.2 | Dronke, Peter | Sacred and Profane Thought in the Early Middle Ages | da |
3184 | NAR2.1 | Nardi, Bruno | Saggi sull'aristotelismo padovano dal secolo XIV al XVI | da |
3185 | SOU2.1 | Southern, R. W. | Saint Anselm. A Portrait in a Landscape | da |
3186 | COR1.1 | Corbin, Michel | Saint Anselme | da |
3187 | VAN6.1 | Van Bavel, Tarsicius Jan | Saint Augustin | da |
3188 | LAN5.1 | Lancel, Serge | Saint Augustin | da |
3189 | PEP1.2 | Pepin, Jean | Saint Augustin et la Dialectique | da |
3190 | MEE2.1.1 | Meer, Frits van der | Saint Augustin Pasteur D'Ames, tome 1 | da |
3191 | MEE2.1.2 | Meer, Frits van der | Saint Augustin Pasteur D'Ames, tome 2 | da |
3192 | VAN4.1 | Vannier, Marie-Anne | Saint Augustin. La conversion en acte | da |
3193 | MAN5.1 | Mandouze, André | Saint Augustin.L'aventure de la raison et de la grâce | da |
3194 | MAR23.1 | Marrou, Henri | Saint Augustine et l'augustinisme | da |
3195 | BRA1.2 | Remi Brague (coord.) | Saint Bernard et la Philosophie | da |
3196 | PEN1.1 | Pennington, Basil (ed.) | Saint Bernard of Claivaux. Studies commemorating the Eighth Centenary of his canonization | da |
3197 | REI1.1 | Reist, Thomas, Saint Bonaventure | Saint Bonaventure as a Biblical Commentator. A translation and Analysis of his Commentary on Luke, XVIII, 34-XIX, 42 | da |
3198 | FAL1.1 | Falque, Emmanuel | Saint Bonaventure et l'entrée de Dieu en théologie. La Somme theologique du Breliloquium (Prologue et premiere partie) | da |
3199 | TAT2.1 | Tat, Alin; Tuţu, Claudiu (eds.) | Saint Dionysius the Areopagite. Sources, context, reception | da |
3200 | LEO2.1.1 | Leo des Grossen | Samtliche Sermonen (1-38) | da |
3201 | LEO2.1.2 | Leo des Grossen | Samtliche Sermonen (39-96) | da |
3202 | GIG1.1 | Mario Gigante | San Tommaso e la storia della salvezza. La polemica con Gioacchino da Fiore | da |
3203 | DIA2.1 | Diadochus <de Photice> | Sancti Diadochi episcopi Photicensis de perfectione spirituali capita centum | da |
3204 | SAP1.1 | Anonim | Sapiencie quinto scribitur (Comm. in De causis) | da |
3205 | LAV1.1 | Rus, Anton; Castaldini, Alberto (ed.) | Sapientia et scientia theologica: in honorem Renzo Lavatori per l'80 genetliaco | da |
3206 | PER6.1 | A. Persius et D. iunius Iuvenal | Saturae | da |
3207 | VAR2.2 | M. Terentius Varro | Saturarum Menippearum Fragmenta | da |
3208 | PET5.1 | Petronius | Satyricon | da |
3209 | GUG1.1 | Guguianu, Bogdan | Scepticism silografic şi ethos critic la Timon din Phlius. Un studiu asupra filosofiei ca mod de viaţă | da |
3210 | SCHE43 | | Schede medievali | da |
3211 | REG1.1 | Otto Regenbogen | Schmerz und tod in den tragodien Senecas | da |
3212 | YOU1.1 | Young, Spencer E. | Scholarly community at the early univerity of Paris : theologians, education and society, 1215-1248 | da |
3213 | COM1.1 | Petrus Comestor | Scholastica Historia Liber Genesis | da |
3214 | PIE1.3 | Pieper, Josef | Scholasticism: Personalities and Problems of Medieval Philosophy | da |
3215 | ARA1.1 | Aratum | Scholia in Aratum Vetera | da |
3216 | DEM2.4.1 | Demosthenes | Scholia in Orationes 1-18 continens Vol. 1 | da |
3217 | DEM2.4.2 | Demosthenes | Scholia in Orationes 19-60 continens Vol.2 | da |
3218 | PIN2.10 | | Scholia metrica vetera in Pindari Carmina | da |
3219 | PIN2.2.1 | | Scholia Vetera in Pindari carmina vol. I (ed. Drachmann) | da |
3220 | PIN2.2.2 | | Scholia Vetera in Pindari carmina vol. II (ed. Drachmann) | da |
3221 | COU5.1 | Courtenay, William | Schools and Scholars in fourteenth century England | nu |
3222 | NYS1.2 | Gregor von Nyssa | Schriften | da |
3223 | TER2.1 | Tertulian | Schriften | da |
3224 | SEV2.1 | Sulpicius Severus; Vinzenz von Lehrin; Benediktus | Schriften über den Hl. Martinus; Commontorium; Mönchsregel | da |
3225 | ORI1.3.1 | Origenes | Schriften von Gebet und Ermahnung zum Martyrium, band I | da |