
Nr.TipCotaAutorTitlu  Disponibil
2401CarteCAR1.1Caroti, StefanoNicolas d'Autrécourt et la Faculté des arts de Paris, 1317-1340da
2402CarteKAL1.4Kaluza, ZenonNicolas d'Autrecourt, ami de la veritenu
2403ArticolX-poi1.2Poirel. Dominique ; Stirnemann, P.Nicolas de Montieramey, Jean de Salisbury et deux florileges d'auteurs antiquesda
2404CarteBRI2.1Monica Brînzei (ed.)Nicolas of Dinkelsbuhl and the Sentences at VIenna in the Early Fifteenth Centuryda
2405CarteWAT1.1Pauline Moffitt WattsNicolaus Cusanus. A fifteenth-century vision of manda
2406CarteORE1.1Celeyrett, Jean; Grellard, Christophe Nicole Oresme Philosophe. Philosophie de la nature et philosophie de la connaissance a Paris au XIV siecleda
2407CarteARI1.21.1AristotelNicomachean Ethics, II-IVda
2408CarteARI1.21.2AristotelNicomachean Ethics, VIII-IXda
2409Carte~E.Schmidt, Rudiger, Spreckelsen, CordNietzsche fur Anfangerda
2410ArticolX-col1.1 Colomer, Eusebio s.j.Nikolaus von Kues un Raimund LLul aus Handschriften der Kueser Bibliothekda
2411Articolx-sen1.1Senger, Hans Gerhard Nikolaus von Kues und die Pariser Verurteilungen von 1270/1277da
2412CarteFLA1.1Flasch, KurtNikolaus von Kues. Geschichte einer Entwicklungda
2413CarteDRO1.1Dronke, PeterNine medieval Latin playsda
2414ArticolX-cou3.1Courtine, Jean François Note complementaire pour l'histoire du vocabulaire de l'etre da
2415Articolx-bro1.1 Broad, C.D.Note on Achilles and the Tortoiseda
2416Articolx-hun1.1 Hunter, J.F.M. Note on Father Owens' Comment on Williams' Criticism of Aquinas on Infinite Regressda
2417ArticolX-nel1.1Nelis, Hubert Note sur le Chronicon Bethleemiticum de Pierre Impensda
2418CarteVAU1.1de Vaux, RolandNotes et textes sur l'avicennisme latinda
2419ArticolX-sch5.8Schabel, C.Notes on a Recent Edition of Parts of Francis of Marchia's in Primum Librum Sententiarumda
2420CarteMAR17.4Maritain, Raissa Notes sur le paterda
2421ArticolX-gau1.2 Gauthier, R.- A.Notes sur Siger de Brabantda
2422ArticolX-imb1.4Imbach, RuediNotule sur le commentaire du Liber de causis de Siger de Brabant et ses rapports avec Thomas d'Aquinda
2423CarteSZL1.3.2Szlezak, Thomas AlexanderNoul Platon vol. 2da
2424CarteSZL1.3.1Szlezak, Thomas AlexanderNoul Platon vol.1da
2425CarteCUL2.1Cullmann, OscarNoul Testamentda
2426CarteIUS1.1.1IustinianusNovellae Vol.1 (ed. Zachariae)da
2427CarteIUS1.1.2IustinianusNovellae Vol.2 (ed. Zachariae)da
2428CarteCAN2.2Cantemir, DimitrieO cercetare naturală a monarhiilorda
2429CarteCUS1.2Nicolaus CusanusO nao-outro / De non aliudda
2430CarteANT1.1Antonesei, LiviuO prostie a lui Platon : intelectualii şi politicada
2431CarteLIE1.1Beatus LiebanensisObras completas y complementarias I (Comentario al Apocalipsis, Himno "O Dei Verbum", Apologético ) da
2432ArticolX-ock1.2Ockham, William ; Davies, Julian (trad)Ockham on Aristotle's Physics: a translation of Ockham's Brevis summa libri physicorumda
2433CarteHOM1.6.13HomerOdyssey (books 13-14)da
2434CarteHOM1.6.17HomerOdyssey (books 17-18)da
2435CarteHOM1.6.6HomerOdyssey (Books 6-8)da
2436CarteHOM1.4.1HomerOdyssey, 1-12da
2437CarteHOM1.4.2HomerOdyssey, 13-14da
2438CarteCRO2.2Croiset, M.Oedip Roi de Sophocleda
2439CarteCHR1.1ChrysippeOeuvre philosophique (I)da
2440CarteCHR1.2ChrysippeOeuvre philosophique (II)da
2441CarteTIT1.5.2Tite-LiveOeuvres - Histoire Romaine, vol. 2da
2442CarteMAR16.38Maritain, JacquesOeuvres 1940-1963da
2443CarteDIE2.3Dietrich de FreibergOeuvres Choisies I. Substances, quidites et accidentsda
2444CarteLUC4.1LucainOeuvres completesda
2445CarteMAC4.3Macrobe, Varron, Pomponius MelaOEUVRES COMPLETESda
2446CarteDIO1.2Ps.-Denys L'AreopagiteOeuvres completesda
2447CarteARI1.20AristotelOeuvres Completesda
