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Nr.TipCotaAutor  TitluDisponibil
301CarteCAM1.1Richard of Campsall (author) ; Synan, Edward A. (ed.)The Works of Richard of Campsall. Vol. I. Questiones super Librum Priorum Analeticorumda
302CarteGRO1.7.1Robert Grosseteste (trad.)The Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle, vol. Ida
303CarteGRO1.7.3Robert Grosseteste (trad.)The Greek commentaries on the Nicomachean ethics of Aristotle, vol. IIIda
304CarteKIL1.1.2Robert KilwardbyQuaestiones in librum secundum Sententiarumda
305CarteKIL1.1.5Robert KilwardbyQuaestiones in quattuor libros sententiarum-appendixda
306CarteROR1.1Rorem, Paul Hugh (Hugo) of Saint Victorda
307CarteROS1.1Rosemann, Philipp W.The Story of a Great Medieval Book. Peter Lombard's Sentencesda
308CarteSZP1.1Ryan SzpiechMedieval Exegesis and Religious Difference. Commentary, Conflict and Community in the Premodern Mediterraneanda
309CarteFLS1.1Saccenti, RiccardoUn nuovo lessico morale medievale. Il contributo di Burgundio da Pisada
310CarteAUG1.41.2Saint AugustinLa cité de dieu (vol. 2)da
311CarteSCH5.2Schabel, Christopher (ed.)Theological Quodlibeta in the Middle Ages. The Fourteenth Century.da
312CarteSHA1.1Shank, Michael H. "Unless You Believe, You Shall Not Understand". Logic, University and Society in Late Medieval Viennada
313CarteSIL3.1Silver, Daniel Maimonidean Criticism and the Maimonidean Controversy, 1180 - 1240nu
314CarteSIM2.1.1SimpliciusCommentaire sur les categories d'Aristote : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (vol. I)da
315CarteSIM2.1.2SimpliciusCommentaire sur les categories d'Aristote : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (vol. II)da
316CarteSIM2.2.1SimpliciusCommentaire sur le traité Du ciel d'Aristote : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke (vol. I)nu
317CarteSLO1.1Slotemaker, J., Witt, J.Robert Holcotda
318CarteSME1.1Smet, Joachim (ed.)Manuscripts in the Vatican Library relating to the Carmelite Orderda
319CarteSTE7.1Stefani, Matteo (ed.)Marsilio Ficino lettore di Apuleio filosofo e dell'Asclepius: le note autografe nei codici Ambrosiano S 14 Sup. e Riccardiano 709da
320CarteSTR5.1Stroumsa, Sarah Maimonides in His World. Portrait of a Mediterranean
321CarteSTU1.5Sturlese, LorisMaître Eckhart en questionsda
322CarteTHE3.3ThemistiusCommentaire sur le traite de l’ame d’Aristoteda
323CarteTHO4.1.1Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.)Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume I: Oxfordda
324CarteTHO4.1.2Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.)Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume II: Cambridgeda
325CarteTHO1.5Toma din AquinoSuper Librum de causisda