3851 | Carte | STA1.1 | Stark, Rudolf; Allan, Donald J.; Aubenque, Pierre (eds.) | La Politique d'Aristote. Sept exposes et discussions... | da |
3852 | Articol | x-ste1.2 | Steel Carlos | Medieval Philosophy: an Impossible Project? Thomas Aquinas and the "Averroistic" Ideal of Happiness | da |
3853 | Articol | x-ste1.1 | Steel Carlos | Siger of Brabant versus Thomas Aquinas on the Possibility of Knowing the Separate Substances | da |
3854 | Articol | x-ste1.3 | Steel, Carlos ; Guy Guldentops | An unknown tratise of Averoes against the Avicennians on the first cause | da |
3855 | Articol | X-ste2.1 | Steenberghen, Fernand van | Prolegomenes a la <<quarta via>> | da |
3856 | Carte | STE7.1 | Stefani, Matteo (ed.) | Marsilio Ficino lettore di Apuleio filosofo e dell'Asclepius: le note autografe nei codici Ambrosiano S 14 Sup. e Riccardiano 709 | da |
3857 | Carte | STE4.1 | Steneck, H. Nicholas | Science and creation in the Middle Ages: Henry of Langenstein (d. 1397) on genesis | da |
3858 | Carte | STE1.1 | Steno, Nicolaus | Anatomical Observations of the glands of the eye and their new vessels thereby revealing the true source of tears | da |
3859 | Carte | STE2.1 | Stenzel, Julius | Platone educatore | nu |
3860 | Carte | STE6.1 | Stepanos Taronetsi | Des Stephanos von Taron armenische Geschichte | da |
3861 | Carte | STE5.1 | Stern, Josef | Problems and parables of law | da |
3862 | Articol | x-sto2.1 | Stone, Martin W F. | Moral Psychology afer 1277: Did the Parisian Condemnation Make a Difference to Philosophical Discussions of Human Agency? | da |
3863 | Carte | STO2.1 | Storf, Remigius (tr.) | Griechischen Liturgien | da |
3864 | Carte | STR1.1 | Strack, Hermann L. | Einleitung in Talmud und Midrasch | da |
3865 | Carte | STR3.1 | Straus, Jean-Paul (ed.) | Sigebert de Gembloux | da |
3866 | Articol | X-str1.1 | Strauss Leo | How to Study Medieval Philosophy | da |
3867 | Carte | STR2.1 | Strauss, Leo | De la tyrannie | da |
3868 | Carte | STR2.2 | Strauss, Leo | Persecution and the art of writing | da |
3869 | Articol | X-str2.1 | Street, Tony | Avicenna and Tusi on the Contradiciton and Conversion of the Absolute | da |
3870 | Carte | STR5.1 | Stroumsa, Sarah | Maimonides in His World. Portrait of a Mediterranean Thinker. | nu |
3871 | Carte | STR4.1 | Struck, Peter T. | Divination and Human Nature. A Cognitive History of Intuition in Classical Antiquity | da |
3872 | Carte | STU1.5 | Sturlese, Loris | Maître Eckhart en questions | da |
3873 | Carte | STU1.4 | Sturlese, Loris | Eckhart, Tauler, Suso, Filosofi e mistici nella Germania medievale | da |
3874 | Carte | STU1.3 | Sturlese, Loris | Filosofia nel Medioevo | da |
3875 | Carte | STU1.1 | Sturlese, Loris | Dokumente und Forschungen zu Leben und Werk Dietrichs von Freiberg | da |
3876 | Carte | STU1.2.1 | Sturlese, Loris (ed.) | Studii sulle fonti di Meister Eckhart, vol. I | da |
3877 | Carte | STU1.2.2 | Sturlese, Loris (ed.) | Studii sulle fonti di Meister Eckhart, vol. II | da |
3878 | Carte | SUA2.1 | Suarez-Nani, Tiziana; Ribordy, Olivier; Petagine, Antonio | Lieu, espace, mouvement: Physique, Metaphysique, Cosmologie (XII-XVI siecles). Actes du colloque international Universite de Fribourg Suisse, 12-14 mars 2015 | da |
3879 | Carte | SUC1.1 | Suciu, Alin | Monahul şi scribul. Creştinismul egiptean între idealul monahal şi cultura scrisă | da |
3880 | Carte | SUE1.1 | Suetonius Tranquillus | De vita Caesarum vol. 1 | da |
3881 | Carte | SUE1.2 | Suetonius Tranquillus | De grammatica et rhetorica | da |
3882 | Carte | SEV2.1 | Sulpicius Severus; Vinzenz von Lehrin; Benediktus | Schriften über den Hl. Martinus; Commontorium; Mönchsregel | da |
3883 | Articol | x-swe1.1 | Swenson, David F. | The Logical Significance of the Paradoxes of Zeno | da |
3884 | Carte | SWI1.1 | Swiezawski, Stefan | L'Univers, la philosophie de la nature au XV siecle en Europe | da |
3885 | Carte | SYN1.1 | Synesius Cyrenensis | Opuscula | da |
3886 | Carte | SZE1.1 | Szende Katalin | Trust, authority, and the written word in the royal towns of medieval Hungary | da |
3887 | Carte | SZI1.1 | Szittya, Penn R. | The Antifraternal Tradition in Medieval Literature | da |
3888 | Carte | SZL1.4 | Szlezak, Thomas A. | Platon und Aristoteles in der Nuslehre Plotins | da |
3889 | Carte | SZL1.2 | Szlezak, Thomas Alexander | Come leggere Platone | da |
3890 | Carte | SZL1.3.1 | Szlezak, Thomas Alexander | Noul Platon vol.1 | da |
3891 | Carte | SZL1.3.2 | Szlezak, Thomas Alexander | Noul Platon vol. 2 | da |
3892 | Carte | SZL1.1 | Szlezak, Thomas Alexander | La Republica di Platone. I Libri centrali | da |
3893 | Carte | BOI1.1#1 | T. Boiadjiev, G. Kapriev, A. Speer (eds.) | Die Dionysius-Rezeption im Mittelalter | da |
3894 | Carte | BOI1.1#2 | T. Boiadjiev, G. Kapriev, A. Speer (eds.) | Die Dionysius-Rezeption im Mittelalter | da |
3895 | Carte | TAB1.1 | Tabaki, Anna | Despre Iluminismul Neoelen | da |
3896 | Carte | TAC1.3 | Tacitus | La Germanie | da |
3897 | Carte | TAC1.1 | Tacitus | Opera minora | da |
3898 | Carte | TAC1.4.2.1#1 | Tacitus | Historiae, tom. II, fasc. 1 | da |
3899 | Carte | TAC1.4.2.1#2 | Tacitus | Historiae, tom. II, fasc. 1 | da |
3900 | Carte | TAC1.6.1 | Tacitus, Cornelius | Annales I | da |