3861 | JEA1.3 | Jeauneau, Edouard | Filosofia medievală | da |
3862 | SPE1.1 | Şpet, Gustav | Conştiinţa şi posesorul ei | da |
3863 | ECK3.1 | Meister Eckhart | Meister Eckhart: a modern translation | da |
3864 | PPM1.1 | *** | Pensiero politico medievale | da |
3865 | SIG1.8 | Siger de Brabant | Questio de creatione ex nihilo | da |
3866 | DIA3.1 | Diaconu, Luminiţa; Anton, Corina (eds.) | Âges et genres des émotions médiévales | da |
3867 | LUN1.1 | Lung, Ecaterina; Bourdon, Etienne ; Heath, Christopher; Shee, Laurence; Vallee, Cecile | Time and space/Temps et culture | da |
3868 | PAS2.1 | Pasalodos Requejo, Sergio | Michele Savonarola y el primer tratado panitaliano de balneis | da |
3869 | ANO1.1 | Anonim | Despre suflet şi despre facultăţile sale | da |
3870 | BRI2.5 | Brînzei, Monica (coord.) | Henricus de Rinfeldia. Notes from the Classroom and Disputed Questions at the University of Vienna before 1400. A Transcription of the Manuscript Basel, Universitätsbibliothek, A X 44 | da |
3871 | BRI2.6 | Brinzei, Monica; Coman, Daniel; Curut, Ioana; Marinca, Andrei (eds.) | Pseudo-Aristotelian texts in medieval thought | da |
3872 | PLA1.26.2 | Platon | Opera integrala II | da |
3873 | FER3.1 | Fernandes, Carla Varela; Barreira Fernandes Catarina; Fontes Joao Luis Ingles | Loci Sepulcrales. Places of Memory and Burial in the Middle Ages | da |
3874 | PLA1.26.3 | Platon | Opera integrala III | da |
3875 | GUT2.1 | Gutu, Gheorghe | Dictionar Latin Roman | da |
3876 | ROB4.1 | Robert, Aurélien | Le monde mathématique : Marco Trevisano et la philosophie dans la Venise du Trecento | nu |
3877 | LIL1.5 | Alain de Lille | La plainte de la nature (De planctu naturae) | da |
3878 | GHO1.1 | Ghosh, Kantik; Soukup, Pavel (eds.) | Wycliffism and Hussitism : methods of thinking, writing, and persuasion, c.1360-c.1460 | da |
3879 | CRO5.1 | Cross, Richard | The metaphysics of christology in the late middle ages : William of Ockham to Gabriel Biel | nu |
3880 | ANO1.2 | Anonim | Viziunea lui Tnugdal | nu |
3881 | ALB2.11 | Loconsole, Mario; Miteva, Evelina; Panarelli, Marilena (eds.) | Natural Philosophy in Albert the Great : a dialogue of disciplines | da |
3882 | VOI2.1 | Armand-Alexandru, Voinov | Atitudinea faţă de sinucidere în platonism şi neoplatonism | da |
3883 | SAR2.1 | Sára, Balázs (ed.) | Quelle & Deutung VII | da |
3884 | LUK1.2 | Lukács, Edit Anna | Immovable truth divine knowledge and the bible at the university of Vienna (1384-1419) | da |
3885 | THE9.1 | Theisen, Maria (ed.) | Gotteskrieger der Kampf um den rechten Glauben rund um Wien im 15. Jahrhundert | da |