2886 | CUS1.1.3 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera Omnia (De coniencturis) | da |
2887 | CUS1.1.9 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia (Dialogus de ludo globi) | da |
2888 | CUS1.1.15.1 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia (Opuscula III, fasciculus I) | da |
2889 | CUS1.1.4 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera Omnia (Opuscula I) | da |
2890 | CUS1.1.16.2 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia: Sermones I (1430-1441), fasciculus II: sermones V-X | da |
2891 | CUS1.1.17 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia: Sermones II (1443-1452) indices | da |
2892 | CUS1.1.14.2 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia (De concordantia Catholica Liber Secundus) | da |
2893 | CUS1.1.15.2 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia (Opuscula III, fasciculus 2) | da |
2894 | CUS1.1.12 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia (De venatione sapientiae, De apice theoriae) | da |
2895 | CUS1. | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia (Opuscula II. Fasciculus 2a) | da |
2896 | CUS1.1.14.3 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia (De concordantia Catholica) | da |
2897 | CUS1.1.11.3 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia (Compendium) | da |
2898 | CUS1.1.13 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia (Directio Speculantis seu de non aliud) | da |
2899 | CUS1.1.7 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera Omnia (De pace fidei) | da |
2900 | CUS1.1.10.1 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia (Opuscula II, fasciculus 1) | da |
2901 | CUS1.1.11.1 | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia (De beryllo) | da |
2902 | CUS1. | Nicolaus Cusanus | Opera omnia (Opuscula II, fasciculus 2b) | da |
2903 | CUS1.1.8 | Nicolaus Cusanus; | Opera Omnia (Cribratio Alkorani) | da |
2904 | BER11.1 | Nicole Bériou | Religion et communication: Un autre regard sur la prédication au Moyen Age | da |
2905 | NIE1.1 | Niederbacher, Bruno; Leibold, Gerhard (Hg.) | Theologie als Wissenschaft in Mittelalter | da |
2907 | NIE3.1 | Nietzsche, Friedrich ; Merker, Anne (ed.) | Platon | da |
2908 | BLE1.1 | Nikephoros Blemmydes | Gegen die Vorherbestimmung der Todesstunde | da |
2909 | NIC2.1 | Nikephoros Gregoras | Discours contre les iconoclastes | da |
2910 | HYB1.1 | Nils Hybel; Bjorn Poulsen | The Danish Resources C. 1000-1550. Growth and Recession | da |
2911 | NIS1.1 | Nisard, M. | Collection des auteurs latins | da |
2912 | NOI1.1 | Noica, Constantin | Interpretări la Platon | da |
2913 | NOR1.1 | Norberg, Dag | Manuale di latino medievale | da |
2914 | NOU1.1 | Nouhaud, Michel | L`utilisation | da |
2915 | NUC1.2 | Nuchelmans, Gabriel | Late-Scholastic and Humanist Theories of Proposition | nu |
2916 | NUC1.1 | Nuchelmans, Gabriel | Theories of the Proposition. Ancient and medieval conceptions of the bearers of truth and falsity | da |
2917 | NUM1.1 | Numenius | Fragments, ed. Edouard des Places | da |
2918 | NUY1.1 | Nuyens, Francois | L'evolution de la psychologie d'Aristote | da |
2919 | OME1.1 | O'Meara, Dominic | Plotin. Une introduction aux Enneades | da |
2920 | OME1.2 | O'Meara, Dominic J. | Cosmology and politics in Plato's later works | da |
2921 | OAN1.1 | Oancea, Maria Luiza | Limba greacă veche. Sintaxa cazurilor. O nouă teoretizare | da |
2922 | OAN1.2 | Oancea, Maria Luiza (ed.) | Capita selecta iuvenum | da |
2923 | HTKNT11.2.1 | Oberlinner, Lorenz | Die Pastoralbriefe. Erster Timotheusbrief | da |
2924 | HTKNT11.2.2 | Oberlinner, Lorenz | Die Pastoralbriefe. Zweiter Timotheusbrief | da |
2925 | HTKNT11.2.3 | Oberlinner, Lorenz | Die Pastoralbriefe. Titusbriefe | da |
2926 | OBE1.1 | Obermeier, Anita | The history and anatomy of auctorial self-criticism in the European Middle Ages | nu |
2927 | ~C.118 | Obrist, Barbara | La cosmologie medievale. Textes et images. I. Les fondements antiques | da |
2928 | CON1.2 | Obrist, Barbara; Caiazzo, Irene (eds.) | Guillaume de Conches: Philosophie et science au XIIe siècle | da |
2929 | OCK1.4 | Ockham, William | Über die Verknüpfung der Tugenden | da |
2930 | OCK1.3 | Ockham, William | Despre universalii | da |
2931 | OCK1.5 | Ockham, William | Texte zur Theorie der Erkenntnis und der Wissenschaft | da |
2932 | OCK1.6 | Ockham, William | Texte zur Theorie der Erkenntnis und der Wissenschaft et Summa logicae, I, 14-25 şi II, 27 | da |
2933 | OCK1.2 | Ockham, William | Traite sur la predestination | da |
2934 | OCK1.7 | Ockham, William | Intuition et abstraction | da |
2935 | ~E.1 | Oelmueller;Doelle-Oelmuler;Ebach;Przybyzski | Diskurs:Religion | da |
