
Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
1776CarteKOT1.1Kotkas, ToomasRoyal Police Ordinances In Early Modern Sweden The Emergence Of Voluntaristic Understanding Of Lawda
1777CarteKOW1.1Kowalczyk, MariaKrakowskie mowy uniwersyteckie z pierwszej polowy XV wiekuda
1778CarteKRA1.1Kraut, RichardThe Cambridge companion to Plato da
1779CarteKRA2.1Kraemer, Joel L.Humanism in the renaissance of Islam: the cultural revival during the Buyid ageda
1780CarteKRE1.1Kremer, KlausDie Neoplatonische Seinsphilosophie und ihre Wirkung auf Thomas von Aquinda
1781CarteKRE2.1Kretzmann, N.; Kenny, A.; Pinborg, A.The Cambridge Companion to Later Medieval Philosophyda
1782CarteKRI1.1Kristeller, Paul OskarLatin Manuscript Books before 1600da
1783CarteKRI1.2.1Kristeller, Paul Oskar (ed.)Catalogus translationum et commentariorum: Medieval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentariesda
1784CarteKRI1.3Kristeller, Paul OskarRenaissance thought and its sources nu
1785CarteKRU1.1Krüger, MaxGriechisches Ubungsbuchda
1786CarteKRU2.1 Kruger, GerhartRagione e Passione, L'essenza del pensiero platonicoda
1787CarteKUH1.1Kühn, WilfriedQuel savoir après le scepticisme?da
1788CarteKÜN1.1Küng, HansDans Christentum.Wesen und Geschichteda
1789CarteKÜN1.2Küng, HansErkämpfte Freiheitda
1790CarteKÜN1.3Küng, HansDie Kircheda
1791CarteKUN2.1Kunitzsch, PaulThe Arabs and the stars: texts and traditions on the fixed stars, and their influence in medieval Europeda
1792CarteKUR1.1.1Kurfess, A. (ed.)Appendix Sallustiana Ida
1793CarteKUR1.1.2Kurfess, A. (ed.)Appendix Sallustiana IIda
1794CarteKUR2.1Kurdziałek, MarianProlegomena zu Davidis de Dinanto Quaternulorum fragmenta da
1795CarteLAB1.1Labarbe, JulesL`Homere de Platonda
1796CarteLAC1.1Lacrosse, JoachimLa philosophie de Plotin. Intellect et discursivitenu
1797CarteLAC2.1LactantiusVon den Todesarten der Verfolger et al.da
1798CarteLAF1.1Lafleur, ClaudeQuatre introductions à la philosophie au XIIIe siècleda
1799CarteLAG1.1.1Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.)Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Philosophy Between 500 and 1500. Vol. 1 A-Lda
1800CarteLAG1.1.2Lagerlund, Henrik (ed.)Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Philosophy Between 500 and 1500. Vol. 2 M-Zda
1801CarteLAK1.1Laks, AndreDiogene d'Apollonieda
1802CarteLAN1.1Langermann, Y. Tzvi (ed.)Avicenna and his legacyda
1803CarteLAN2.1Landgraf, Artur MichaelIntroduction a l'histoire de la littterature theologique de la scolastique naissanteda
1804CarteLAN3.1#1Lang, Helen S.Aristotle's Physics and its medieval varietiesda
1805CarteLAN3.1#2Lang, Helen S. Aristotle's Physics and its medieval varietiesda
1806CarteLAN4.1Landersdorfer, P. S. (tr.)Ausgewälte Schriften der Syrischer Dichterda
1807CarteLAN5.1Lancel, Serge Saint Augustinda
1808CarteLAS1.1Lassere, F.Etude sur les extraits medievaux de Strabon suivie d'un traite inedit de Michel Psellusda
