501 | x-caj1.7 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
502 | x-caj1.8 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
503 | x-caj1.9 | Cajori, Florian | The History of Zeno's Arguments on Motion: Phases in the Development of the Theory of Limits | da |
504 | x-cha1.1 | Chappel, V.C. | Time and Zeno's Arrow | da |
505 | x-chi1.1 | Chihara, Charles S. | On the Possibility of Completing an Infinite Process | da |
506 | x-cor5.1 | Corbett, S.M. | Zeno's 'Achilles": A Reply to John McKie | da |
507 | x-fra1.1 | Frankel, Hermann | Zeno of Elea's Attacks on Plurality | da |
508 | x-fra1.2 | Frankel, Hermann | Zeno of Elea's Attacks on Plurality | da |
509 | x-gla1.1 | Glazebrook, Trish | Zeno against Mathematical Physis | da |
510 | x-gru1.1 | Gruender, C. David | The Achilles Paradox and Transinfinite Numbers | da |
511 | x-har1.1 | Harrison, Andrew | Zenon's Paper Chase | da |
512 | x-jon3.1 | Jones, Philip Chapin | Achilles and the Tortoise | da |
513 | x-lee1.1 | Lee, Harold N. | Are Zeno's Paradoxes Based on a Mistake? | da |
514 | x-may1.1 | Mayo, Bernard | Shooting It Out With Zeno | da |
515 | x-mck1.1 | McKie, John R. | The Persusasiveness of Zeno's Paradoxes | da |
516 | x-mor2.1 | Morris, Charles W. | Has Russel Passed the Tortoise? | da |
517 | x-mue1.1 | Mueller, Ian | Zeno's Paradoxes and Continuity | da |
518 | x-qua1.1 | Quan, Stanislaus | The solution of Zeno's first paradox | da |
519 | x-sch9 | David S. Schwayder | Achilles Unbound | da |
520 | x-she2.1 | Sherry, David M. | Zeno's Metrical Paradox Revisited | da |
521 | x-swe1.1 | Swenson, David F. | The Logical Significance of the Paradoxes of Zeno | da |
522 | x-vla1.4 | Vlastos, Gregory | Plato's Testimony concerning Zeno of Elea | da |
523 | x-wed1.1 | Wedeking, Gary A. | On a Finitist "Solution" to some Zenonian Paradoxes | da |
524 | x-wis1.1 | Wisdom, J.O. | Why Achilles does not Fail to Catch the Tortoise | da |
525 | x-dob1.1 | Dobbs, Darrel | Choosing Justice: Socratese' Model City and the Practice of Dialectic | da |
526 | x-jac1.1 | Jackson, Robin | Socrates' Ialoas: Myth and Eristic in Plato's Euthydemus | da |
527 | x-ker1.1 | Kerferd, G.B. | Plato's Noble Art of Sophistry | da |
528 | x-klo1.4 | Klosko, G. | Criteria of Fallacy and Sophistry for Use in the Analysis of Platonic Dialogues | da |
529 | x-klo1.1 | Klosko, George | Plato and the Morality of Fallacy | da |
530 | x-klo1.2 | Klosko, George | The Insufficiency of Reason in Plato's Gorgias | da |
531 | x-klo1.3 | Klosko, George | The Refutation of Callicles in Plato's 'Gorgias" | da |
532 | x-min1.1 | Minardi, Stefano | On Some Aspects of Platonic Division | da |
533 | x-mor5.1 | Morrison, J.S. | Socrates and Antiphon | da |
534 | x-mor6.1 | Morrow, Glenn R. | Palto's Conception of Persuasion | da |
535 | x-neu1.1 | Neumann, Harry | On the Sophistry of Plato's Pausanias | da |
536 | x-pec1.1 | Peck, A.L. | Plato's Parmenides: Some Suggestions for Its Interpretation | da |
537 | x-ram1.1 | Ramage, Edwin S. | An Early Trace on Socratic Dialogue | da |
538 | x-rob1.2 | Robinson, Richard | Plato's Consciousness of Fallacy | da |
539 | x-rob1.1 | Robinson, Richard | Up and down in Plato's Logic | da |
540 | x-ryl1.1 | Ryle, Gilbert | Plato's 'Parmenides' | da |
541 | x-sch10 | Edward Schiappa | Did Plato Coin Rhetorike | da |
542 | x-sco1.1 | Scoon, Robert | Plato's Parmenides | da |
543 | x-sha2.1 | Sharvy, Richard | Plato's Causal Logic and the Third Man Argument | da |
544 | x-tat2.1 | Tate, J. | Socrates an the Myths | da |
545 | x-vla1.1 | Vlastos, Gregory | Elenchus and Mathematics: A Turning-Point in Plato's Philosophical Development | da |
546 | x-vla1.2 | Vlastos, Gregory | "Self-Predication" in Plato's Latter Period | da |
547 | x-vla1.3 | Vlastos, Gregory | The Socratic Elenchus | da |
548 | x-wol2.1 | Wolfsdorf, D. | The Historical Reader of Plato's Protagoras | da |
549 | X-car3.1 | Carreras y Artau, Joaquín | Influencia de Ramon Llull en pensamiento teologico-filosofico de los siglos XIV y XV | da |
550 | X-nar1.2 | Narbonne, Jean-Marc | La methaphysique de Plotin | da |