
Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
3541CarteLUL1.1Raimundus LullusLe livre du gentil et des trois sagesda
3542CarteLUL1.4Raimundus LullusCartea minunilorda
3543CarteLUL1.5Raimundus LullusArbre de scienceda
3544CarteRAN3.1Randi, EugenioIl sovrano e l'orologiaioda
3545CarteRAN1.1Randolph Daniel, E.Abbot Joachim of Fiore and Joachinismda
3546CarteRAN2.1Ranisch, Wilhelm (ed.)Eddaliederda
3547CarteRAS2.1.1Rashdall, HastingsThe universities of Europe in the Middle Ages vol Ida
3548CarteRAS2.1.2Rashdall, HastingsThe universities of Europe in the Middle Ages vol IIda
3549CarteRAS2.1.3Rashdall, HastingsThe universities of Europe in the Middle Ages vol IIIda
3550CarteRAS1.1Rashed, MarwanAlexandre d'Aphrodise, Commentaire perdu à la Physique d'Aristote (livres IV-VIII)da
3551ArticolX-ras1.1Rashed, MarwanAgregat de parties ou vinculum substantiale? Sur une hesitation conceptuelle et textuelle du corpus aristotelicienda
3552CarteRAT1.1.1Ratzinger, JosephJesus von Nazareth. Erster Teil. Von der Taufe in Jordan bis zur Verklärungda
3553CarteRAT1.1.2Ratzinger, JosephJesus von Nazareth. Zweiter Teil. Vom Einzung in Jerusalem bis zur Auferstehungda
3554CarteRAT1.3Ratzinger, Joseph (Papa Benedict al XVI-lea)La théologie de l'histoire de Saint Bonaventureda
3555CarteRAT1.4Ratzinger, Joseph (Papa Benedict al XVI-lea)Despre creaţie şi cădereda
3556CarteRAT1.2Ratzinger, Joseph (Papa Benedict al XVI-lea)Teologia istoriei la sfântul Bonaventurada
3557CarteRAY1.1Raymond de MarseilleOpera Omnia. Traité de l'Astrolabe.Liber cursuum planetarumda
3558CarteRAZ1.1Rāzī, Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā Abū Bakr alDoutes sur Galienda
3559CarteREA1.4Reale, GiovanniI presocraticida
3560CarteREA1.1Reale, GiovanniPer una nuova interpretazione di Platoneda
3561CarteREA1.2Reale, Giovanni; Richard, Marie-DominiqueL'insegnamento orale di Platone. Raccolta delle testimonianze antiche sulle «dottrine non scritte» con analisi e interpretazione. Testo greco a fronteda
3562CarteREA1.3Reale, Giovanni; Richard, Marie-DominiqueL'insegnamento orale di Platone. Raccolta delle testimonianze antiche sulle «dottrine non scritte» con analisi e interpretazione. Testo greco a fronteda
3563CarteREE1.1Reegen J. G. J, Luis A. de Boni, Costa, M.R.N.Tempo e Eternidad na Idade Mediada
3564CarteREE2.3Reeves, MarjorieJoachim of Fiore and the prophetic futureda
3565CarteREE2.1Reeves, Marjorie ; Hirsch-Reich, BeatriceThe Figurae of Joachim of Fioreda
3566CarteREE2.2Reeves, Marjorie; Gould, WarwickJoachim of Fiore and the myth of the Eternal Evangel in the nineteenth and twentieth centuriesda
3567CarteREH1.1Rehm, RushMarriage to Death, The Conflation of Wedding and Funeral Rituals in Greek Tragedyda
3568ArticolX-reh1.1Rehn, RudolfQuomodo tempus sit?da
3569CarteREI1.1Reist, Thomas, Saint BonaventureSaint Bonaventure as a Biblical Commentator. A translation and Analysis of his Commentary on Luke, XVIII, 34-XIX, 42da
3570CarteBRA1.2Remi Brague (coord.)Saint Bernard et la Philosophieda
