201 | Carte | MIH1.1 | Constantin-Ionut Mihai | Discurs protreptic şi mod de viaţă în filosofia antică | da |
202 | Carte | COR4.1 | Cornea, Andrei | Scriere si oralitate in cultura antica - Cazul Platon | da |
203 | Articol | X-cor3.1 | Corrigan, Kevin | "Solitary" Mysticism in Plotinus, Proclus, Gregory of Nyssa, and Pseudo-Dionysius | da |
204 | Carte | COU4.1 | Counet, Jean-Michel | Mathematiques et Dialectique chez Nicolas de Cuse | da |
205 | Carte | COU4.2 | Counet, Jean-Michel (ed.) | A Question of Life and Death. Living and Dying in Medieval Philosophy | da |
206 | Carte | COU2.1.2 | Courcelle, Pierre | Connais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol II | nu |
207 | Carte | COU2.1.3 | Courcelle, Pierre | Connais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol III | nu |
208 | Carte | COU2.1.1 | Courcelle, Pierre | Connais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol I | nu |
209 | Carte | COU5.4.1 | Courtenay, William J. (ed.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume I: 1316-1349 | da |
210 | Carte | COU5.4 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume III: 1378-1394, Part two | da |
211 | Carte | COU5.4.3.1 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume III: 1378-1394, Part one | da |
212 | Carte | COU5.4.2 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume II: 1352-1378 | da |
213 | Carte | COU6.1 | Courtine, Jean-François | Suarez et le système de la métaphysique | da |
214 | Carte | COW1.1 | Cowling, David; Bruun, Mette B. (eds.) | Commonplace culture in western Europe in the early modern period, 1: Reformation, Counter-Reformation and revolt | nu |
215 | Carte | CRA1.1 | Craemer-Ruegenberg, Ingrid | Albertus Magnus | da |
216 | Carte | CRO1.1 | Crombie, A. C. | Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science 1100-1700 | nu |
217 | Articol | x-cro1.1 | Cross, Richard | Four-dimensionalism and identity across time: Henry of ghent vs. Bonaventure | da |
218 | Carte | CRU1.1 | Cruceru, Marius David | Augustin, un amator ... Studiu asupra terminologiei filosofico-teologice de influenta greceasca in tratatele teologice tirzii ale lui augustin | da |
219 | Carte | CUL1.1 | Culianu, Ioan Petru | Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) si problemele platonismului in Renastere | da |
220 | Carte | DAH1.3 | Dahan, Gilbert | L'exégèse chrétienne de la Bible en Occident médiéval : XIIe-XIVe siècle | nu |
221 | Carte | HEM1.1 | De Hemptinne, Thérèse; Fraeters, Veerle; Góngora, Mariá Eugenia (eds.) | Speaking to the eye: sight and insight through text and image (1150-1650) | da |
222 | Carte | DEL3.1 | Delumeau, Jean | La peur en Occident, XIVe-XVIIIe siècles. Une cité assiégée | da |
223 | Carte | DEM2.3.2.1 | Demostenes | Orationes II, pars I, (XX-XXIII) | da |
224 | Carte | DEM2.4.1 | Demosthenes | Scholia in Orationes 1-18 continens Vol. 1 | da |
225 | Carte | DEM2.1.1 | Demosthenes | Orationes I (I-XIX) | da |
226 | Carte | DEM2.4.2 | Demosthenes | Scholia in Orationes 19-60 continens Vol.2 | da |
227 | Carte | DEM2.1.3 | Demosthenis | Orationes III (XLI-LXI) | da |
228 | Carte | DEM2.1.2 | Demosthenis | Orationes II (XX-XL) | da |
229 | Carte | DIO6.1.2 | Diogenes Laertius | Lives of eminent philosophers. Books 6-10 | da |
230 | Carte | DIO6.1.1 | Diogenes Laertius | Lives of eminent philosophers. Books 1-5 | da |
231 | Carte | DRA1.1 | Draelants, I.; Balouzat-Loubet, C. (eds.) | La formule au Moyen Age, II, (Formulas in Medieval Culture, II) | da |
232 | Carte | DUB2.1 | Duba, William O. | The Forge of Doctrine. The Academic Year 1330-31 and the Rise of Scotism at the University of Paris | da |
233 | Carte | DUB1.1 | Dubel, Sandrine; Favreau-Linder, Anne-Marie; Oudot, Estelle | A l'Ecole d'Homere: la culture des orateurs et des sophistes | da |
234 | Carte | DUC1.1 | Ducos, Joelle; Giacomotto-Chiarra, Violaine (dir.) | Lire Aristote au Moyen Age et à la Renaissance | da |
235 | Articol | X-dun1.1 | Duns Scoti, B. Ioannis | Quaestiones super libros Methaphysicorum Aristotelis Libri 1-5 | da |
236 | Carte | EBB2.1.3 | Ebbesen, Sten | Greek-Latin philosophical interaction | da |
237 | Carte | EBB2.1.2 | Ebbesen, Sten; Goubier, Frédéric (eds.) | A catalogue of 13th-century sophismata: 2. Catalogue | nu |
238 | Carte | EBB2.1.1 | Ebbesen, Sten; Goubier, Frédéric (eds.) | A catalogue of 13th-century sophismata: 1. Indroduction and indices | nu |
239 | Carte | ELR1.1 | El-Rouayheb, Khaled | The development of Arabic logic (1200-1800) | da |
240 | Carte | EMI1.1 | Emilsson, Eyjolfur Kjalar | Plotinus on Sense-Perception: A Philosophical Study | da |
241 | Carte | ERL1.1 | Erler, Michael; Brisson, Luc (eds.) | Gorgias-Menon | da |
242 | Carte | EUC1.3.4 | Euclides | Elementa, XI-XIII | da |
243 | Carte | EUC1.3.5.1 | Euclides | Elementa, XIV-XV | da |
244 | Carte | EUC1.3.1 | Euclides | Elementa, I-IV | da |
245 | Carte | EUC1.3.2 | Euclides | Elementa, V-IX | da |
247 | Carte | FLS1.8 | Falà, Jacopo Francesco ; Zavattero, Irene (eds.) | Divine Ideas in Franciscan Thought (XIIIth-XIVth century) | da |
248 | Carte | VES1.1 | Federici-Vescovini, Graziella (ed.) | Le problème des transcendantaux du XIVe au XVIIe siècle | da |
249 | Articol | x-fer3.1 | Ferrois, Jose | The Road to Modern Logic-An Interpretation | da |
250 | Carte | FIC1.2.2 | Ficinus, Marsilius | Theologia platonica de immortalitate animorum (V - VIII) | da |