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![]() Lecturer at Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy,Department of International Studies and Contemporary History, Claudia Anamaria Iov has a MA in International Relations and European Politics and two PhD’s, one in International Relations and European Studies at Babes-Bolyai University and one in Geopolitics at Université Paris 8 Vincennes, Saint-Denis. Currently, she teaches classes on European security and the national and ethnic minorities issues, Diplomatic protocol and etiquette, Compared public policies, Societal Security: the security management of national minorities, Accessing structural funds, Leadership and team management. Since 2014 she is organising and coordinating the international conference „Migration Dynamics and New Trends in European (In)Security”, at the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca. Author of several studies, articles and editor of books on European integration, diversity and security issues, Ms. Iov is member of the Romanian Association of International Relations and European Studies, since 2011 and since 2018 she is member of the European Doctoral School on the Common Security and Defence Policy (European Security and Defence College). Among her latest Erasmus + projectsworth mentioned the Jean Monnet Module: European Security, National and Ethnic Minority Issues, 2013-2016, Jean Monnet Chair, Building the United States of Europe: Democracy, Security and Diversity for the New Generation of EU Citizens, 2015-2018, Jean Monnet Project, Building the Future–Learning Europe@School: Education for European Citizenship, Democracy, Diversity and a World of Youth, 2016-2018. | ||||||||
CS III Claudia Anamaria Iov, PhD. | ||||||||
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![]() Professor of International Relations and European Studies with rich teaching and research experience in European and international governance, Security Studies, National and ethnic minorities. He is Rector of the “Mihai Viteazul” National Intelligence Academy, Bucharest, former Director of International Studies and Contemporary History Department (2012-2017), Faculty of History and Philosophy, Babeș-Bolyai University. Since 2008, he is professor at Babeș-Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Cluj Napoca, with teaching and research activities on international relations and security studies, History of European Integration, Governance in the European Union, European Union common policies, European Security and the issue of national and ethnic minorities. With a PhD in International Relations (2003), he is, since 2009, PhD Supervisor in the field of International Relations and European Studies within the Doctoral School of International Relations and Security Studies (founder of the School, former member in the School board). He has developed several successful BA’s and MA’s in international relations and security studies at the Faculty of History and Philosophy, worth mentioned: Security Studies, International Relations and European Studies, Leadership and Communication in international organisations or Security management in contemporary society. Between 2007 and 2017 Prof.Ivan was Chairman of the Committee of the permanent experts specialized in Social Sciences, Political and Communication at The Romanian Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ARACIS). In 2013, he received the "Dimitrie Gusti" Award of the Romanian Academy. Prof.Ivan is member in different editorial boards, such as: Romanian Review of European Governance Studies, Journal of Eastern European Studies, Eurolimes, Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies "Jean Monnet" European Center of Excellence, Journal of International Relations of the Romanian and European Studies. Furthermore, he has published many books and articles on International Relations and Security Studies. Among his latest project management activities worth mentioned: Module leader – Project History of European Integration, Jean Monnet Chair leader – project Governance and European Policies, Co-director ATLANTIS Programme “Public Administration”, Academic coordinator -Jean Monnet Project A Students’ E-urope: Education for Citizenship (EU-RoCitizen) (2012), Module leader – project “European Security, National and Ethnic Minority Issues”(2013-2016) and „Building EU’s Societal Security: the security management of national minorities in Europe”(2017-2020), Academic Coordinator -Jean Monnet Project “Learning EU’s ABC@School: Education for Democracy, Citizenship and Diversity (2014-2016). | ||||||||
![]() Decan, Facultatea Relaţii Internaţionale, Științe Politice și Jurnalism, Universitatea Liberă Internațională din Moldova. Secretar-științific al revistei History & Politics. Revistă de Istorie și Politică, FRISPJ. Coordonator ştiinţific la Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Studenţească Symposia Studentium, FRISPJ. Multiple specializări, cursuri de perfecționare şi traininguri peste hotare. Participări la multiple conferinţe, congrese şi simpozioane internaţionale. Autor la mai multe articole științifice şi lucrări metodico-didactice. | ||||||||
![]() Associate Professor at Free International University of Moldova (Chisinau) and Director of the Center for European Studies (ULIM). Her teaching and research interests are in Bassarabian history, Soviet and post-Soviet history and politics, Black Sea regional security, European Union and its Foreign Policy, and the foreign policy of Moldova. She is the author of various scholarly articles. Her first book Zemstvo Institution in Bassarabia: Historical and Juridical Aspects was published in 2009. For 2010-2011 she was a Fulbright Scholar at the IERES/GWU in Washington, DC. | ||||||||