3571ArticolX-rem1.1Remnant, PeterPeter Damian: Could God change the past?da
3572CarteBRA1.1Remy BragueDu temps chez Platon et Aristoteda
3573ArticolX-ren1.1Renault, LaurenceFelicite humaine et conception de la philosophie chez Henri de Gand, Duns Scotus et Guillaume d'Ockhamda
3574ArticolX-ren2.1Renaut, AlainPour une histoire critique de la philosophieda
3575CarteDES2.1.1Rene Descartes Corespondenţa completă Ida
3576CarteDES2.1.2Rene DescartesCorespondenţa completă IIda
3577CarteDES2.1.3Rene DescartesCorespondenţa completă IIIda
3578CarteREN1.1Renéville, Jacques Rolland deEssai sur le problème de l'Un multiple et de l'attribution chez Platon et les sophistesda
3579CarteRES1.1Reske, Christoph Die Produktion der Schedelschen Weltchronik in Nürnbergda
3580CarteRDPR1/2017Revue 'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses---da
3581CarteBIBL1.46Reynhout, Lucien; Victor Benjamin (ed.)Librorum studiosus : Miscellanea palaeographica et codicologica Alberto Derolez dicata da
3582CarteRIC4.2Richard de Saint-Victor; Ives de Sancto VictoreEpître à Séverin sur la charité/Les quatre degrés de la violente chariténu
3583CarteCAM1.1Richard of Campsall (author) ; Synan, Edward A. (ed.)The Works of Richard of Campsall. Vol. I. Questiones super Librum Priorum Analeticorumda
3584CarteRIC4.1.1Richardus de Sancto VictoreL'œuvre de Richard de Saint-Victor : 1 De contemplatione : (Beniamin maior)nu
3585CarteRIC3.1Riche, Pierre; Verger, Jacques Maitres et eleves au Moyen Ageda
3586CarteRIC2.1Richir, Marc La Naissance des Dieuxda
3587CarteRIC1.1Ricklin, Thomas (ed.)Exempla docentda
3588ArticolX-ric1.1Ricoeur, PaulFides Querens intellectum: antecedents bibliques?da
3589ArticolX-ric1.2Ricoeur, PaulOntologieda
3590CarteRIL1.1Rillon-Marne, Anne-ZoéHomo considera. La pastorale lyrique de Philippe le Chancelierda
3591ArticolX-rin1.1Rini, AdrianeHupo in the Prior Analytics: a note on Disamis XLLda
3592ArticolX-ris1.1Rist, John M.Ideas of individuals in Plotinusda
3593ArticolX-ris1.2Rist, John M.The indefinite dyad and intelligible matter in Plotinusda
3594Articolx-ris1.3Rist, John M.Integration and the undescended soul in Plotinusda
3595Articolx-rit1.1Ritchie, A.D. A Defence of Aristotle's Logicda
3596CarteRIX1.1Rix, HelmutHistorische Grammatik des Griechischenda
3597CarteANG2.1Robert AnglesLe traite du Quadrant de Maitre Robert Angles (Montpellier, XIII siecle)da
3598CarteGRO1.3Robert GrossetesteOpuscula philosophica (ed. L. Baur)da
3599CarteGRO1.1Robert GrossetesteHexaëmeronda
3600CarteGRO1.4Robert GrossetesteCommentarius in Posteriorum Analyticorum librosda
3601CarteGRO1.5Robert GrossetesteVersio Caelestis Hierarchiae Pseudo-Dionysii Areopagitae, cum scholiis ex graeco sumptis necnon commentariis notulisque eiusdem Lincolniensisda
3602CarteGRO1.6Robert GrossetesteExpositio in epistolam Sancti Pauli ad Galatas. Glossarum in sancti Pauli epistolas fragmenta. Tabulada
3603CarteGRO1.7.1Robert Grosseteste (trad.)The Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle, vol. Ida
