In line with the Erasmus+ Programme objectives, the Jean Monnet Module Building EU’s Societal Security: the security management of national minorities in Europe, Together4Europe, (OurEU), aims are to upgrade and diversify EU-minority and security subjects from the official curriculum of the university, to prepare future active citizens of the European Union, as well as to train professors to teach courses on European studies using means of formal and non-formal education.
On the successful completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Societal Security: the security management of national minorities
The course aims to address the issue of minorities through the theory of extensive security developed by the Copenhagen School. The minorities’ issue is placed in the societal security sector. During the semester, the students will be able to analyze the new security concepts, the national minority’s issues in relation to public international law. At the end of the semester they will be able to understand and analyze the issues of national minorities in conjunction with the security environment.
Professional Activity after graduating:
- Specialist in International Relations and European Studies
- Experts within the European Commission and European Parliament
- Teacher/Professor in subjects such as: socio-humanities integration, regional development, history of Europe, etc.
- Consultant/experts within NGOs, multinational companies, national and European institutions,
- Consultant in the domain of security affairs.
- understand the concept of societal security; to describe the concept, as it has historically evolved, and its connection to security and identity;
- understand and analyze issues related to national and ethnic minority groups;
- apply the techniques of effective multidisciplinary team working, to carry out tasks for seminars;
- communicate effectively through oral and written presentations and reports within the seminars;
- master the fundamental scientific knowledge in the field of security and to use the transdisciplinary knowledge to explain and interpret different types of concepts, processes, situations and projects associated to the minorities security management;
- apply argumentative techniques and interpretative comprehensive-explanatory instruments to societal security topics;
- understand the limitations posed by contemporary security management and outlining the best tools and instruments to assess the societal security management process.
Learning Philosophy
The learning philosophy of this course is that it is the student who constructs meaning from knowledge provided. The measure of the full value of the learning achieved is whether students can demonstrate:
- an understanding of the knowledge learnt (paradigms, concepts, events, methods);
- an ability to generalize about possible applications of that learning;
- a spirit of inquiry that prompts them to ask important questions related to societal security and minority issues;
- the ability to update their learning.
Methods of Instruction
The course will be taught by a combination of interactive lectures, discussion, case studies, inductive discovery, deductive debate and group presentations. Class sessions will involve both knowledge transfer and interactive discussions to reinforce understanding. Students are expected not to be more than passive listeners.
Course syllabus - Societal Security: the security management of national minorities.
The aim of this syllabus is to offer a multi-disciplinary, multi-theoretical approach to the study of societal security, by combining various approaches from political science, history, economics and geopolitics. The material provides students the opportunity to read more on key current issues confronting the EU's security as the inter-ethnic relations in different EU members states, the legal and illegal migration issue and the effects on national and European identities. |
- Courses and seminars held in 2017-2018
- Societal Security: the security management of national minorities (Faculty of History and Philosophy, MA degree, 5 ECTS)
Majors: Security management in contemporary society; Security, Intelligence and competitiveness in organizations; History, Memory, Orality in the Twentieth Century; Leadership and Communication in International Organisations; Evaluation of European public policies and programs.
- Courses and seminars to be held in 2018-2019
- Societal Security: the security management of national minorities (Faculty of History and Philosophy, MA degree, 5 ECTS)
Majors: Security management in contemporary society; Security, Intelligence and competitiveness in organizations; History, Memory, Orality in the Twentieth Century; Leadership and Communication in International Organisations; Evaluation of European public policies and programs.
- Courses and seminars to be held in 2019-2020
- Societal Security: the security management of national minorities (Faculty of History and Philosophy, MA degree, 5 ECTS) (See Course description, on-line: http://hiphi.ubbcluj.ro/Public/File/syllabus/master_2019/Securitate-societala.pdf)
Majors: Security management in contemporary society; Security, Intelligence and competitiveness in organizations; History, Memory, Orality in the Twentieth Century; Leadership and Communication in International Organisations; Evaluation of European public policies and programs. |