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Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
6CarteARI1.50AristotelOpera Omnia, vol. vi: De animalium partibus, generatione, ingressu, motu, et de spirituda
7CarteARI1.49AristotelOpera Omnia, vol. XIII: Poetica, et Rhetorica ad Alexandrumda
8CarteARI1.3AristotelAristotelis Physicada
9CarteARI1.2AristotelEthica Nicomacheada
11CarteARI1.41AristotelDe arte poeticada
12CarteARI1.43AristotelDe animada
13CarteARI1.45AristotelEthica Nicomacheada
16CarteARI1.42Aristotel; Franciscus Susemihl. (ed.)Politicada
17CarteAUG1.8AugustinDe beata vita / Uber das Glueckda
18CarteAUG1.9AugustinDe vera religione / Uber die wahre Religionda
19CarteBAX1.1Baxter, TimothyThe Cratylus. Plato's Critique of Namingda
20CarteBOU5.1Boulanger, AndreAelius Aristide et la sophistique dans la province d' Asie au IIe siecle de notre ereda
21CarteBRE2.1Brehier, EmileLes idees philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d' Alexandrieda
22CarteBUR5.1Burckhardt, JakobGriechische Kulturgeschichte. Der griechische Menschda
23CarteBUR6.1Burnet, JohnEarly Greek Philosophyda
24CarteCAL3.1Calogero, GuidoI fondamenti della logica Aristotelicada
25CarteCAP3.1Capelle, WilhelmDie Vorsokratikerda
26CarteCIC1.3CiceroLaelius sive De amicitiada
27CarteCIC1.2CiceroLaelius sive De amicitiada
28CarteCIC1.1CiceroSomnium Scipionisda
29CarteCOR4.1Cornea, AndreiScriere si oralitate in cultura antica - Cazul Platonda
30CarteCOR3.1Cornford, Francis M.Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist)da