Colloquia. Journal of Central European History. Volume X-XI, no 1-2, 2003-2004



Confessionalisation and Social Disciplining


Maria Crăciun, Tolerance and Persecution. Political Authority and Religious Difference in late medieval Moldavia


David Marno, Continuity and Discontinuity in Discipline and Punish


The Concept of Social Disciplining and its Applicability in Current Historiographical Debate. A discussion initiated by Maria Crăciun


Church History


Simona Nicoară, From Theocentrism to Anthropocentrism. A History of the Secularization of European Consciousness in the 14th-18th Centuries


Greta Monica Miron, The Transylvanian Greek-Catholic Church in the Eighteenth Century. Towards Catholic Reformation. The Marriage Question


Ana Sima, The Perception of a Frontier Spiritual Universe: Ruthenians, Uniate Romanians

and Southern Slavs. During the Years of Austrian Neo-Liberalism


Social and Cultural History


Doru Radosav, Les Entrées Royales. in Transylvania and the Banat (18th-19th century).

Discourse and Representation


Ionuţ Costea, Identities of the Social Environment. The Transylvanian Nobility in the 17th Century


View Points


Eva Frimmová, L'historiographie de l'époque de la Renaissance et de l'Humanisme en Slovaquie après l'an 1989


Tomasz Torbus, Myth and Reality: Remarks of the Hungarian Influences on the Architecture in Poland and Lithuania around 1500


András W. Kovács, Studies of Hungarian Genealogical Research



Bronislaw Geremek


Pompiliu Teodor, Doru Radosav, Bronislaw Geremek. Laudatio


« Je voudrais être actif dans la bataille pour la mémoire ». Bronislaw Geremek en dialogue avec Ovidiu Pecican




Book Review


In Memoriam