Nr.CotaAutorTitlu Disponibil
336BIBL1.41Gumbert, Johan PeterBat books: a catalogue of folded manuscripts containing almanacs or other textsnu
337KIT1.1#2Kitanov, Severin ValentinovBeatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombardda
338KIT1.1#1Kitanov, Severin ValentinovBeatific Enjoyment in Medieval Scholastic Debates. The Complex Legacy of Saint Augustine and Peter Lombardda
339CAM3.1#2Campi, L.; Simonetta, S. (eds.)Before and After Wyclif: Sources and Textual Influencesda
340CAM3.1Campi, L.; Simonetta, S. (eds.)Before and After Wyclif: Sources and Textual Influencesnu
341LIN1.1Lindberg, David C.Beginnings of Western Science: The European Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and Institutional Context, 600 B.C. to A.D. 1450da
342MAC9.1MacDonald, ScottBeing and goodness. The concept of the good in metaphysics and philosophical theologyda
343SEL1.1Seligman, Paul BEING AND NOT-BEING. An introduction to Plato`s Sophistda
345PRO3.1.1ProcopiusBella, I-IV (vol. I)da
346CAE1.5C. Iulius CaesarBellum Civileda
347CAE1.4C. Iulius CaesarBellum Galicum vol. Ida
348CAE1.3C. Iulius CaesarBellum Gallicumda
349CAE1.6C. Iulius CaesarBellum Gallicumda
350TRO1.5Trottmann, ChristianBernard de Clairvaux et la philosophie des cisterciens du XIIe sièclenu
351BER8.2f.a.Bernard of Clairvaux. Studies Presented to Dom Jean Leclerqda
352LEE2.3Pieter de Leemans (ed.)Between Text and Tradition. Pietro d'Abano and the Reception of Pseudo-Aristotle's Problemata Physica in the Middle Agesda
353GLO2.1.1          Biblia cum Glossa ordinaria (vol. I)da
354BIB2.2Weber-Gryson (ed.)Biblia sacra : iuxta Vulgatam versionemda
355BIB2.1.7-Biblia Sacra Vulgata, vol. VII (Evangheliile, Faptele Apostolilor)da
356~B.4          Bibliografia Plotinda
357BAMAT1.31IRHTBibliographie annuelle du moyen-âge tardifda
358BAMAT1.30IRHTBibliographie annuelle du moyen-âge tardifda
359BAMAT1.32IRHTBibliographie annuelle du moyen-âge tardifda
360VAR1.1Varju, ElemerBiblioteca Bathyanaeum la sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea. Cartea catalog a lui Varju Elemer, adnotată şi comentatăda
362BUR3.1Burton, Pierre-AndréBibliotheca aelrediana secundada
363MEI1.7 Meirinhos, José Francisco Bibliotheca manuscripta Petri Hispanida
364BON2.1Bondino, Mariacarla Gadebusch (ed.)Blood in History and Blood Historiesda
365BPJAM23.2020Baumbach, Manuel; Pluta, OlafBochumer Philosophisches Jahrbuch fur Antike und Mittelalterda
366BPJ1/1999Mojsisch, Burkhard; Pluta, Olaf; Rehn, Rudolf (Herausgegeben von)Bochumer philosophisches jahrbuch fur antike und mittelalterda
367BPJ/4/1999Mojsisch, Burkhard; Pluta, Olaf; Rehn, Rudolf (Herausgegeben von)Bochumer philosophisches jahrbuch fur antike und mittelalterda
368BPJ6/2001Mojsisch, Burkhard; Pluta, Olaf; Rehn, Rudolf (Herausgegeben von)Bochumer philosophisches jahrbuch fur antike und mittelalterda
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370BPJ5/2000Mojsisch, Burkhard; Pluta, Olaf; Rehn, Rudolf (Herausgegeben von)Bochumer philosophisches jahrbuch fur antike und mittelalterda
371PET8.1Petrof, Elizabeth AlvildaBody and Soul. Essays on Medieval Women and Mysticism da
372PAP1.1Papahagi, AdrianBoethiana medievaliada
373KLI2.1Klingner, F.Boethii De consolatione Philosophiaeda
374MAR2.3Marenbon, JohnBoethius da
375HOE1.1Hoenen, M. J. F. M.; Nauta, LodiBoethius in the Middle Ages. Latin & Vernacular Traditions of the Consolatio philosophiaeda
376MAG4.1#2Magnano, FiorellaBoethius on Topical Differencesda
377MAG4.1Magnano, FiorellaBoethius on Topical Differencesda
378DUN2.1Duncan, Dennis; Smyth, Adam (eds.)Book partsnu
379BIBL1.45Golob, Nataša,; Vodopivec, Jedert (ed.)Bookbindings : theoretical approaches and practical solutions da
380CYP1.1.2Caecilius CyprianusBriefeda
381EPI1.3EpicurBriefe. Spruche. Werkfragmenteda
382CIC1.9M. Tullius CiceroBrutusda
383ALB2.2Albert cel MareBuch über die Ursachen und den Hervorgang von allem aus der ersten Ursacheda
384AHR1.1Ahrens, L. (ed.)Bucolicorum Graecorum Theocriti, Bionis, Moschi reliquiaeda
385BPhM16-17***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
386BPhM15***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
387BPhM18***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
388BPhM1***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
389BPhM19***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
390BPhM2***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
391BPhM3***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
392BphM20***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
393BPhM4***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
394BPhM21***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
395BPhM5***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
396BPhM22***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
397BPhM6***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
398BPhM23***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
399BPhM7***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
400BPhM25***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
401BPhM8-9***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
402BPhM10-12***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
403BPhM13***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
404BPhM26***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
405BPhM14***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
406BPhM27***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
407BPhM28***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
408BPhM29***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
409BPhM30***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
410BPhM31***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
411BPhM32***Bulletin de Philosophie Medievaleda
412BPhM49          Bulletin de philosophie médiévale SIEPMda
413BPhM50          Bulletin de philosophie médiévale SIEPMda
414BPhM51          Bulletin de philosophie médiévale SIEPMda
415BPhM52          Bulletin de philosophie médiévale SIEPMda
416BPhM53          Bulletin de philosophie médiévale SIEPMda
417BPhM54          Bulletin de philosophie médiévale SIEPMda
418BPhM55          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale SIEPMda
419BPhM47          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 47da
420BPhM48          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 48da
421BPhM56          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 56da
422BPhM57          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 57da
423BPhM58          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 58da
424BPhM59          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 59da
425BPhM60          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 60da
426BPhM61          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 61da
427BPhM62          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 62da
428BPhM63          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 63da
429BPhM64          Bulletin de Philosophie Medievale, nr. 64da
430BTAM11.6          Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévaleda
431BTAM12.1          Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévaleda
432BTAM12.5***Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévaleda
433BTAM12.2          Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévaleda
434BTAM13.1***Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévaleda
435BTAM12.3          Bulletin de théologie ancienne et médiévaleda