81 | LEA1.1 | Leal, Jerónimo | Actas Latinas de Mártires Africanos | da |
82 | MIH2.1 | Mihailov, Emilian; Constantinescu, Mihaela; Flonta, Mircea (eds.) | Acţiune şi raţiune | da |
83 | CAR1.2 | Caroti, Stefano; Imbach, Ruedi; Kaluza, Zenon; Stabile, Giorgio; Sturlese, Loris (eds.) | Ad ingenii acutionem. Studies in honour of Alfonso Mayeru | da |
84 | SEN1.2.1 | Seneca | Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, vol. I (libri I-XIII) | da |
85 | SEN1.2.2 | Seneca | Ad Lucilium Epistulae Morales, vol. II (libri XIV-XX) | da |
86 | SEN1.3.3 | Seneca | Ad Lucilium Epistularum moralium quae supersunt | da |
87 | MAR5.2 | [Marcus Aurelius] M. Antoninus Imperator | Ad se ipsum | da |
88 | MAR5.4 | Marcus Aurelius | Ad se ipsum libri XII (ed. Dalfen) | da |
89 | DUF1.1 | Dufraigne, Pierre | Adventus Augusti, adventus Christi | da |
90 | BOU5.1 | Boulanger, Andre | Aelius Aristide et la sophistique dans la province d' Asie au IIe siecle de notre ere | da |
91 | HOR2.1 | P. W. Van Der Horst | Aelius Aristides And The New Testament | da |
92 | VER5.2.1 | Vergilius | Aeneis | da |
93 | PET2.3.1 | Petrarca | Africa I-V | da |
94 | AER1.3 | Aertsen, Jan; Emery, Kent; Speer, Andreas (Hsg.) | After the Condemnation of 1277 | da |
95 | PHI1.6 | Philoponus | Against Aristotle, on the Eternity of the World | da |
96 | DIA3.1 | Diaconu, Luminiţa; Anton, Corina (eds.) | Âges et genres des émotions médiévales | da |
97 | TAC1.12 | Tacitus, Cornelius | Agricola | da |
98 | SOL1.1 | Solère, Jean-Luc; Vasiliu, Anca; Galonnier, Alain (ed.) | Alain de Lille, le Docteur Universel. Philosophie, theologie, et litterature au XIIe siecle | da |
99 | LIB1.5 | Libera, Alain de | Albert le Grand et la philosophie | nu |
100 | CRA1.1 | Craemer-Ruegenberg, Ingrid | Albertus Magnus | da |
101 | HOE1.2 | Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; de Libera, Alain | Albertus Magnus Und Der Albertismus | nu |
102 | ALB2.7 | Albertus Magnus | Albertus Magnus und sein System der Wissenschaften | nu |
103 | AFR1.4 | Alexander Of Aphrodisias; Eric Lewis (tr.) | Alexander Of Aphrodisias On Aristotle Meteorology 4 | nu |
104 | LYC1.2 | Lycophronus | Alexandra | da |
105 | LYC1.1 | Lycophronus | Alexandra (ed. Mascialino) | da |