Caută după Donator

Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
371CarteRAH1.1Rahner, KarlL'esprit dans le mondeda
372CarteLUL1.2Raimundus LullusArs brevisda
373CarteLUL1.3Raimundus LullusDeclaratio super modum dialogi edita contra aliquorum philosophorum et eorum sequacium opiniones erroneas et damnatas a venerabili patre domino episcopo parisiensida
374CarteRAN3.1Randi, EugenioIl sovrano e l'orologiaioda
375CarteBRA1.1Remy BragueDu temps chez Platon et Aristoteda
376CarteGRO1.3Robert GrossetesteOpuscula philosophica (ed. L. Baur)da
377CarteGRO1.4Robert GrossetesteCommentarius in Posteriorum Analyticorum librosda
378CarteROB2.1Robin, Leon Aristoteda
379CarteROD1.1Rodier, Gaston Aristote, Traite de l'ameda
380CarteROG1.1Rogers, KathrinThe Anselmian Approach to God and Creationda
381CarteROG1.2Rogers, KathrinThe neoplatonic metaphisics and epistemology of Anselm of Canterburyda
382CarteROG1.3Rogers, Kathrin Perfect Being Theologyda
383CarteSAA1.1Saarinen, RistoWeakness of the will in medieval thoughtnu
384CarteSAF1.1Saffrey, Henri DominiqueRecherches sur le néoplatonisme après Plotinda
385CarteTHO1.6Saint Thomas d'AquinL'etre et l'essence (ed. C. Capelle)da
386CarteSAM1.1Sambursky, S.; Pines, S. The Concept of Time in Late Neoplatonismda
387CarteSAM1.2Sambursky, S.; Pines, S. The Concept of Place in Late Neoplatonismda
388CarteSEN1.1.1SenecaEpistole către Lucilius, vol. Ida
389CarteSEN1.1.2SenecaEpistole către Lucilius, vol. IIda
390CarteSEV1.1Seve, BernardLe question philosophique de l'existence de Dieuda
391CarteSHI1.1Shimizu, T., Burnett, Ch. (eds.)The Word in Medieval Logic, Theology and Psychology, Acts SIEPM Kyotoda
392CarteSLE1.1Sleeman, J. H.; Pollet, GilbertLexicon Plotinianumda
393CarteSOR1.1Sorabji, RichardPhiloponus and the Rejection of Aristotelian Scienceda
394CarteSOU2.1Southern, R. W. Saint Anselm. A Portrait in a Landscapeda
395CarteSPA1.3Spade, Paul Vincent Five texts on the mediaeval problem of universals: Porphyry, Boethius, Abelard, Duns Scotus, Ockhamda
396CarteSPA1.2Spade, Paul Vincent (ed.)The Cambridge Companion to Ockhamda
397CarteSTA1.1Stark, Rudolf; Allan, Donald J.; Aubenque, Pierre (eds.)La Politique d'Aristote. Sept exposes et discussions...da
398CarteSTU1.1Sturlese, LorisDokumente und Forschungen zu Leben und Werk Dietrichs von Freibergda
399CarteSUC1.1Suciu, AlinMonahul şi scribul. Creştinismul egiptean între idealul monahal şi cultura scrisăda
400CarteSZL1.4Szlezak, Thomas A.Platon und Aristoteles in der Nuslehre Plotinsda
401CarteSZL1.1Szlezak, Thomas AlexanderLa Republica di Platone. I Libri centralida
402CarteTAT1.1Tataru-Cazaban, Bogdan (coordonator)Pluralitatea metafizicii medievale. Istorie si structurida
403CarteTHE3.1Themistius; Ricardus Heinze (ed.)In libros Aristotelis De anima paraphrasisda
404CarteCOR6.2Theophile CorydaleeIntroduction a la logiqueda
405CarteCOR6.1Theophile CorydaleeCommentaire a la Metaphysiqueda
406CarteTHE2.1Thery, P. G, OPEtudes Dionysiennes, I, Hilduin, traducteur de Denysda
407CarteTHO1.11Thoma de AquinoIn Metaphisicam Aristotelisda
408CarteTHO1.12Thoma de AquinoCommentaria in librum beati Dionysii De divinis nominibusda
409CarteTHO1.13Thoma de AquinoCommenti a Boezio (Super Boethium de Trinitate, Expositio libri Boethii de Ebdomadibus)da
410CarteTHO1.14Thoma de AquinoCommentaria in libros Aristotelis De coelo et mundo, De generatione et corruptione et Meterorologicorumda
411CarteTHO1.7Thomas d'AquinPetite somme politique (ant. D. Sureau)da
412CarteTHO1.8Thomas d'AquinDe ente et essentia (edd. Gosselin)da
413CarteTHO1.9Thomas d'AquinL'unite de l'intellect, contre Averroesda
414CarteTHO1.10Thomas d'Aquin / Dietrich de FreibergL'etre et l'essenceda
415CarteTHO1.27Thomas de AquinoSumma contra Gentilesda
416CarteTIM1.1Timotin, Andrei La demonologie platonicienneda
417CarteTHO1.15Toma din AquinoExpunere la Simbolul Apostolilorda
418CarteTHO1.2.2Toma din AquinoSumma theologica IIda
419CarteTHO1.26Toma din AquinoDespre principiile naturii catre fratele Silvestruda
420CarteTOR1.1Torell, Jean-Pierre O.P.Initiation a Saint Thomas d'Aquin, Sa personne et son oeuvreda