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Events and Activities
1. Seminar “(Re)thinking European education in a formal/non-formal way for the leaders of tomorrow” The seminar created a framework for sharing information on EU and exchange different practices of formal/non-formal means of education between a number of 27 high school teachers, university professors, students, qualified trainers, European academics/researchers, a member of the ARACIP Commission for evaluation of secondary school programmes. The aim of the debates was to support the development of students as active, critical and responsible European citizens, well aware of the history, the values and the importance of an „United States of Europe” with a modern european educational system. The activity introduced teachers to the concept of non-formal education, facilitated a dialogue between students and their professors and created a community of professors willing to share their teaching experience and work together in creating a strategy for teaching the history of European Union to high school students, making European studies a desired and attractive class. These issues cut across some of the most sensitive themes in contemporary European society: empowerment, diversity, security, human rights, tolerance and non-discrimination. The discussions were also focused on EU youth exchanges, volunteering projects and opportunities provided by the Erasmus+ programme for students to acquire skills and foster the transfer of knowledge in international activities. The event brought together over 40 professors, specialists and students. We were glad to see how many valuable teachers, specialists and representatives of educational institutions have accepted our invitation to explore the concepts of formal and non-formal education, to present examples of good practice and to share their experiences. Smiles, carols and good moods have completed the event, making unique. Check out our first Report on non-formal education issued by the focus group: Non-formal Education - a priority in the Activity of the GDEYS, Chişinău Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, | ||||||||
Photo collection illustrating day 1 of the seminar | ||||||||
Photo collection illustrating day 2 of the seminar | ||||||||
2. Workshop Pilot project "A different school week - European Youth Today - Europe's Leaders of Tomorrow” The pilot project is one of the major innovation elements of this project. The theme proposed European Youth Today - Europe's Leaders of Tomorrow aimed at introducing high school students in the European Union thematic using attractive methods to stimulate their imagination through creative workshops, contests and themed meetings. The project proposes a cooperation between universities, high-schools, media, politicians, representatives of relevant organizations and associations in order to achieve an original topic focusing on the European dimension of democracy, diversity and security, in order to create future European leaders. Special attention was payed to the importance of adopting and implementing the European pattern of non-formal education in Romanian high-schools and universities, while increasing the interest of young Romanian students for a career in the European institutions. The event also had a component dedicated to the Presidency of Romania at the Council of the European Union, in order to familiarize students with the organization and functioning of the European Union. The event brought together over 49 professors and students, specialists in public education and training, company and NGO’s representatives. We were glad to see how many valuable professors, specialists and representatives of educational institutions, NGO’s and companies have accepted our invitation to analyze, share their experiences, present examples of good practice and propose ways to improve the educational project „A different school week”. The project was send to 19 partner schools from Romania in order to be implemented in the 2019-2020 school year and subsequent years and can be multiplied in other schools from Romanian, The Republic of Moldova and also in the Diaspora. Check out our second Report on "A different school week programme" issued by the focus group. A Different School: from Project to Good Practice Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, | ||||||||
Photo collection illustrating day 1 of the workshop | ||||||||
Photo collection illustrating day 2 of the workshop | ||||||||
3. Thematic Seminar „The photo that tells the story of Building a more Democratic, Secure and Diverse Europe” The seminar is an opportunity to learn and put into practice the technique of photo-voice, a non-formal education tool in the pre-university and university environment. The results of this seminar will be gathered in a volume that will be published in Romania. The project proposes a collaboration between academia, pre-university, media, politicians and representatives of organizations and associations, in order to achieve an original theme, focusing on the European dimension of democracy, diversity and security, in order to create the future European leaders. Emphasis is placed on the importance of adopting and implementing the European model of non-formal education in the Romanian university and pre-university space, simultaneously with the increasing interest of young Romanians for a career in the European institutions. ![]() | ||||||||
Photo Gallery | ||||||||
Interviews with the participants to the seminar | ||||||||
![]() Our guest professors from Lucian Blaga University from Sibiu (Lect. Muntean Nicoleta, PhD., Delia Ştefenel, PhD.) and Free International University of Moldova, Chişinău (Conf. Univ. Ludmila Coadă PhD., Lect. Viorica Ţîcu, PhD.) prepared materials on „The role of images in teaching European studies”, sharing with us their expertise and good practices. Lect. Muntean Nicoleta, PhD. emphasised in her presentation on the fact that we are all visual learners by giving examples used during her courses. | ||||||||
Check out our third Report on PhotoVoice issued by the focus group. Reform of the Romanian Ecucation System seen through the Photo-Voice Lens | ||||||||
Photo Gallery from the presentation „The role of images in teaching European studies” | ||||||||
4. Jean Monnet Teaching Lecture Series on European Studies “Learning EUrope@School: Education for Democracy, Security, Diversity and a World of Youth” The activity focuses on the EU’s guvernance and discusses issues on democracy, security, diversity and education. The lecture series aims to bring these discussions to a wide audience of policymakers, students, academics, professors, members of civil society organisations and concerned citizens. They are an opportunity to learn more about the methods and instruments used in teaching European studies at different universities and to share the experience with students and pre-universitary professors. The event brought together over 40 professors, students, representatives of educational institutions and members of civil society organisations. We were glad to see how many people have accepted our invitation to learn about current EU issues, to analyse the European Union agenda on security, economy and education, to share good practices in teaching European studies. Our guest professors from Lucian Blaga University from Sibiu (Lect. Muntean Nicoleta, PhD., Delia Ştefenel, PhD.), Free International University of Moldova, Chişinău (Conf. Univ. Ludmila Coadă PhD., Lect. Viorica Ţîcu, PhD.), „Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy, Bucureşti, „Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad, prepared materials on economy, security, culture, migration and education, sharing with us their expertise and best practices. Special attention was payd to the sitution created in the educational field by the COVID-19 pandemic. Conf. Ludmila Coadă PhD. and Lect. Viorica Ţîcu, PhD. presented the impact of the EU’s eastern enlargement, while our colleagues from Sibiu, Delia Ştefenel, PhD., Lect. Muntean Nicoleta, PhD. and the students focused on cultural diversity, fake news, political discourses and NATO headquarter Multinational Corps from Sibiu. Prof. Adrian Ivan, PhD. had a presentation on Security Studies Curricula, Schools and Institutional Approaches, while our colleagues from Arad focused on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on education. Alina Bărăian, PhD presented the European dimension of education. The lectures were followed by discussions with the audience. The results of this activity will be gathered in a volume called „The European Union in the age of (In)Security”. An active partnership was created between universities and high schools, students and teachers. Visit our photo gallery and read our materials! Check out our fourth Report on environmental security issued by the focus group.Environmental Safety starts in the Local Community Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, | ||||||||
Interviews from the Lecture Series | ||||||||
Photo Gallery from the Lecture Series | ||||||||
5. Closing session “(Re)Thinking Europe’s Future by the Leaders of Tomorrow” During the closing session, the Jean Monnet team and the partners presented the final conclusions on the project activities, lessons learned and the results obtained (PhotoVoice volume, the handbook, the brochure on the Pilot project "A different school week” and the final documentary). Students, professors, researchers, volunteers, representatives of educational institutions and members of civil society organizations had the chance to share their experience from the project and to launch a debate on future joint activities and projects between the members of the network. The event fled under the topic of Good practices in building the United States of Europe - Professor's and student’s Perspective. Thank you for being part of this adventure! Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, | ||||||||
Interviews from the Closing Session | ||||||||
Closing Session - Photo Gallery | ||||||||