751 | Articol | x-fra1.1 | Frankel, Hermann | Zeno of Elea's Attacks on Plurality | da |
752 | Carte | GAR1.1.2 | Gardeil, Henri-Dominique | Initiation à la philosophie de saint Thomas d'Aquin (II) | da |
753 | Articol | x-fra1.2 | Frankel, Hermann | Zeno of Elea's Attacks on Plurality | da |
754 | Carte | GEI1.1 | Geiger, Louis-Bertrand | Penser avec Thomas d'Aquin | da |
755 | Articol | x-gla1.1 | Glazebrook, Trish | Zeno against Mathematical Physis | da |
756 | Carte | GOU1.1 | Gourinat, Jean-Baptiste | La dialectique des stoïciens | nu |
757 | Articol | x-gru1.1 | Gruender, C. David | The Achilles Paradox and Transinfinite Numbers | da |
758 | Carte | GRA1.1 | Grabmann, Martin | Die mittelalterlichen Kommentare zur Politik des Aristoteles | da |
759 | Articol | x-har1.1 | Harrison, Andrew | Zenon's Paper Chase | da |
760 | Carte | GUE1.1 | Guelluy, Robert | Philosophie et Théologie chez Guillaume d'Ockham | da |
761 | Articol | x-jon3.1 | Jones, Philip Chapin | Achilles and the Tortoise | da |
762 | Articol | x-lee1.1 | Lee, Harold N. | Are Zeno's Paradoxes Based on a Mistake? | da |
763 | Carte | KRE1.1 | Kremer, Klaus | Die Neoplatonische Seinsphilosophie und ihre Wirkung auf Thomas von Aquin | da |
764 | Articol | x-may1.1 | Mayo, Bernard | Shooting It Out With Zeno | da |
765 | Articol | x-mck1.1 | McKie, John R. | The Persusasiveness of Zeno's Paradoxes | da |
766 | Carte | LAN1.1 | Langermann, Y. Tzvi (ed.) | Avicenna and his legacy | da |
767 | Articol | x-mor2.1 | Morris, Charles W. | Has Russel Passed the Tortoise? | da |
768 | Carte | LON1.1 | Long, Anthony A. | Handbuch frühe griechische Philosophie | da |
769 | Articol | x-mue1.1 | Mueller, Ian | Zeno's Paradoxes and Continuity | da |
770 | Carte | GEM1.1 | Gemelli Marciano, M. Laura | Democrito e l'Accademia | da |
771 | Articol | x-qua1.1 | Quan, Stanislaus | The solution of Zeno's first paradox | da |
772 | Carte | MEI1.1 | Meirinhos, José Francisco; Weijers, Olga | Florilegium mediaevale | da |
773 | Articol | x-sch9 | David S. Schwayder | Achilles Unbound | da |
774 | Carte | AMI1.1 | Amir-Moezzi, Mohammad Ali; Dubois, J. D.; Jullien, C.; Jullien, F. (eds.) | Pensée grecque et sagesse d'orient: hommage à Michel Tardieu | da |
775 | Articol | x-she2.1 | Sherry, David M. | Zeno's Metrical Paradox Revisited | da |