Nr.CotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
1946GIL2.1Gilmont, Jean-Francois; Vanautgaerden, AlexandreLes instruments de travail a la Rennaissanceda
1947GIL1.4Gilson, EtienneLa philosophie de Saint Bonaventureda
1948GIL1.5Gilson, EtienneJean Duns Scot, Introduction a ses positions fondamentalesda
1949GIL1.6Gilson, EtienneLes sources greco-arabes de l'augustinisme avicennisantda
1950GIL1.7Gilson, EtienneL'esprit de la philosohpie medievaleda
1951GIL1.8Gilson, EtienneLa philosophie au Moyen Ageda
1952GIL1.1Gilson, EtienneIndex scolastico-cartesienda
1953GIL1.2Gilson, Etienne et aliiJacques Maritain: son oeuvre philosophiqueda
1954GIO1.1Gioacchino da FioreSull'Apocalipse. Traduzione e cura din Andrea Tagliapetrada
1955GIR3.1Giraud, Cédric (ed.)A companion to twelfth-century schoolsda
1956GIR3.1#2Giraud, Cédric (ed.)A companion to twelfth-century schoolsnu
1957GIR3.2Giraud, Cédric; Morard, Martin (eds.)Universitas scolarium : mélanges offerts à Jacques Verger par ses anciens étudiantsda
1958GIR4.1Giraud, Eleonor J.; Leitmeir, Christian Thomas (eds.)The Medieval Dominicans : books, buildings, music, and liturgynu
1959GIR2.1Giraudeau, MicheleLes Notions Juridiques Et Sociales Chez Herodoteda
1960GIR1.1Girgenti, GiuseppeIl pensiero forte di Porfirio. Mediazione fra henologia platonica e ontologia aristotelicada
1961GLE1.1Glenisson, Jean (dir.)Le Livre au Moyen Ageda
1962GLO1.1.2Glorieux, PalemonLa litterature quodlibetique, vol. IIda
1963GLO1.1.1Glorieux, PalémonLa litterature quodlibetique de 1260 a 1320da
1964GLO1.3Glorieux, PalémonPour revaloriser Migne. Tables Rectificativesda
1965GLO1.2.1Glorieux, PalémonAux origines de la Sorbonne. Vol. I Robert de Sorbonnu
1966GLO1.2.2Glorieux, PalémonAux origines de la Sorbonne. Vol. II Le cartulaireda
1967HTKNT1.1Gnilka, JoachimDas Matthausevangelium da
1968HTKNT1.2Gnilka, JoachimDas Matthausevangeliumda
1969HTKNT10.1Gnilka, JoachimDer Kolosserbriefda
1970HTKNT10.2Gnilka, JoachimDer Epheserbriefda
1971HTKNT10.3Gnilka, JoachimDer Philipperbriefda
1972HTKNT10.4Gnilka, JoachimDer Philemonbriefda
1973GOD1.1Goddu, AndréCopernicus and the Aristotelian Traditionda
1974GOD2.2Godescalc de NepomukTeologia ca dispoziţie ştiinţifică. Prologul Comentariului la Cartea Sentinţelor da
1975GOD2.1Godescalp de NepomukSuper libros sententiarum. Ms. Kraków, BJ 1499da
1976BIBL1.45Golob, Nataša,; Vodopivec, Jedert (ed.)Bookbindings : theoretical approaches and practical solutions da
1977GOM1.1.2Gomperz, TheodorThe Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.2da
1978GOM1.1.3Gomperz, TheodorThe Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.3da
1979GOM1.1.1Gomperz, TheodorThe Greek Thinkers. A History of Ancient Philosophy Vol.1da
1980GOO1.1Goodenough, Erwin R.An Introduction to PHILO JUDAEUSda
1981GOO1.2Goodenough, Erwin R.THE POLITICS OF PHILO JUDAEUS. Practice and Theoryda
1982GOO2.1Goodman, Lenn EvanJewish and Islamic philosophyda
1983GOS1.1Gosden, DavidStarting to Read Medieval Latin Manuscriptda
1984GOS2.1Gosling, J. C. B.; Taylor, C. C. The Greeks on Pleasureda
1985GOT1.1.1Gottschall, D; Sterr, G;Der deutsche `Lucidarius´(vol. I)da
1986GOT1.2Gottschall, DagmarKonrad von Megenbergs, Buch von den natürlichen Dingenda
1987GOU4.1Gouguenheim, SylvainAristote au Mont Saint Michelda
1988GOU3.1Goulet- Caze, Marie-Odile (ed.)Etudes sur la theorie stoicienne de l'actionda
1989CAZ2.1Goulet-Cazé, Marie-OdileLe cynisme : une philosophie antiqueda
1990GOU2.2Goullet, Monique; Parisse, MichelTraduire le latin médiévalda
1991GOU2.1Goullet, Monique; Parisse, MichelApprendre le latin médiévalda
1992GOU1.1Gourinat, Jean-BaptisteLa dialectique des stoïciensnu
1993GRA1.1Grabmann, MartinDie mittelalterlichen Kommentare zur Politik des Aristotelesda
1994GRA2.1Gracia, Jorge J. E.Individuation in Scholasticismda
1995GRA2.2Gracia, Jorge J. E.Introduction to the Problem of Individuation in the Early Middle Agesda