1809CarteLAS2.1.1Laszlo, AlexandruLectura lui Dante. Infernulda
1810CarteLAS2.1.2Laszlo, AlexandruLectura lui Dante. Purgatoriulda
1811CarteLAS2.1.3Laszlo, AlexandruLectura lui Dante. Paradisulda
1812CarteLAU1.1 Laurent, Jerome Les fondements de la nature dans la pensee de Plotin. Procession et participarion da
1813CarteLAU2.1 Laurand, L.Etudes sur le style des Discours de Ciceronda
1814CarteLAV1.1Rus, Anton; Castaldini, Alberto (ed.)Sapientia et scientia theologica: in honorem Renzo Lavatori per l'80 genetliacoda
1815CarteLEA1.1Leal, JerónimoActas Latinas de Mártires Africanosda
1816CarteLEB1.1Le Boulluec, Alain; Gabriela Soares Santoprete, Luciana; Timotin, Andrei (eds.)Exégèse, révélation et formation des dogmes dans l’Antiquité tardive da
1817CarteLEC1.1Lechner, Joan MarieRenaissance concepts of the commonplacesnu
1818CarteLEE1.1 Lee, Richard A. Science, the singular, and the questions of theologyda
1819CarteLEE2.1Pieter de Leemans (ed.)Translating at the Court. Bartholomew o Messina and Cultural Life at the Court of Manfred, King of Sicilyda
1820CarteLEE2.2Pieter de Leemans (ed.)Aristotle's Problemata in different Times and Tonguesda
1821CarteLEE2.3Pieter de Leemans (ed.)Between Text and Tradition. Pietro d'Abano and the Reception of Pseudo-Aristotle's Problemata Physica in the Middle Agesda
1822CarteLEE2.4Pieter de Leemans (ed.)On Good Authority. Tradition, Compilation and the Construction of Authority in Literature from Antiquity to the Renaissanceda
1823CarteLEF1.1Leff, GordonParis and Oxford Universities in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuryda
1824CarteLEF2.1Lefèvre, CharlesSur l'évolution d'Aristote en phychologieda
1825CarteLEF3.1Lefkowitz, Mary R. Women in Greek mythda
1826CarteLEF4.1Lefebvre, DavidDynamis : sens et genèse de la notion aristotélicienne de puissanceda
1827CarteLEH1.1Lehmann, Yves (ed.)Aristoteles Romanus. La reception de la science aristotelicienne dans l'Empire greco-romainda
1828CarteLEH2.1Lehrs, KarlQuaestiones epicaeda
1829CarteLEM1.1Lemoine, Michel; Picard-Parra, Clotilde (trad.)Théologie et cosmologie au XIIe siècle. L'Ecole de Chartresnu
1830CarteLEO1.1Leonardi, ClaudioAnastasio Bibliotecario e l'ottavo concilio ecumenicoda
1831CarteLEO1.2Leonardi, ClaudioGregorio Magno e le Origini dell'Europada
1832CarteLEO2.1.1Leo des GrossenSamtliche Sermonen (1-38)da
1833CarteLEO2.1.2Leo des GrossenSamtliche Sermonen (39-96)da
1834CarteLEO3.1Leone, MarialucreziaSinderesi. La conoscenza immediata dei principi morali tra Medioevo e prima Età Modernada
1835CarteLEPh2012.04.2Les Etudes philosophiques. n° 2 (2012), Marius Victorinusda
1836CarteLES1.1Lessines, Gilles de; De Wulf, MauriceLe Traite De Unitate Formaeda
1837CarteLET1.1M. Letronne (editor)Fragmenta Historicorum Graecorum. Apollodori Bibliothecada
1838CarteLEV1.1Lévy, Carlos (ed.)Philon d'Alexandrie et le langage de la philosophieda
1839CarteLEV2.1Levet, Jean-PierreLe vrai et le faux dans la pensée grecque archaïque : D'Hesiode à la fin du Ve siècleda
