2071 | PAU4.2.2.4 | Paul of Venice | Logica Magna (II.4) | da |
2072 | PAU4.2.2.8 | Paul of Venice | Logica Magna (II.8) | da |
2073 | SPR1.1 | Spruyt, Joke | Logica Morelli | da |
2074 | PAU4.1 | Paulus Venetus | Logica parva | da |
2075 | AVI1.7 | Avicenna | Logica: Logique Du Sifa | da |
2076 | BAR3.1 | Barlaam von Seminara | Logistiké | da |
2077 | CLA6.1 | Clanchy, Michael | Looking back from the invention of printing : mothers and the teaching of reading in the Middle Ages | da |
2078 | SIN2.1 | Sinaiko, Herman L. | Love, Knowledge, and Discourse in Plato: Dialogue and Dialectic in Phaedrus, Republic, Parmenides | da |
2079 | AMB1.2 | Ambrosius | Lukaskommentar | da |
2080 | BUT1.2 | Buttgen, Philippe | Luther et la Philosophie | da |
2081 | PLA1.23 | Platon | Lysis | da |
2082 | PLA1.6 | Platon | Lysis | da |
2083 | FRA3.1 | Marie Louse von Franz | L`ane d`Or. Interpretation d`un Conte | da |
2084 | ANN1.1 | Annick Charles-Saget | L`architecture du divin. Mathematique et philosophie chez Plotin et Proclus | da |
2085 | SCH8.1 | Schniewind, Alexandrine | L`etique du sage chez Plotin. Le paradigme de spoudaios | da |
2086 | POR3.1 | Porte, Danielle | L`etologie religieuse dans les fastes d`ovide | da |
2087 | LAB1.1 | Labarbe, Jules | L`Homere de Platon | da |
2088 | PRA1.1 | Pradeau, Jean-Francois | L`imitation du Principe. Plotin et la participation | da |
2089 | BAS2.1 | Baslez, Marie-Francoise; Hoffmann, P.; Pernot, L. (eds.) | L`INVENTION DE L`AUTOBIOGRAPHIE. D`HESIODE A SAINT AUGUSTIN | da |
2090 | TOU1.1 | Tourraix, Alexandre | L`Orient, Mirage Grec | da |
2091 | NOU1.1 | Nouhaud, Michel | L`utilisation | da |
2092 | THO1.29.9 | *** | L’ interpretazione di San Tommaso delle Dottrine di San Paolo | nu |
2093 | MEI3.1 | Meiroșu, Anca | Magia în literatura latină din epoca imperială timpurie (sec. I-II d. Hr.) | da |
2094 | FUN1.1 | Funkenstein, Amos | Maïmonide | da |
2095 | SIL3.1 | Silver, Daniel | Maimonidean Criticism and the Maimonidean Controversy, 1180 - 1240 | nu |