2936 | OGL1.1 | Ogliari, D. | Gratia et certamen. The Relationship between Grace and Free Will in the Discussion of Augustine with the so-called Semipelagians | nu |
2937 | OLI1.1 | Oliva, Adriano | Les débuts de l'enseignement de Thomas d'Aquin et sa conception de la Sacra doctrina | da |
2938 | OLI2.2 | Olivi, Jean Pierre | Über die menschliche Freiheit | da |
2939 | OLI2.1 | Olivi, Jean Pierre | Quaestiones in secundum librum sententiarum ( 72-118) | da |
2940 | OLI2.3 | Olivi, Jean Pierre | Traite des contrats | da |
2941 | OLI2.6.1 | Olivi, Jean Pierre | Quaestiones in secundum librum Sententiarum, vol. I | da |
2942 | OLI2.6.2 | Olivi, Jean Pierre | Quaestiones in secundum librum Sententiarum, vol. II | da |
2943 | OLI2.6.3 | Olivi, Jean Pierre | Quaestiones in secundum librum Sententiarum, vol. III | da |
2944 | OLI2.5 | Olivi, Jean Pierre | Lecturae super Pauli Epistolas | da |
2945 | BOU3.5 | Olivier Boulnois, Elizabeth Karger, Jean-Luc Solere, Gerard Sondag (eds.) | Duns Scot a Paris 1302-2002. Actes du colloque de Paris, 2-4 septembre 2002 | da |
2946 | OLS1.1.4.1 | Olsen, Birger Munk | L'étude des auteurs classiques latins aux XIe et XIIe siècles | da |
2947 | OLY1.1 | Olympiodoros | In Platonis Gorgias Commentarium | da |
2948 | ORA1.1 | Oram, Richard D. | The reign of Alexander II, 1214-49 | da |
2949 | ORE1.2 | Oresme, Nicole | Quaestiones super De generatione et corruptione | da |
2950 | ORI1.1.1 | Origen | Commentaire sur S. Jean (tome I, livres I-V) | da |
2951 | ORI1.2 | Origen | Homelies sur l'Exode | da |
2952 | ORI1.3.1 | Origenes | Schriften von Gebet und Ermahnung zum Martyrium, band I | da |
2953 | ORI1.3.2.2 | Origenes | Acht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil II, buch V-VIII | da |
2954 | ORI1.3.2.1 | Origenes | Acht bucher gegen Celsus, band II, teil I, buch I-IV | da |
2955 | ORT1.1 | Ortúzar Escudero, María José | Die Sinne in den Schriften Hildegards von Bingen. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Sinneswahrnehmung | da |
2956 | OSB1.1.1 | Osbernus de Gloucester | Derivazioni, vol. I | da |
2957 | OSB1.1.2 | Osbernus de Gloucester | Derivazioni, vol. II | da |
2958 | OSW1.1 | Oswald, Dana M. | Monster, Gender and Sexuality in Medieval English Literature | da |
2959 | REG1.1 | Otto Regenbogen | Schmerz und tod in den tragodien Senecas | da |
2960 | OUY1.1.1#2 | Ouy, Gilbert | Les Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. I | da |
2961 | OUY1.1.2#2 | Ouy, Gilbert | Les Manuscrits de L'Abbaye de Saint-Victor, vol. II | da |
2962 | OZO1.1 | Ożóg, Krzysztof | The Role of Poland in the Intellectual Development of Europe in the Middle Ages | da |
2963 | OBR1.1 | O`BRIEN, D. | Pour interpreter Empedocle | da |
2964 | BAU4.1 | P. Chrysostomus Baur O.S.B. | Initia Patrum Graecorum (vol. 1 A-Λ ) | da |
2965 | BAU4.2 | P. Chrysostomus Baur O.S.B. | Initia Patrum Graecorum (vol. 1 M-Ω ) | da |
2967 | VER5.1 | P. Vergilius Maro | Opera | da |
2968 | HOR2.1 | P. W. Van Der Horst | Aelius Aristides And The New Testament | da |
2969 | PAB1.1 | Pabst, Bernhard | Atomtheorien des Lateinischen Mittelalters | nu |
2970 | PAC2.1 | Pacaut, Marcel | Les ordres monastiques et religieux au Moyen Âge | da |
2971 | PAC1.1 | Pachymeres, George | Commentary on Plato's Parmenides | da |
2972 | PAG1.1 | Page, D. L. (ed.) | Epigrammata graeca | da |
2973 | PAL3.1. | Palmén, Ritva | Richard of St. Victor's theory of imagination | da |
2974 | PAL1.1 | Paluch, Michal; Lichacz, Piotr | Dominicans and the Challenge of Thomism | da |
2975 | PAM1.1 | Pamprepius | Carmina | da |
2976 | PAN1.1 | Panaccio, Claude | Le discours interieur, de Platon a Guillaume d'Ockham | da |
2977 | PAN1.2 | Panaccio, Claude (ed.) | Le nominalisme: ontologie, langage, connaissance (Textes clés du nominalisme) | da |
2978 | PAN2.1 | Paniagua, David; Sanz, Adelaida Andres (eds.) | Formaas de Acceso al Saber en la Antiguedad Tardia y la Alta Edad Media. La Transmision del Conocimiento dendro y fuera de la Escuela | da |
2979 | PAN3.1 | Pantea, Mădălina-Gabriela | Receptarea Sf. Augustin în comentariile sentenţiare din a doua jumătate a secolului al XIV-lea | da |
2980 | PAO1.1 | Paoli, Ugo Enrico | Die Frau im alten Hellas | da |
2981 | DIA1.1 | Paolo Diacono | Vita Sancti Gregorii Magni | da |
2982 | PAP2.1 | Papacostea, Cezar | Evolutia Gandirii la Greci: Stefan Zeletin- viata si opera lui | da |
2983 | PAP4.1 | Papadis, Dimitris | Die Seelenlehre bei Alexander von Aphrodisias | da |
2984 | PAP1.1 | Papahagi, Adrian | Boethiana medievalia | da |
2985 | PAP1.2 | Papahagi, Adrian (coordonator) | Vocabularul cartii manuscrise | da |