2448CarteIUV1.1Iuvenal et PersiusOeuvres completes - De Turnus et De Supliciada
2449CarteIUV1.2Iuvenal et PersiusOeuvres Completes - De Turnus et De Supliciada
2450CarteISO1.2.1IsocrateOeuvres Completes Ida
2451CarteISO1.2.2IsocrateOeuvres Completes IIda
2452CarteISO1.2.3IsocrateOeuvres Completes IIIda
2453CartePLA1.5.4.2PlatonOeuvres completes IV.2: Le Banquetda
2454CartePLA1.5.8.2PlatonOeuvres completes VIII.2: Theaithetosda
2455CartePLA1.4.2PlatonOeuvres completes, vol. 2da
2456CarteHOR1.3HoraceOeuvres d'Horaceda
2457CarteMAR12.1.3Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de MarivauxOevres diverses; tome IIIda
2458Articolx-wed1.1Wedeking, Gary A.On a Finitist "Solution" to some Zenonian Paradoxesda
2459Articolx-fer2.1Ferguson, A.S. On a Fragment of Gorgiasda
2460CarteSCO1.11John Duns ScotusOn being and cognition: Ordinatio 1.3da
2461CarteCHR4.1Christianson, Gerald; Izbicki, Thomas M (eds.)On Christ and the Church. Essays in memory of Chandler McCuskey Brooks for the American Cusanus Societyda
2462ArticolX-egg1.1 Egginton, WilliamOn Dante, Hyperspheres, and the Curvature of the Medieval Cosmosda
2463CarteLEE2.4Pieter de Leemans (ed.)On Good Authority. Tradition, Compilation and the Construction of Authority in Literature from Antiquity to the Renaissanceda
2464CarteTHO1.35Thomas AquinasOn kingship. To the king of Cyprusda
2465CarteCIC1.27CiceroOn Life and Death (trad. J. Davie)nu
2466CarteBOS1.1E. P. Bos, P. A. MeijerOn Proclus and his influence in medieval philosophyda
2467Articolx-min1.1 Minardi, StefanoOn Some Aspects of Platonic Divisionda
2468Articolx-all1.1 Allis, Victor and Koetsier, TeunisOn some Paradoxes of the Infiniteda
2469Articolx-all1.2Allis, Victor and Koetsier, TeunisOn some Paradoxes of the Infinite IIda
2470CarteARI1.5AristotelOn the Heavensda
2471Articolx-opp1.1Oppenheimer Paul E. & Zalta, Edward N.On the Logic of the Ontological Argumentda
2472Articolx-chi1.1Chihara, Charles S.On the Possibility of Completing an Infinite Processda
2473CarteHUG1.8Hugh of Saint VictorOn the sacraments of the christian faith (De Sacramentis)da
2474Articolx-neu1.1Neumann, Harry On the Sophistry of Plato's Pausaniasda
2475CarteARI1.8AristotelOn the Soul. Parva Naturalia. On breathda
2476Articolx-spa1.1Spalding, K.T. On the Sphere and Limit of the Aristotelian Logicda
2477Articolx-fei1.2 Feibleman, James K. On the Topics and Definitions of the Categoriesda
2478CarteKIL1.3Kilwardby, Robert; Lewry, P. Osmund (ed.)On Time and Imagination. De Tempore. De Spiritu Fantasticoda
2479CarteWYC1.1John WycliffOn Universalsda
2480CarteART2.1Artemidorus DaldianusOnirocriticon libri Vda
2481ArticolX-ric1.2Ricoeur, PaulOntologieda
2482CarteHOR1.1Quintus Horatius FlaccusOperada
2483CarteHOR1.2Quintus Horatius FlaccusOperada
2484CarteLUC3.3Lucian din SamosataOperada
2485CarteMAR13.1Publius Virgilius MaroOperada
2486CarteVIR1.1Publius Virgilius MaroOperada
2487CarteVER5.1P. Vergilius MaroOperada
2488CartePTO1.3PtolemeusOpera astronomica minorada
2489CartePLA1.26.1PlatonOpera integrală Ida
2490CartePLA1.26.1#2PlatonOpera integrală Ida
2491CartePLA1.26.2PlatonOpera integrala IIda
2492CartePLA1.26.3PlatonOpera integrala III da
2493CarteBUC1.1Martinus BucerusOpera Latina XVda
2494CarteTAC1.1TacitusOpera minorada
2495CarteANS1.8.1Anselm de Canterbury; Schmitt, Salesius (ed.)Opera Omniada
2496CarteANS1.8.2Anselm de Canterbury; Schmitt, Salesius (ed.)Opera Omniada
2497CarteANS1.8.3Anselm de Canterbury; Schmitt, Salesius (ed.)Opera Omniada
2498CarteANS1.8.4Anselm de Canterbury; Schmitt, Salesius (ed.)Opera Omniada
2499CarteANS1.8.5Anselm de Canterbury; Schmitt, Salesius (ed.)Opera Omniada
2500CarteANS1.8.6Anselm de Canterbury; Schmitt, Salesius (ed.)Opera Omniada