1556 | COR4.1 | Cornea, Andrei | Scriere si oralitate in cultura antica - Cazul Platon | da |
1557 | EPI1.2 | Cornea, Andrei (ed.) | Epicur şi Epicureismul antic. | nu |
1558 | NEP1.1 | Cornelius Nepos | Liber de excellentibus ducibus exterarum gentium | da |
1559 | COR3.1 | Cornford, Francis M. | Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist) | da |
1560 | COR2.1 | Corte, Marcel de | La doctrine de l'intelligence chez Aristote | da |
1561 | MAC3.1 | Costa Macedo, J. M. | Anselmo e a astucia de razao | da |
1562 | COS2.1#1 | Costa, Iacopo | Anonymi artium magistri Questiones super librum ethicorum Aristotelis | da |
1563 | COS2.1#2 | Costa, Iacopo | Anonymi artium magistri Questiones super librum ethicorum Aristotelis | da |
1564 | COS2.2 | Costa, Iacopo (ed.) | Le 'questiones' di Radulfo Brito sull’ « Etica Nicomachea » | da |
1565 | COU1.1 | Couloubaritsis, Lambros | La Phisique d'Aristote | da |
1566 | COU1.2 | Couloubaritsis, Lambros | Histoire de la philosophie ancienne et medievale : figures illustres | da |
1567 | COU3.1 | Coulter, M. Dale | Per visibilia ad invisibilia. Theological method in Richard of St. Victor | da |
1568 | COU4.1 | Counet, Jean-Michel | Mathematiques et Dialectique chez Nicolas de Cuse | da |
1569 | COU4.2 | Counet, Jean-Michel (ed.) | A Question of Life and Death. Living and Dying in Medieval Philosophy | da |
1570 | COU2.5 | Courcelle, Pierre | Recherches sur les Confessions de Saint Augustin | da |
1571 | COU2.1.1 | Courcelle, Pierre | Connais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol I | nu |
1572 | COU2.1.2 | Courcelle, Pierre | Connais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol II | nu |
1573 | COU2.1.3 | Courcelle, Pierre | Connais-toi toi-meme de Socrate a Saint Bernard vol III | nu |
1574 | COU2.2 | Courcelle, Pierre | Les Confessions. De Saint Augustin dans la tradition litteraire | da |
1575 | COU2.3.2 | Courcelle, Pierre | Lecteurs paiens et lecteurs chretiens de l`eneide vol 2 | da |
1576 | COU2.3.1 | Courcelle, Pierre | Lecteurs paiens et lecteurs chretiens de l`eneide vol I | da |
1577 | COU2.4 | Courcelle, Pierre | La consolation de philosophie dans la tradition littéraire : antécédent et postérité de Boèce | da |
1578 | COU5.1 | Courtenay, William | Schools and Scholars in fourteenth century England | nu |
1579 | COU5.2 | Courtenay, William J. | Parisian scholars in the early fourteenth century. A social portrait | da |
1580 | COU5.4.1 | Courtenay, William J. (ed.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume I: 1316-1349 | da |
1581 | COU5.4.2 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume II: 1352-1378 | da |
1582 | COU5.4 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume III: 1378-1394, Part two | da |
1583 | COU5.4.3.1 | Courtenay, William J.; Goddard, Eric D. (eds.) | Rotuli Parisienses: Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris, Volume III: 1378-1394, Part one | da |
1584 | COU6.1 | Courtine, Jean-François | Suarez et le système de la métaphysique | da |
1585 | COV1.1 | Cova, Luciano | Peccato originale. Agostino e il Medioevo | da |
1586 | COW1.1 | Cowling, David; Bruun, Mette B. (eds.) | Commonplace culture in western Europe in the early modern period, 1: Reformation, Counter-Reformation and revolt | nu |
1587 | COX1.1 | Cox, Cheryl Anne | Household interests : property, marriage strategies, and family dynamics in ancient Athens | da |
1588 | CRA1.1 | Craemer-Ruegenberg, Ingrid | Albertus Magnus | da |
1589 | CRE1.2 | Crescas, Hasda | Sefer or adonai | da |
1590 | CRE1.1 | Crescas, Hasdai | Light of the Lord | da |
1591 | CRI1.1 | Crisciani, Chiara | Vita longa | da |
1592 | CRI1.2 | Crisciani, Chiara; Zuccolin, Gabriella (eds.) | Michele Savonarola. Medicina e cultura de corte | da |
1593 | CRI3.2 | Crîșmăreanu, Florin | Quae videntur omnia cruce egent | da |
1594 | CRI3.1 | Crîşmăreanu, Florin | Analogie şi hristologie. Studii dionisiene şi maximiene | da |
1595 | BAD2.1 | Cristian Badilita (ed.) | Patristique et oecumenisme | da |
1596 | ANC1.4 | Cristina D'Ancona (ed.) | Storia della filosofia nell'Islam medievale. Vol.I | da |
1597 | CRO2.1 | Croiset, Alfred et Maurice | Manuel d'histoire de litterature grecque | da |
1598 | CRO2.2 | Croiset, M. | Oedip Roi de Sophocle | da |
1599 | CRO1.1 | Crombie, A. C. | Robert Grosseteste and the Origins of Experimental Science 1100-1700 | nu |
1600 | CRO5.1 | Cross, Richard | The metaphysics of christology in the late middle ages : William of Ockham to Gabriel Biel | nu |
1601 | CRO4.1 | Crouzel, Henri | Origène et Plotin: comparaisons doctrinales | da |
1602 | CRU1.1 | Cruceru, Marius David | Augustin, un amator ... Studiu asupra terminologiei filosofico-teologice de influenta greceasca in tratatele teologice tirzii ale lui augustin | da |
1603 | CTH1.1 | CTHS | Tendances, perspectives et méthodes de l'histoire médiévale | da |
1604 | CUL1.1 | Culianu, Ioan Petru | Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499) si problemele platonismului in Renastere | da |
1605 | CUL2.1 | Cullmann, Oscar | Noul Testament | da |