3604CarteGRO1.7.3Robert Grosseteste (trad.)The Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle, vol. IIIda
3605CarteKIL1.1.2Robert KilwardbyQuaestiones in librum secundum Sententiarumda
3606CarteKIL1.1.5Robert KilwardbyQuaestiones in quattuor libros sententiarum-appendixda
3607CarteROB4.1Robert, AurélienLe monde mathématique : Marco Trevisano et la philosophie dans la Venise du Trecentonu
3608CarteROB3.1Robert, FernandLa Literature Grecqueda
3609CarteGRO1.2Roberto GrossetesteTratado da luz e outros opusculos sobre a cor e a luzda
3610ArticolX-rob2.1Robiglio, AndreaBreaking the Great Chain of Being: a note on the Paris condemnations of 1277, Thomas Aquinas and the proper subject of metaphysicsda
3611CarteROB2.1Robin, Leon Aristoteda
3612CarteROB1.1Robinson, RichardPlato's Earlier Dialecticda
3613Articolx-rob1.1Robinson, Richard Up and down in Plato's Logicda
3614CarteROD1.1Rodier, Gaston Aristote, Traite de l'ameda
3615CarteROD2.1Rodolfi, AnnaCognitio obumbrata : lo statuto epistemologico della profezia nel secolo XIIIda
3616ArticolX-roe1.1Roesner, MartinaContinu, individu, esprit. la conception du temps chez le jeune Heidegger face a la théorie du temps de Dietrich de Freibergda
3617CarteROG2.1Rogan, EstherLa stásis dans la politique d'Aristoteda
3618CarteBAC1.1Roger BaconThe art and science of logicda
3619CarteBAC1.2Roger BaconOpus maiusda
3620CarteROG1.1Rogers, KathrinThe Anselmian Approach to God and Creationda
3621CarteROG1.2Rogers, KathrinThe neoplatonic metaphisics and epistemology of Anselm of Canterburyda
3622CarteROG1.3Rogers, Kathrin Perfect Being Theologyda
3623CarteROH1.1Rohde, ErwinPsyche. Le culte de l'ame chez les grecs et leur croyance a l'immortaliteda
3624CarteROH1.2Rohde, ErwinDer griechische Roman und seine Vorlaeuferda
3625CarteMEL1.1.1Roman MelodulHymnes (Tome I: Ancien Testament I-VIII)da
3626CarteROM1.1Romilly, Jacqueline deL'évolution du pathétique d'Eschyle à Euripideda
3627CarteROM1.2Romilly, Jacqueline deL' invention de l'histoire politique chez Thucydideda
3628Articolx-ron1.1Ronzani, R.La tradizione manoscritta dei ,,Dialogi" di Gregorio Magno in Spagnada
3629CarteROO1.1Roos, MartinGerhard von Csanádda
3630CarteROQ1.1Roques, Magali L'essentialisme de Guillaume d'Ockhamda
3631CarteROR1.1Rorem, Paul Hugh (Hugo) of Saint Victorda
3632ArticolX-ror1.1Rorty, RichardQuatre manieres d'ecrire l'histoire de la philosophieda
3633CarteROS1.1Rosemann, Philipp W.The Story of a Great Medieval Book. Peter Lombard's Sentencesda
3634CarteROS1.2Rosemann, Philipp W.Peter Lombardda
3635CarteROS1.3.2Rosemann, Philipp W.Mediaeval Commentaries on the Sentences of Peter Lombard Vol IIda
3636ArticolX-ros1.1Rosen, StanleyUn futur anterieurda
3637CarteROS4.1Rosenthal, E.I.J. (ed.)Averroes' commentary on Plato's Republicda
3638CarteROS2.1Rosier, IreneLa parole comme acteda
3639CarteROS2.2Rosier-Catach, IrèneArts du langage et théologie aux confins des XIe-XIIe sièclesda
3640CarteROU1.1Rougier, LouisCelse ou le conflit de la civilisation antiqueda