News concerning the team members
- In the course of 2016 Maria Crăciun has been habilitated to supervise PhD students in the field of history and has been promoted to Professor.
- Ovidiu Ghitta has been reappointed to the position of Dean of the Facult of History
- Congratulations are due to members of the team who have been promoted to new academic positions strating with October 2015: Carmen Florea who has been promoted to lecturer and Ovidiu Ghitta who has been promoted to Professor.
- Ovidiu Ghitta has also been habilitated for supervising doctoral dissertations in the field of history in October 2015.
- Ciprian Firea has won the UEFISCDI competition for young research teams with the project ”În căutarea unui patron. ” Preoţii saşilor ca promotori ai artelor în Transilvania evului mediu târziu (ca. 1350-1550).(In search of a patron: The priests of the Saxon community as supporters of the arts in late medieval Transylvania (ca. 1350-1550).
Forthcoming conferences
- Mária Lupescu Makó will give a paper called „Jakó Zsigmond, a történettudós” (the Historian Zsigmond Jakó) at a local conference Jakó Zsigmond centenáriumi megemlékezés (Zsigmond Jakó Centennial Commemoration), organised by the Transylvanian Museum Society at Cluj, Romania on 13 October 2016.
- Mária Lupescu Makó will also give a paper called „Pro memoria perpetua.” Az emlékezés stratégiái a késő középkori Erdélyben” (Pro memoria perpetua. Commemoration Strategies in Medieval Transylvania), at the national conference Emlékezet és felejtés (Memory and Oblivion), organised by the Bolyai Society and the Babeș-Bolyai University at Cluj, Romania on 21-22 October 2016.
- Mária Lupescu Makó will give a paper „Benedek, Erdély első domonkos püspöke” (Benedict, the first Dominican bishop of Transylvania) at an international conference Domonkosok – Történelem és történetiség között (Dominicans – Between History and Narrative), organised by the Institute of Religion and Theology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Hungarian Province of the Dominican Order, at Székesfehérvár, Hungary on 2-3 November 2016.
- Mária Lupescu Makó will also give a paper called „Az üdvözülés útjai – Koldulórendi konfraternitások Kolozsváron” (The Ways of Redemption – Mendicant Confraternities in Cluj) at an international conference which she has helped organise Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg – 700, organised by the Faculty of History of the Babeș-Bolyai University, Sapientia University, The Transylvanian Museum Society, which will be held at Cluj-Napoca, Romania on 10-13 November 2016.