3741 | BIBL1.41 | Gumbert, Johan Peter | Bat books: a catalogue of folded manuscripts containing almanacs or other texts | nu |
3742 | CH20 | *** | Chora. Revue d'Etudes Anciennes et Medievales | da |
3743 | AUG1.40 | Augustin | Despre Treime | nu |
3744 | ART3.1 | Artz, Frederick B. | The mind of the Middle Ages | da |
3745 | PAU4.1 | Paulus Venetus | Logica parva | da |
3746 | BOS3.1 | Bosley, Richard N.; Tweedale, Martin M. (eds.) | Basic Issues in Medieval Philosophy | da |
3747 | WAD1.1 | Waddell, Helen | The Wandering Scholars | da |
3748 | MAN6.1 | Manekin, Charles H. | The Logic of Gersonides. A Translation of Sefer ha-Heqqesh ha-Yashar (the Book of the correct syllogism) of Rabbi Levi ben Gershom | da |
3749 | HIS1.3 | Peter of Spain | Tractatus Syncategorematum and Selected Anonymous Treatises | da |
3750 | OCK1.9.2 | Guillelmus de Ockham | Opera Philosophica II | da |
3751 | COP2.1 | Copleston, Frederick | A History of Philosophy. Vol. I: Greece and Rome | da |
3752 | COP2.2 | Copleston, Frederick | A History of Philosophy. Vol. II: Augustine to Scotus | da |
3753 | CAL2.4 | Calma, Dragos; Coccia, Emanuele (eds.) | Les sectatores Averrois. Noetique et cosmologie aux XIIIe-XIVe siecles | da |
3754 | COP2.3 | Copleston, Frederick | A History of Philosophy. Vol. III: Ockham to Suárez | da |
3755 | BUR4.4 | John Buridan | John Buridan: Sophisms on meaning and truth | da |
3756 | TOR3.1 | De La Torre, Bartholomew R., (O.P.) | Thomas Buckingham and the contingency of futures | da |
3757 | HON1.1 | Honorius Augustodunensis | Clavis Physicae | da |
3758 | WEI1.12.9 | Weijers, Olga; Calma B., Monica | Le travail intellectuel à la Faculté des arts de Paris: Répertoire des noms commençant par S-Z | da |
3759 | FUM1.1 | Fumagalli Beonio Brocchieri, Mariateresa; Parodi, Massimo | Storia della filosofia medievale: da Boezio a Wyclif | da |
3760 | HUG1.8 | Hugh of Saint Victor | On the sacraments of the christian faith (De Sacramentis) | da |
3761 | FUN1.2 | Funkenstein, Amos | Theology and the scientific imagination from the Middle Ages to the seventeenth century | da |
3762 | EUC1.4 | Euclid | The thirteen books of Euclid's elements ; the works of Archimedes, including The Methods ; On conic sections | da |
3763 | AUR2.1 | Aurelius Prudentius Clemens | Carmina | da |
3764 | PAS1.2 | Pasnau, Robert | The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts | da |
3765 | FIS4.1 | Fischer, John Martin | God, Foreknowledge and Freedom | da |
3766 | PIE1.3 | Pieper, Josef | Scholasticism: Personalities and Problems of Medieval Philosophy | da |
3767 | PET7.1 | Peters, F.E. | Aristotle and the Arabs: The Aristotelian Tradition in Islam | da |
3768 | PAL3.1. | Palmén, Ritva | Richard of St. Victor's theory of imagination | da |
3769 | PAU4.2.1.8 | Paul of Venice | Logica Magna (I.8) | da |
3770 | KNO2.1 | Knowles, David | The Evolution of Medieval Thought | da |
3771 | SAL2.5 | John of Salisbury | Policraticus. The Stateman's Book | da |
3772 | MAC9.1 | MacDonald, Scott | Being and goodness. The concept of the good in metaphysics and philosophical theology | da |
3773 | LIN1.1 | Lindberg, David C. | Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, 600 B.C. to A.D. 1450 | da |
3774 | PAU4.2.2.3 | Paul of Venice | Logica Magna (II.3) | da |
3775 | JON1.1 | Jones, W.T. | The medieval mind | da |
3776 | HYM1.1 | Hyman, Arthur, Walsh, James J. (eds.) | Philosophy in the Middle Ages | da |
3777 | PAU4.2.2.4 | Paul of Venice | Logica Magna (II.4) | da |
3778 | GUA1.1 | Guillelmus de Guarra; Iohannes Duns Scotus; Petrus Aureolus | Quaestiones disputatae de Immaculata Conceptione Beatae Mariae Virginis | da |
3779 | PAU4.2.2.8 | Paul of Venice | Logica Magna (II.8) | da |
3780 | HOF5.1 | Hoffe, Otfried, Imbach, Ruedi | Paradigmes de theologie philosophique | da |
3781 | EBB2.1.3 | Ebbesen, Sten | Greek-Latin philosophical interaction | da |
3782 | VOL1.1 | Vollert, Cyril O. | The Doctrine of Hervaeus Natalis on primitive justice and original sin, as developed in the controversy on original sin during the early decades of the 14th century | nu |
3783 | REI1.1 | Reist, Thomas, Saint Bonaventure | Saint Bonaventure as a Biblical Commentator. A translation and Analysis of his Commentary on Luke, XVIII, 34-XIX, 42 | da |
3784 | STE3.5 | Van Steenberghen, Fernard | Thomas Aquinas and Radical Aristotelianism | da |
3785 | BOE2.3 | Boethius Dacus | Topica-Opuscula vol. VI, pars II | da |
3786 | MAU1.1 | Maurer, Armand A. | Medieval Philosophy | da |
3787 | PET8.1 | Petrof, Elizabeth Alvilda | Body and Soul. Essays on Medieval Women and Mysticism | da |
3788 | PAP4.1 | Papadis, Dimitris | Die Seelenlehre bei Alexander von Aphrodisias | da |
3789 | BER12.1 | Bernal, John Desmond | Science in history. Vol. 1: The emergence of science | da |
3790 | LOI1.1. | Loiret, Francois | Volonte et infini chez Duns Scot | da |