The Political Elite from Transylvania (1867-1918)

Research project financed by CNCS-UEFISCDI through the research grant PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0040

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© 2011-2012. The Project Team

2012 Project results

The Catalogue of the MPs elected in the Hungarian Lower Chamber, between 1867 and 1918, from the colleges of Eastern Hungary (Transylvania, Banat, Crişana, Bihor, Sătmar, Maramureş).

Papers in periodicals*

Judit Pál, Színek háborúja. A zászló mint nemzeti jelkép Erdélyben 1848-ban és az erdélyi politikai elitek (The War of Colours. The Flag as a National Symbol in 1848 and the Transylvanian Elites), in “Századok”, 147 (2013), no. 3 (ERIH INT2; under press).

Vlad Popovici, Family relations and group mobilization within the Romanian political elite in Transylvania (1861-1900), in “Transylvanian Review”, XXI (2012), supplement Transylvania and Habsburg Monarchy in the “Long Nineteenth Century”, ed. by Iosif Marin Balog, Rudolf Gräf, p. 139-154 (ISI-SSI).

Nicolae Bocşan (with I. Cârja), Ecclesiastical realities from Banat as reflected in the journal of canon Ioan Boroş, in “Transylvanian Review”, XXI (2012), supplement Transylvania and Habsburg Monarchy in the “Long Nineteenth Century”, ed. by Iosif Marin Balog, Rudolf Gräf, p. 231-239 (ISI-SSI).

Judit Pál, The Local Exercise of Power in Sătmar County at the Beginning of the 18th Century, in “Transylvanian Review”, XXI (2012), supplement Institutional Structures and Elites in Sălaj Region and in Transylvania in the 14th-18th Centuries, ed. by. András W. Kovács, p. 237-251 (ISI-SSI).

Nicolae Bocşan, Andrei Şaguna şi episcopul Calinic de Râmnic, in “Buridava. Studii şi materiale. Muzeul Judeţean Aurel Sacerdoţianu, Vâlcea”, IX (2011), p. 229-235.

Alexandru Onojescu, Un medic şi om politic ardelean: Dr. Nicolae Stoia (1830-1879) (A Romanian Physician and Politician: Dr. Nicolae Stoia 1830-1879), in “Clujul Medical”, 85 (2012), no. 2, p. 271-275.

* - We are trying our best in order to keep the scientific community informed on our project and on its results, this being the reason why we have chosen to upload our papers on the site. However, some of the papers being subjected to copyright by the editors, could not be uploaded.


Teodor V. Păcăţian, Un mecenat român: Dr. Iosif Gall (A Romanian “Maecenas”, Dr. Iosif Gall), edited, introductory study and references by Ovidiu Emil Iudean, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2012, 220 p. ISBN 978-973-595-475-8.

***, Memorial de război. Marele Război în memoria bănăţeană 1914-1919 (Memoirs of the war. The Great War in the memory of Banat 1914-1919), 1st vol., edited, introductory study and references by Nicolae Bocşan, Valeriu Leu, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2012, 808 p. ISBN 978-973-595-376-8.

Studies in collective volumes

Nicolae Bocşan, Influenţe italiene în gândirea politică a românilor din Banat şi Transilvania (Italian influences in the political thinking of the Romanians from Banat and Transylvania), in vol. Specific românesc şi confluenţe central-europene. Profesorului Teodor Pavel la împlinirea vârstei de 70 de ani, ed. by Iosif Marin Balog, Ana Victoria Sima, Ion Cârja, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2012, p. 59-67.

Ovidiu Iudean, Between National Solidarity and Local Interests. The Pro-governmental Political Orientation of the Romanians in Hungary (the End of the 19th Century – the Beginning of the 20th Century) in vol. Infusing Research and Knowledge in South-East Europe. Proceedings of the 7th annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference, ed. by K. Bratanis et alii, Thessaloniki, 2012, p. 858-872, ISBN 978-960-9416-05-4.

Alexandru Onojescu, The Romanian Administrative Elite from Transylvania in the Liberal Period (1861-1867), in vol. Infusing Research and Knowledge in South-East Europe. Proceedings of the 7th annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference, ed. by K. Bratanis et alii, Thessaloniki, 2012, p. 873-887, ISBN 978-960-9416-05-4.

Nicolae Bocşan, Adunarea de la Alba Iulia din 1 Decembrie 1918 în memoria bănăţeană, in vol. Studii de istorie a Transilvaniei. Volum dedicat istoricului Ioachim Lazăr la 70 de ani, ed. by Ciprian Băran, Carmen Barna, Cluj-Napoca, Argonaut, 2012, p. 379-390.

