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Nr.TipCota  AutorTitluDisponibil
16CarteARI1.49AristotelOpera Omnia, vol. XIII: Poetica, et Rhetorica ad Alexandrumda
17CarteARI1.50AristotelOpera Omnia, vol. vi: De animalium partibus, generatione, ingressu, motu, et de spirituda
18CarteAUG1.8AugustinDe beata vita / Uber das Glueckda
19CarteAUG1.9AugustinDe vera religione / Uber die wahre Religionda
20CarteBAX1.1Baxter, TimothyThe Cratylus. Plato's Critique of Namingda
21CarteBOU5.1Boulanger, AndreAelius Aristide et la sophistique dans la province d' Asie au IIe siecle de notre ereda
22CarteBRE2.1Brehier, EmileLes idees philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d' Alexandrieda
23CarteBUR5.1Burckhardt, JakobGriechische Kulturgeschichte. Der griechische Menschda
24CarteBUR6.1Burnet, JohnEarly Greek Philosophyda
25CarteCAL3.1Calogero, GuidoI fondamenti della logica Aristotelicada
26CarteCAP3.1Capelle, WilhelmDie Vorsokratikerda
27CarteCIC1.1CiceroSomnium Scipionisda
28CarteCIC1.2CiceroLaelius sive De amicitiada
29CarteCIC1.3CiceroLaelius sive De amicitiada
30CarteCOR3.1Cornford, Francis M.Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist)da
31CarteCOR4.1Cornea, AndreiScriere si oralitate in cultura antica - Cazul Platonda
32CarteCRO2.1Croiset, Alfred et MauriceManuel d'histoire de litterature grecqueda
33CarteDAV1.1DavidIntroducere in filosofieda
34CarteDEM2.5DemostheneSept Philippiques (la premiere Philippique, les trois olynthiennes, la deuxieme Philippique, le discours sur la Chersonese, la troisieme Philippique)da
35CarteDEM2.6DemostheneDiscours de la Couronneda
36CarteDEN3.1Densusianu, Ar.Istoria limbii si literaturii romaneda
37CarteDIO1.1Pseudo-Dionysie AreopagitulDe caelesti hierarchiada
38CarteEIN1.1EinhardVita Karoli Magni / Das Leben Karls des Grossenda
39CarteEPI1.1EpicurEpistulae tres et ratae sententiaeda
40CarteEPI1.3EpicurBriefe. Spruche. Werkfragmenteda
42CarteEPI2.2EpictetHandbuechlein der Moralda
43CarteERM1.1Erman, AdolfDie Hieroglyphenda
44CarteEUC1.2.1EuclidElemente vol.1da
45CarteEUG1.1EugippiusVita Sancti Severini / Das Leben des heiligen Severinda
46CarteEUR1.3EuripideIphigenie a Aulisda
49CarteFRE1.1Frenkian, Aram M.Le monde homerique. Essai de protophilosophie grecqueda
50CarteFRE1.2Frenkian, Aram M.La methode hippocratique dans le Phedre de Platonda
51CarteGES1.1Gesta Romanorumda
52CarteGOM1.1.1Gomperz, TheodorThe Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.1da
53CarteGOM1.1.2Gomperz, TheodorThe Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.2da
54CarteGOM1.1.3Gomperz, TheodorThe Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.3da
55CarteGUD1.1Gudeman, Alfred (ed.)Imagines philologorum. 160 Bildnisse aus der Zeit von der Renaissance bis zur Gegenwartda
56CarteHAD2.1Hadot, PierreCe este filosofia antica?da
57CarteHEI1.2Heidegger, MartinRepere pe drumul gandiriida
58CarteHEI1.3Heidegger, MartinEssais et conferencesda
59CarteHER2.1HerodotMorceaux choisisda
60CarteHEY1.1Heynacher, Max (edit.)Goethes Philosophie aus seinen Werkenda
61CarteJAE1.1Jaeger, WernerAristotle.Fundamentals of the history of his Developmentnu
62CarteJAE1.2Jaeger, WernerPaideia. La formation de l'homme grecqueda
63CarteKAN1.1Kant, ImmanuelProlegomene la orice metafizica viitoare care se va putea infatisa drept stiintada
64CarteKIR1.1Kirk, G.S.; Raven, J.E.The Presocratic Philosophersda
65CarteKLE1Klein, JacobA Commentary on Plato's Menonu