![]() docteur en histoire contemporaine, titre obtenu en 2013 pour la thèse Franţa şi Banatul între 1916-1919, convulsiile războiului şi ale păcii/ La France et le Banat entre 1916 et 1919 : les convulsions de la guerre et de la paix, sous la direction de Monsieur Nicolae Bocşan (Université Babeş-Bolyai de Cluj, Roumanie) en co-tutelle avec Monsieur Jean Noël Grandhomme (Université de Strasbourg). Plusieurs articles et communications sur la Grande Guerre et sur la mémoire de guerre. Professeur de français au collège ”Iuliu Hațieganu”, Cluj-Napoca. Coordinatrice des programmes et projets éducatifs pour les élèves. | ||||||||
![]() PhD, is associate teaching assistant at the Department of Social and Humanities, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. She was teaching assistant at Western Macedonia University and Democritus University of Thrace, Greece. Additionnaly, she was leading the research laboratory of Sociology of Migration within Contemporary Balkania in Athens, Greece. Moreover, she was Guest Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany. She was involved as expert in several national and EU based projects. To date, her research has produced more than 40 empirical papers, invited talks to plenty conferences and meetings, worldwide. Among her main research interests there are: migration and refugees related issues and policies, cross-cultural communication, adult education, regional/national policies and human slavery. | ||||||||
![]() is PhD lecturer, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Department of International Relations, Political Sciences and Security Studies, doctorate degree in the field of Military Science and Information, National Defense University Carol I Bucharest, license studies in journalism and law, Masteral studies in communication sciences and postdoctoral research regarding the relation between media and security. Her expertise area includes the analysis of media effects on security, military organizational communication, human rights, law of armed conflict, modern military operation, unconventional threats, media war and conflicts. Research activity includes 3 author books, 6 authorship books, more than 50 articles published at international and national reviews or presented within the national and international conferences. | ||||||||
![]() Agrégée de géographie, Barbara Loyer, professeur à l’Institut Français de Géopolitique de l’Université Paris 8, est spécialiste de la géopolitique de l’Espagne. Elle s’est particulièrement intéressée aux nationalismes basque et catalan, ainsi qu’à l’analyse du terrorisme séparatiste. Elle oriente ses recherches actuelles vers l’approche géopolitique de la question migratoire en Espagne. Ses réflexions portent également sur l’Europe et l’Union européenne. Elle pilote la construction d’un consortium européen d’universités pour la mise en place d’un doctorat Erasmus Mundusspécialisé sur l’analyse géopolitique pluridisciplinaire des conflits en Europe. Elle ouvre un champs de recherche sur le thème: Femmes et géopolitique. | ||||||||
![]() Romanian historian, Romanian Ambassador at UNESCO in Paris, politician and journalist, he is former Dean and Professor at the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest. Author of several books dealing with contemporary Romanian history. A member of the Group for Social Dialogue, he joined the National Liberal Party and was elected to the Romanian Senate for Timiş County in 2004. Following the accession of Romania to the European Union, he served as a Member of the European Parliament in the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) and a vice president of the ALDE group in the European Parliament. On April 5, 2007, Prof. Cioroianu became Foreign Affairs Minister (he organized the NATO Summit in Bucharest, 2008). He has been a member of the editorial staff for Dilema Veche since 1998 and Vice-president of the Romanian Institute of Recent History since 2011. Prof. Cioroianu has hosted several talk shows on television (Realitatea TV, TVR 1, e.g. 5 minutes of history at TVR 2). | ||||||||
![]() Prof. Liebich is Honorary Professor in International History and Politics at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva. Faculty member from 1989 to 2013, Dr Liebich was previously Professor of Political Science at the University of Québec in Montréal. He has also taught at McGill University, the University of Montréal, the University of Fribourg and the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania where he was awarded a doctorate Honoris Causa in 2013. He has held research appointments at St. Antony’s and Nuffield Colleges, Oxford; the Russian Research Centre, Harvard; the Hoover Institution, Stanford; the Kennan Institute, Washington, DC; the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton; and the Institute for Historical Research, London. His interests lie in Central and East European history and politics, modern political thought and ideologies, and international history and theory. His current research deals with nationhood and statehood, and minority and diaspora politics. A specialist in fields such as Central and East European Studies and post-Soviet He has a Ph.D. in Political Sciences at Harvard University, an Ma degree Regional Studies-USSR, at Harvard University, a B.A.(Hons) in Political Sciences & Economics at McGill University. He is consultant at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Département fédéral des affaires étrangères, Switzerland; Department of National Defence; Canada and High Commissioner on National Minorities at OSCE; Council of Europe; European Commission; Open Society Institute, Board of Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), New York. | ||||||||