Nicolae Bocşan, Andrei Şaguna şi intelectualii bănăţeni, in vol. Itinerarii istoriografice. Studii în onoarea istoricului Costin Feneşan, coord. Dumitru Ţeicu, Rudolf Gräf, Cluj-Napoca, Centrul de Studii Transilvane, 2011, p. 355-376.

PhD Theses [completed with auxiliary financial support (logistics and research stages) from the project]

Ovidiu Iudean, Deputaţi guvernamentali români în Parlamentul de la Budapesta 1881-1918 (Romanian Governmental MPs in the Parliament from Budapest 1881-1918), Cluj-Napoca, 2012.

Alexandru Onojescu, Politică şi strategii de grup la elita românească din Transilvania 1860-1869 (Politics and Group Strategies within the Romanian Elite from Transylvania 1860-1869),  Cluj-Napoca, 2012.

Scientific events attended

Judit Pál, Zwei Gouverneure – zwei Integrationsversuche − zwei „imperiale Biographien”? Karl Graf zu Schwarzenberg, Graf Emanuel Péchy und Siebenbürgen im Habsburgerreich, bzw. in der Doppelmonarchie − „Imperiale Biographien: Elitekarrieren im Habsburger, Russischen und Osmanischen Vielvölkerreich (1850-1918)”, „Otto-Friedrich” University Bamberg, 19th-21st July 2012.

Ovidiu Iudean, Between National Solidarity and Local Interests. The Pro-guvernmental Political Orientation of the Romanians in Hungary (the End of the 19th Century – the Beginning of the 20th Century) 7th Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference”, South-Eastern European Research Centre at CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield – in Thessaloniki, Greece, 24th-25th September 2012.

Alexandru Onojescu, The Romanian Administrative Elite from Transylvania in the Liberal Period (1861-1867) − 7th Annual South-East European Doctoral Student Conference”, South-Eastern European Research Centre at CITY College, International Faculty of the University of Sheffield – in Thessaloniki, Greece, 24th-25th September 2012.

Judit Pál, Electoral corruption in Transylvania in the second half of the nineteenth century − „Faveurs et politique dans l’Europe contemporaine (19e-20e siècles)”, Université de Lorraine, Université de Darmstadt, Université d’Avignon, Metz, 4th-5th October 2012.

Alexandru Onojescu, Ovidiu Iudean, Political fraud and national minorities in Hungary. The case of the Romanians 1869-1910 − „Faveurs et politique dans l’Europe contemporaine (19e-20e siècles)”, Université de Lorraine, Université de Darmstadt, Université d’Avignon, Metz, 4th-5th October 2012.

Judit Pál, Választási korrupció Erdélyben a dualizmus korának első évtizedében (Electoral corruption in Transylvania, during the first decade of the dualism) − „Rendiség és Parlamentarizmus Magyarországon a Kezdetektől 1918-ig”, Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of History, Budapest, 15th-16th November 2012.

Vlad Popovici, Statistica electorală a Banatului (1861-1914) (The Electoral Statistics of Banat) − „Istorie şi Cultură în Banat”, 1st edition, „Titu Maiorescu” Institute for Banat Studies of the Romanian Academy-Timişoara branch; Institute for the Culture of the Romanians in Voivodina-Zrenianin, Giroc-Timişoara, 1st-2nd November 2012.

Ovidiu Iudean,  Românii bănăţeni în alegerile parlamentare din Ungaria. Studiu de caz: alegerile de la Oraviţa din anul 1909 (The Romanians and the parliamentary elections in Hungary. Case study: the 1909 elections from Oraviţa)− „Istorie şi Cultură în Banat”, 1st edition, „Titu Maiorescu” Institute for Banat Studies of the Romanian Academy-Timişoara branch; Institute for the Culture of the Romanians in Voivodina-Zrenianin, Giroc-Timişoara, 1st-2nd November 2012.

Vlad Popovici, Minority political journals and press offences in Austria-Hungary: the Romanian case − Writing against the grain: dissent, minorities and the press in history”, The Newspaper and Periodical History Forum of Ireland; Kingston University-London, Kingston upon Thames, 16th-17th November 2012.

Alexandru Onojescu, Spre o Dietă a amploaiaţilor. Rolul funcţionarilor români din perioada liberală în alegerile pentru Dieta de la Sibiu din 1863-1864 [Towards a Diet of bureaucrats. The part played by the Romanian clerks from the liberal period in the elections for the 1863-1864 Diet from Sibiu], Istoria elitelor în spaţiul românesc, “1 December” University in Alba Iulia, Alba Iulia, 13th-14th December 2012.  

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