2951 | ORI1.2 | Origen | Homelies sur l'Exode | da |
2952 | ORI1.3.1 | Origenes | Schriften von Gebet und Ermahnung zum Martyrium, band I | da |
2953 | ORI1.3.2.2 | Origenes | Acht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil II, buch V-VIII | da |
2954 | ORI1.3.2.1 | Origenes | Acht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil I, buch I-IV | da |
2955 | ORT1.1 | Ortúzar Escudero, María José | Die Sinne in den Schriften Hildegards von Bingen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Sinneswahrnehmung | da |
2956 | OSB1.1.1 | Osbernus de Gloucester | Derivazioni, vol. I | da |
2957 | OSB1.1.2 | Osbernus de Gloucester | Derivazioni, vol. II | da |
2958 | OSW1.1 | Oswald, Dana M. | Monster, Gender and Sexuality in Medieval English Literature | da |
2959 | REG1.1 | Otto Regenbogen | Schmerz und tod in den tragodien Senecas | da |
2960 | OUY1.1.1#2 | Ouy, Gilbert | Les Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. I | da |
2961 | OUY1.1.2#2 | Ouy, Gilbert | Les Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. II | da |
2962 | OZO1.1 | Ożóg, Krzysztof | The Role of Poland in the Intellectual Development of Europe in the Middle Ages | da |
2963 | OBR1.1 | O`BRIEN, D. | Pour interpreter Empedocle | da |
2964 | BAU4.1 | P. Chrysostomus Baur O.S.B. | Initia Patrum Graecorum (vol. 1 A-Λ ) | da |
2965 | BAU4.2 | P. Chrysostomus Baur O.S.B. | Initia Patrum Graecorum (vol. 1 M-Ω ) | da |
2967 | VER5.1 | P. Vergilius Maro | Opera | da |
2968 | HOR2.1 | P. W. Van Der Horst | Aelius Aristides And The New Testament | da |
2969 | PAB1.1 | Pabst, Bernhard | Atomtheorien des Lateinischen Mittelalters | nu |
2970 | PAC2.1 | Pacaut, Marcel | Les ordres monastiques et religieux au Moyen Âge | da |
2971 | PAC1.1 | Pachymeres, George | Commentary on Plato's Parmenides | da |
2972 | PAG1.1 | Page, D. L. (ed.) | Epigrammata graeca | da |
2973 | PAL3.1. | Palmén, Ritva | Richard of St. Victor's theory of imagination | da |
2974 | PAL1.1 | Paluch, Michal; Lichacz, Piotr | Dominicans and the Challenge of Thomism | da |
2975 | PAM1.1 | Pamprepius | Carmina | da |
2976 | PAN1.1 | Panaccio, Claude | Le discours interieur, de Platon a Guillaume d'Ockham | da |
2977 | PAN1.2 | Panaccio, Claude (ed.) | Le nominalisme: ontologie, langage, connaissance (Textes clés du nominalisme) | da |
2978 | PAN2.1 | Paniagua, David; Sanz, Adelaida Andres (eds.) | Formaas de Acceso al Saber en la Antiguedad Tardia y la Alta Edad Media. La Transmision del Conocimiento dendro y fuera de la Escuela | da |
2979 | PAN3.1 | Pantea, Mădălina-Gabriela | Receptarea Sf. Augustin în comentariile sentenţiare din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIV-lea | da |
2980 | PAO1.1 | Paoli, Ugo Enrico | Die Frau im alten Hellas | da |
2981 | DIA1.1 | Paolo Diacono | Vita Sancti Gregorii Magni | da |
2982 | PAP2.1 | Papacostea, Cezar | Evolutia Gandirii la Greci: Stefan Zeletin- viata si opera lui | da |
2983 | PAP4.1 | Papadis, Dimitris | Die Seelenlehre bei Alexander von Aphrodisias | da |
2984 | PAP1.1 | Papahagi, Adrian | Boethiana medievalia | da |
2985 | PAP1.2 | Papahagi, Adrian (coordonator) | Vocabularul cartii manuscrise | da |
2986 | PAP1.4 | Papahagi, Adrian (coord.) | Manuscrisele medievale occidentale din România: Census | da |
2987 | PAP3.1 | Papahagi, Cristina (trad.) | Cântarea despre Guillaume | da |
2988 | PAR2.1 | Pareti, Luigi | Il mondo greco-romano | da |
2989 | PAR1.1 | Parisse, Michel | Manuel de paléographie médiévale | nu |
2990 | PAR4.1 | Park Katharine | Secrets of Women. Gender, Generation and the Origins of Human Dissection | da |
2991 | PAR3.1 | Parry, J.; Bloch, M. | Money and the Morality of Exchange | da |
2992 | PAS2.1 | Pasalodos Requejo, Sergio | Michele Savonarola y el primer tratado panitaliano de balneis | da |
2993 | PAS1.2 | Pasnau, Robert | The Cambridge Translations of Medieval Philosophical Texts | da |
2994 | PAS1.1 | Pasnau, Robert | Theories of cognition in the Later Middle Ages | da |
2995 | BER3.2 | Pasquale Bermon (trad.), J. Verger (introd.) | La fondation de l'Universite de Paris | da |
2996 | GIO1.2 | Pasqualino Regiselmo | Vaticinia sive Prophetiae Abbatis Ioachimi et Anselmi episcopi marsicani | da |
2997 | PAT2.1 | Patar, Benoit | Dictionnaire des Philosophes medievaux | da |
2998 | PAT3.2 | Patocka, Jan | Mișcare, lume, tehnică. Studii fenomenologice | da |
2999 | PAT3.1 | Patocka, Jan | Platon et L'Europe | da |
3000 | BAK1.1 | Patricia A. Baker, Han Nijdam, Karine van `t Land | Medicine and Space. Body, Surroundings and Borders in Antiquity and the Middle Ages | da |