The Political Elite from Transylvania (1867-1918)

Research project financed by CNCS-UEFISCDI through the research grant PN-II-ID-PCE-2011-3-0040

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2011 Project results

Papers in periodicals

Alexandru Onojescu (with V. Popovici), Our Beloved Martyrs…” Preliminaries to a History of Political Detention in Dualist Hungary,  in “Transylvanian Review”, XXI (2012), supplement no. 3, Scholars in Dialogue. Multidisciplinary Approaches in Dealing with the Past in Transylvania, ed. by Corina Moldovan, Ionuţ Costea, Lavinia S. Stan, p. 383-394. (ISI-SSI)

Studies in collective volumes

Judit Pál, Polgárok vagy politikusok? Az erdélyi városok országgyűlési képviselete a kiegyezés után  (Bourgeois or politicians? The MPs from the Transylvanian boroughs after the 1867 compromise), in A város és társadalma. Tanulmányok Bácskai Vera tiszteletére, red. H. Németh István, Szívós Erika, Tóth Árpád, Hajnal István Kör – Társadalomtörténeti Egyesület, Budapest, 2011, p. 346-360.

Nicolae Bocşan, Ideologie şi acţiune politică la Eftimie Murgu (1842-1845) (The ideology and political action of Eftimie Murgu 1842-1845), in vol. Identitate şi alteritate. Studii de istorie politică şi culturală, vol. V, ed. by C. Bărbulescu, I. Bonda, C. Cârja, I. Cârja,  A.V. Sima, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2010, p. 9-22.

Ovidiu Emil Iudean, Solidarităţi politico-naţionale la românii năsăudeni în timpul alegerilor parlamentare de la începutul secolului XX (The political-national solidarities of the Romanians from Năsăud during the parliamentary elections at the beginning of the 20th century),  in vol. Identitate şi alteritate. Studii de istorie politică şi culturală, vol. V, ed. by C. Bărbulescu, I. Bonda, C. Cârja, I. Cârja,  A.V. Sima, Cluj-Napoca, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2010, p. 36-44.  

Scientific events attended

Judit Pál, Staatsbeamter oder Klient? Ein »Vermittler« aus Ostungarn zwischen verschiedenen sozialen Normen - The International Conference „Normsetzung und Normverletzung”, Tübingen, 3rd-5th of November 2011.

Alexandru Onojescu (with V. Popovici), “Our beloved martyrs…” Preliminaries to a History of Political Detention in Dualist Hungary, The Workshop „Young Historians – New Approaches. Investigating the Old Past with New Methodes”, 5th of November 2011, Cluj-Napoca, Hosted by: Universitatea „Babeş-Bolyai” din Cluj-Napoca, Institutul de Istorie Orală; Academia Română, Centrul de Studii Transilvane Cluj-Napoca.

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