1840CarteLEW1.1Lewis, SianThe Athenian Woman : an Iconographic Handbookda
1841CarteLHO1.1L'homme et son destin d'apres les penseurs du moyen ageda
1842CarteLIB1.1.1 Libera, Alain deArcheologie du sujet: Naissance du sujet (vol.1)da
1843CarteLIB1.1.2Libera, Alain deArchéologie du sujet: La quête de l'identité (vol.2)da
1844CarteLIB1.2.1Libera, Alain deArcheologie du sujet: Naissance du sujet (vol.1)nu
1845CarteLIB1.2.2 Libera, Alain de Archeologie du sujet: La quete de l'identite (vol.2)nu
1846CarteLIB1.3 Libera, Alain de ; Elamrani-Jamal, A ; Galonnier, AlainLangages et philosophieda
1847CarteLIB1.4Libera, Alain dePenser au Moyen Ageda
1848CarteLIB1.5Libera, Alain deAlbert le Grand et la philosophienu
1849CarteLIB2.1Libanius Discours sur les patronagesda
1850CarteLIC1.1Granius LicinianusRelivaeda
1851CarteLIC2.1Lickteig, Franz-BernardThe german Carmelites at the Medieval universitiesnu
1852CarteLID1.1H. G. Lidell and R. ScottGreek-English Lexicon, with a Revised Supplementda
1853CarteLIE1.1Beatus LiebanensisObras completas y complementarias I (Comentario al Apocalipsis, Himno "O Dei Verbum", Apologético ) da
1854CarteLIL1.3Lille, Alain deRegeln der Theologieda
1855CarteLIL1.4Lille, Alain de; Alverny, Marie-Thérèse d'Textes ineditsda
1856CarteLIL1.5Alain de LilleLa plainte de la nature (De planctu naturae)da
1857CarteLIN1.1Lindberg, David C.Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, 600 B.C. to A.D. 1450da
1858CarteLIT1.1Little, A. G. (ed.)Initia Operum Latinorum quae saeculis XIII, XIV, XV attribuunturda
1859CarteLIV1.1Le Livre des XXIV Philosophesda
1860CarteLIV2.1.1Livius, Titus Ab Urbe condita ( XXI, XXII)da
1861CarteLIV2.1.2Livius, TitusAb Urbe condita (XXIII - XXV)da
1862CarteLIV2.1.3Livius, TitusAb Urbe condita ( XXVI - XXX)da
1863CarteLIV2.2.1.2Livius, TitusAb urbe condita ( IV-VI)da
1864CarteLIV2.3.1Livivs, TitusAb vrbe condita ( XXI-XXII)da
1865CarteLIV2.3.2Livius, TitusAb urbe condita (XXVI-XXVII)da
1866CarteLIV2.3.3Livius, TitusAb vrbe condita ( XXVIII-XXX)da
1867CarteLIV3.1Livadiotti, UmbertoAnonimo del IV seccolo. Descrizione del mondo e delle sue gentida
1868CarteLLO1.1Llorente Megias, Paloma; Otero Vidal, MerceLiber de causis. Indice y Concordanciada
1869CarteLLO2.1Lloyd, Geoffrey Ernest RichardThe ambivalences of rationality : ancient and modern cross-cultural explorationsnu
1870CarteLOC1.1Locke, JohnJohn Locke: literary and historical writingsnu
1871CarteLOH1.1.1.1Lohr, Charles H. Latin Aristotle Commentaries. I.1 Medieval Authors A-Lda
1872CarteLOH1.1.1.2Lohr, Charles H.Latin Aristotle Commentaries. I.2 Medieval Authors M-Zda
1873CarteLOH1.1.2Lohr, Charles H.Latin Aristotle Commentaries. II. Renaissance Authorsda
1874CarteLOH1.1.3Lohr, Charles H.Latin Aristotle Commentaries. III. Index Initiorum - Index finiumda
1875CarteLOH1.1.5Lohr, Charles H.Latin Aristotle Commentaries. V. Bibliography of Secondary Litteratureda