
Nr.  TipCotaAutorTitluDisponibil
61Articolx-vla1.4Vlastos, Gregory Plato's Testimony concerning Zeno of Eleada
62Articolx-jac1.1Jackson, Robin Socrates' Ialoas: Myth and Eristic in Plato's Euthydemusda
63Articolx-ker1.1Kerferd, G.B. Plato's Noble Art of Sophistryda
64Articolx-klo1.4Klosko, G.Criteria of Fallacy and Sophistry for Use in the Analysis of Platonic Dialoguesda
65Articolx-klo1.1 Klosko, GeorgePlato and the Morality of Fallacyda
66Articolx-klo1.2 Klosko, George The Insufficiency of Reason in Plato's Gorgiasda
67Articolx-klo1.3 Klosko, GeorgeThe Refutation of Callicles in Plato's 'Gorgias"da
68Articolx-min1.1 Minardi, StefanoOn Some Aspects of Platonic Divisionda
69Articolx-neu1.1Neumann, Harry On the Sophistry of Plato's Pausaniasda
70Articolx-pec1.1Peck, A.L. Plato's Parmenides: Some Suggestions for Its Interpretationda
71Articolx-rob1.2 Robinson, Richard Plato's Consciousness of Fallacyda
72Articolx-rob1.1Robinson, Richard Up and down in Plato's Logicda
73Articolx-ryl1.1 Ryle, Gilbert Plato's 'Parmenides'da
74Articolx-sch10Edward SchiappaDid Plato Coin Rhetorikeda
75Articolx-sco1.1Scoon, Robert Plato's Parmenidesda
76Articolx-sha2.1Sharvy, Richard Plato's Causal Logic and the Third Man Argumentda
77Articolx-vla1.1 Vlastos, GregoryElenchus and Mathematics: A Turning-Point in Plato's Philosophical Developmentda
78Articolx-vla1.2 Vlastos, Gregory "Self-Predication" in Plato's Latter Periodda
79Articolx-wol2.1 Wolfsdorf, D.The Historical Reader of Plato's Protagorasda
80CarteSZL1.1Szlezak, Thomas AlexanderLa Republica di Platone. I Libri centralida
81ArticolX-blu1.6Blumenthal, Henry J.Some problems about body and soul in later pagan neoplatonism: Do they follow a pattern?da
82CartePOR2.4PorfirComentariu la dialogul Parmenide de Platonda
83Articolx-saf1.3Saffrey, Henri-DominiqueProclus, diadoque de Platonda
84ArticolX-she1.1Sheppard, AnnePhantasia and Mental Images: Neoplatonist Interpretations of De anima, 3.3da
85Articolx-nar1.1#2Narbonne, Jean-Marc Levinas et le platonismeda
86Articolx-sol1.1#2Solere, Jean-LucNeoplatonisme et rhetorique: Gilles de Rome et la premiere proposition du ,,De causis"da
87CarteREA1.2Reale, Giovanni; Richard, Marie-DominiqueL'insegnamento orale di Platone. Raccolta delle testimonianze antiche sulle «dottrine non scritte» con analisi e interpretazione. Testo greco a fronteda
88CarteREA1.3Reale, Giovanni; Richard, Marie-DominiqueL'insegnamento orale di Platone. Raccolta delle testimonianze antiche sulle «dottrine non scritte» con analisi e interpretazione. Testo greco a fronteda
89CartePRO1.7ProclosCommento alla Republica di Platoneda
90CarteCAL1.1CalcidiusCommentario al Timeo di Platoneda
91CarteANC1.2d'Ancona, Cristina (ed.)The Libraries of the Neoplatonistsda
92Carte~S.SCH4Delcomminette, SylvainLe Philèbe de Platonda
93CarteVLA1.1Vlad, MarilenaDincolo de fiinta, Neoplatonismul si aporiile originii inefabileda
94CarteCEL1.1Celluprica, Vincenza; d'Ancona, Cristina (a cura di)Aristotele e i suoi esegeti neoplatonicida
95CarteSAF1.1Saffrey, Henri DominiqueRecherches sur le néoplatonisme après Plotinda
96CarteSEG1.1Segonds, A. Ph.; Steel, C. (eds)Proclus et la théologie platonicienneda
97CartePRO1.1.1Proclos (Proclus)Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon. Introduction généraleda
98CartePRO1.1.2Proclos (Proclus)Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon. Livre Ida
99CartePRO1.1.3Proclos (Proclus)Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon. Livre IIda
100CartePRO1.1.4Proclos (Proclus)Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon. Introduction au Livre IIIda
101CartePRO1.1.5Proclos (Proclus)Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon. Livre IIIda
102CarteCLE2.1Cleary, John J.The perennial tradition of Neoplatonismda
103CarteMAC2.1Maci, Daniela (coord.)Receptari ale filosofiei lui Platon si Aristotel in spatiul cultural romanescda
104CarteSAF1.3Saffrey, Henri DominiqueLe néoplatonisme après Plotinda
105CarteSZL1.2Szlezak, Thomas AlexanderCome leggere Platoneda
106CarteSZL1.3.1Szlezak, Thomas AlexanderNoul Platon vol.1da
107CarteSZL1.3.2Szlezak, Thomas AlexanderNoul Platon vol. 2da
108CartePLA1.2.5PlatonPlatonis Opera. Tomus Vda
109CartePLA1.2.4PlatonPlatonis Opera. Tomus IVda
110CartePLA1.2.3PlatonPlatonis Opera. Tomus IIIda