
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
6ArticolX-wei1.6#2Weijers Olga La commission Léonine et l'histoire intelectuelle du XIIIe siécleda
7ArticolX-wei1.6#1Weijers Olga La commission leonine et l'histoire intelectuelle du XIIIe siecleda
8CarteBRI4.4 Brisson, Luc Le même et l'autre dans la structure ontologique du Timée de Platon : un commentaire systématique du Timée de Platon da
9CarteCRE1.1Crescas, Hasdai Light of the Lord da
10CarteSER1.2 Serres, Michel Petite poucette nu
11CarteMON4.3 Mondésert, Claude Pour lire les Pères de l'Église dans la collection "Sources chrétiennes" da
12ArticolX-alb1.4Albertus Magnus Quaestio de ratione superiori et synderesi; Quaestio de synderesida
13CarteLUC3.2Rabe, Hugo (ed.) Scholia in Lucianumda
14CarteGAT1.1Gatti, Roberto Storie dell'anima: le Confessioni di Agostino e Rousseau da
15CarteFAR1.1 Farrington, Benjamin The philosophy of Francis Bacon da
16CarteFUC1.1Fuchs, Franz Venedig und der oberdeutsche Buchmarkt um 1500 da
17CarteARN5.1 Arnzen, Rüdiger; Thielmann‎, ‬Jörn Words, texts and concepts cruising the Mediterranean Sea da
18CarteKNO1.1Knoll, Paul W."A pearl of powerful learning": the university of Cracow in the fifteenth centurynu
19CarteGAG1.1 Gage, Jean"Basileia". Les Cesars, les Rois d'Orient et les Magesda
20ArticolX-kor1.1Korolec, Jerzy B. "Compendium divinorum" Heimeryka de Campo w RKP. BJ 695da
21ArticolX-cor1.1Cornea, A."If There Were an Eye on the back of The Heaven..."da
22ArticolX-vig1.1Vignaux, P."Nicolas d'Autrecourt"da
23ArticolX-van3.1Vanni Rovighi, Sofia"Ratio" in Saint'Anselmo d'Aostada
24Articolx-vla1.2 Vlastos, Gregory "Self-Predication" in Plato's Latter Periodda
25ArticolX-cor3.1Corrigan, Kevin "Solitary" Mysticism in Plotinus, Proclus, Gregory of Nyssa, and Pseudo-Dionysiusda
26Articolx-osb1.1Osborne, Thomas Jr."Unibilitas": The Key to Bonaventure's Understanding of Human Natureda
27CarteSHA1.1Shank, Michael H. "Unless You Believe, You Shall Not Understand". Logic, University and Society in Late Medieval Viennada
28ArticolX-tus1.1Tuszynska, Franciszka"Vultus Naturae" w traktacie "De esse et essentia" Jana de Novo Domoda
29CarteAND3.1Pseudo-Andronicus din Rhodos'Peri pathon'da
30ArticolX-mur1.1Murdoch, John1277 and Late Medieval Natural Philosophyda