526 | Articol | X-kal1.4 | Kaluza, Zenon | Trois listes des oeuvres de Heimeric de Campo dans le "Catalogue du couvent rouge" ("Rouge Cloitre") | da |
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528 | Carte | HEI1.1 | Heidegger, Martin | Chemins qui ne menent nulle part | da |
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532 | Articol | X-wei2.2 | Weiler, A . G. ; Michel Schooyans (recenzent) | Heinrich von Gorkum (1431). Seine Stellung in der Philosophie und der Theologie des Spatmittelalters | da |
533 | Articol | x-ste1.3 | Steel, Carlos ; Guy Guldentops | An unknown tratise of Averoes against the Avicennians on the first cause | da |
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537 | Articol | X-ste2.3 | Steenberghen, Fernand Van | Albert le Grand et l'Aristotelisme | da |
538 | Articol | X-str2.1 | Street, Tony | Avicenna and Tusi on the Contradiciton and Conversion of the Absolute | da |
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541 | Articol | X-rem1.1 | Remnant, Peter | Peter Damian: Could God change the past? | da |
542 | Articol | X-ras1.1 | Rashed, Marwan | Agregat de parties ou vinculum substantiale? Sur une hesitation conceptuelle et textuelle du corpus aristotelicien | da |
543 | Articol | X-ren1.1 | Renault, Laurence | Felicite humaine et conception de la philosophie chez Henri de Gand, Duns Scotus et Guillaume d'Ockham | da |
544 | Articol | X-ren2.1 | Renaut, Alain | Pour une histoire critique de la philosophie | da |
545 | Articol | X-ris1.1 | Rist, John M. | Ideas of individuals in Plotinus | da |
546 | Articol | X-ris1.2 | Rist, John M. | The indefinite dyad and intelligible matter in Plotinus | da |
547 | Articol | X-der2.1 | De Rijk, Lambert Marie | Gilbert de Poitiers. Ses vues semantiques et metaphysiques | da |
548 | Carte | ANS1.2 | Anselm din Canterbury | Proslogion | da |
549 | Articol | X-der2.2 | De Rijk, Lambert Marie | John Buridan on Universals | da |
550 | Articol | X-ric1.2 | Ricoeur, Paul | Ontologie | da |
551 | Articol | X-rin1.1 | Rini, Adriane | Hupo in the Prior Analytics: a note on Disamis XLL | da |
552 | Articol | X-rob2.1 | Robiglio, Andrea | Breaking the Great Chain of Being: a note on the Paris condemnations of 1277, Thomas Aquinas and the proper subject of metaphysics | da |
553 | Articol | X-ros1.1 | Rosen, Stanley | Un futur anterieur | da |
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557 | Articol | X-yol1.2 | Yolles, Julian | Rethinking Abelard | da |
558 | Articol | X-yol1.1 | Yolles, Julian | The rhethoric of simplicity: faith and rethoric in Peter Damian | da |
559 | Articol | X-moo1.1 | Moonan, Lawrence | Impossibility and Peter Damian | da |
560 | Articol | X-gas1.1 | Gaskin, Richard | Peter Damian on Divine power and the contingency of the past | da |
561 | Articol | x-bar1.3 | Barnes, Jonathan | The Law of Contradiction | da |
562 | Articol | X-end1.1 | Endres, Joseph Anton | Petrus Damiani Und Die Weltliche Wissenschaft | da |
563 | Articol | x-cor4.2 | Corcoran, John | Conceptual Structure of Classical Logic | da |
564 | Carte | ~F.37 | Bernea, Ernest | Spatiu, timp si cauzalitate la poporul roman | da |
565 | Articol | X-cou4.1 | Courtenay, William J. | John of Mirecourt and Gregory of Rimini on whether God can undo the past | da |
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567 | Articol | x-mat1.1 | Mates, Benson | Stoic Logic and the Text of Sextus Empiricus | da |
568 | Articol | x-gea1.1 | Geach, Peter Thomas | Subject and Predicate | da |
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570 | Articol | X-tam1.1 | Tambrun, Brigitte | Byzance,Platon et les platoniciens | nu |
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572 | Articol | X-sho1.1 | Shogimen, Takashi | The Relationship between Theology and Canon Law: Another Context of Political Tought in the Early Fourteenth Century | da |
573 | Articol | X-tay1.2 | Taylor, Richard C. | Aquinas, the Plotiniana Arabica, and the Metaphysics of Being and Actuality | da |
574 | Articol | x-bow1.1 | Bowie, E.L. | Greeks and their Past in the Second Sophistic | da |
575 | Articol | X-tay1.1 | Taylor, Richard C. | St. Thomas and the Liber de Causis on the hylomorphic composition of separate substances | da |