![]() Headmistress and Teacher of Humanities, collaborator with central administration of education in the area of the curriculum, textbook and assessment, social sciences teacher facing a large number of instances where teaching methods were required to be diversified to correspond to the target groups the courses were designed for. Philosopher, interested in issues related to communication, sociology and anthropology. Trainer involved in NGO projects designed for teachers and for youth. Author and co-author of several philosophy books, examining and assessment guides for Humanities. | ||||||||
![]() Scientific researcher (1st grade) at the Romanian Academy, „George Bariţiu” Institute of History, he is Head of the Art Museum of Cluj, starting 2014. With a PhD in History, he is expert in history and sociology of culture and education, with many research internships at Budapest, Geneve, Graz, Zurich, Beijing, Tel Aviv, Moskow, Paris and Heidelberg. Professor Nastasă received in 2004 the Romanian Academy Prize and in the same year he became member of the Doctors Corporation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In 2012 he received „Meir Rudich” Prize of Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Mr. Nastasă is specialized in the research of ethnicity, culture, inter-cultural relations, minority-majority relations and Transylvanian minorities’ studies. In several researches he used his historic knowledge on diversity and ethnicity to broad these concepts to a European multi-cultural dimension | ||||||||
![]() Assistant professor at Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of History and Philosophy, Department of International Studies and Contemporary History with a PhD in International Relations and European Studies at the Doctoral School of International Relations and Security Studies. She has an MA degree in the Management of International Relations and European Policies and MA degree in Management of Contemporary Society and a BA in Security Studies at the Faculty of History and Philosophy. She was an international exchange student at Buffalo State College within the ATALNTIS Program (Transatlantic public administration- European Commission and US State Department). Her teaching experience includes seminars on Introduction to Strategic and Security studies, the History of European Integration and Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union. She has attended many nationals and international conferences and workshops in the field of European studies and security studies. Furthermore, she has published many articles on, European integration, multiculturalism, terrorism, urban governance and other analyses. | ||||||||
![]() Project manager and coordinator with considerable practical experience in marketing and master’s degrees in business and agriculture studies. Specialized in developing economic incentives for farming linked to biodiversity (marketing, branding etc.), communications and public awareness. Part of ADEPT Foundation Transilvania’s team for over six years, a former manager of 3 years for the Salaj Plus Intercommunity Development Association and currently Community Responsible Specialist for the CSR Department of TenarisSilcotub. Among her latest project management activities worth mentioned: Wildflowers Europe- DG Culture, Grundtvig- continuous learning partnership- UE, ESSEDRA – Environmentally Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of Rural Areas - Slow Food and EFNCP, HNVF Romania- Rural Development and High Nature Value Landscapes in Romania- Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Program, GIRO- Geographical Indications in Romania - Swiss-Romanian Cooperation Program, Bazna Pig Festivals, Ecosystem Services and High Nature Farmland- Innovation Norway or Sălaj VeloTour. | ||||||||
![]() Toderici Carmen Adela is teaching economics at the Tehnologic Hight School "Francisc Neuman" Arad. She holds a BA in textile engineering and economic sciences and is specialized in CIG and an MA in Educational Management. She is teaching for 21 years, is a member of the CNE committee and took part in the elaboration and implementation of several Leonardo da Vinci and Erasmus + projects. | ||||||||
![]() Toderici Ovidiu Florin has a BA in psychology/philosophy and is a teacher since 1999. He is a clinical psychologist and a lecture at "Aurel Vlaicu" Univeristy of Arad, Science Faculty of Psychology and Social Assistance. He is the director of CJRAE Arad, a certified trainer in ANPCDEFP Romania-Erasmus+ programs, member in MEC of specialized commissions for the special education and special integrated education, socio-human disciplines. He coordinated many Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus+, POSDRU and POCU projects. His main research interest are special education, equal opportunities educational management and Erasmus +. | ||||||||
![]() Anisia-Elena Tamba, MA student at the West University of Timișoara, at the Faculty of Political Science, Philosophy and Communication Studies. During my BA I have discovered my interest in studying migration, radical political movements, racism, discrimination and human rights. After graduating, I chose a MA program in International Relations and the Management of Global Affairs at the same faculty. This particular master program offered me the opportunity to study in English while learning more about the subjects I was interested in. In parallel, I became a volunteer and even completed an internship at a refugee center in my hometown. Currently I am writing my final thesis on environmental degradation and migration in Sudan and I would like to continue my career in the same field. |