101 | X-car3.1 | Carreras y Artau, Joaquín | Influencia de Ramon Llull en pensamiento teologico-filosofico de los siglos XIV y XV | da |
102 | x-cha1.1 | Chappel, V.C. | Time and Zeno's Arrow | da |
103 | X-che1.1 | Chenu, M.D. | The platonism of the twelfth century (chapter) | da |
104 | x-chi1.1 | Chihara, Charles S. | On the Possibility of Completing an Infinite Process | da |
105 | X-cho1.1 | Chollet, A. | Averroisme | da |
106 | X-chu1.1 | Chuvin, Pierre ; Fayant, Marie-Christine (trad.) | Paul le Silentaire. Description de Sainte Sophie Constantinople | da |
107 | X-cla1.1 | Clasen, Sophronius O. F. M. | Der studiengang an der kolner artistenfakultat | da |
108 | x-cob1.1 | Coby, Patrick | Aristotle's Four Conceptions of Politics | da |
109 | x-coh1.1 | Cohen, Sheldon M. | St. Thomas Aquinas on the Immaterial Reception of Sensible Forms | da |
110 | x-coh2.1 | Cohen, Maurice H. | The Aporias in the Plato's Early Dialogues | da |
111 | X-col1.1 | Colomer, Eusebio s.j. | Nikolaus von Kues un Raimund LLul aus Handschriften der Kueser Bibliothek | da |
112 | X-com1.1 | Combes, Joseph | Proclus et Damascius | da |
113 | X-cor1.1 | Cornea, A. | "If There Were an Eye on the back of The Heaven..." | da |
114 | X-cor2.1 | Corbin, Henry | Mundus imaginalis ou l'imaginaire et l'imaginal | da |
115 | X-cor3.1 | Corrigan, Kevin | "Solitary" Mysticism in Plotinus, Proclus, Gregory of Nyssa, and Pseudo-Dionysius | da |
116 | x-cor4.1 | Corcoran, John | Completeness of am Ancient Logic | da |
117 | x-cor4.2 | Corcoran, John | Conceptual Structure of Classical Logic | da |
118 | x-cor5.1 | Corbett, S.M. | Zeno's 'Achilles": A Reply to John McKie | da |
119 | X-cou1.1 | Courtez, P. | L'origine de la formule to ti hn einai | da |
120 | X-cou2.1 | Counet, Jean-Michel | La philosophie comme entreprise de dialectisation d'un donne revele. De Saint Anselme de Canterbury a Nicolas de Cuse | da |
121 | X-cou3.1 | Courtine, Jean François | Note complementaire pour l'histoire du vocabulaire de l'etre | da |
122 | X-cou4.1 | Courtenay, William J. | John of Mirecourt and Gregory of Rimini on whether God can undo the past | nu |
123 | x-cro1.1 | Cross, Richard | Four-dimensionalism and identity across time: Henry of ghent vs. Bonaventure | da |
124 | X-cry1.1 | Crystal, Ian | Plotinus on the Structure of Self-Intellection | da |
125 | x-cuf1.1 | Cuffel , Victoria | The Classical Greek Concept of Slavery | da |
126 | X-cul1.1 | Culianu, Ioan Petru | Un temps a l'endroit, un temps a l'envers | da |
127 | X-dah1.1 | Dahan, Gilbert | En marge du Proslogion de Saint Anselm: L'exegeze patristique et medievale du psaume 13 | da |
128 | X-dej1.1 | De Jasay, Anthony | L'État : La logique du pouvoir politique | da |
129 | x-del1.1 | De Lacy, Phillip H | Contributions of the Herculanean Papyri to Our Knowledge of Epicurean Logic | da |
130 | X-del2.1 | Del Punta, Francesco | The Genre of Commentaries in the Middle Ages and its Relation to the Nature and Originality of Medieval Tought | da |
131 | X-der1.1 | Derrida, Jacques | Diferanța | da |
132 | X-der1.2 | Derrida, Jacques | Chora | da |
133 | X-der2.1 | De Rijk, Lambert Marie | Gilbert de Poitiers. Ses vues semantiques et metaphysiques | da |
134 | X-der2.2 | De Rijk, Lambert Marie | John Buridan on Universals | da |
135 | X-die1.1 | Dietrich von Freiberg | De animatione caeli; Opera Omnia vol. III | da |
136 | X-die1.2 | Dietrich de Freiberg | Quastio utrum substantia spiritualis sit composita ex materia et forma; Opera Omnia, vol. III | da |
137 | X-die1.3 | Dietrich de Freiberg | Tractatus de inteligentiis et motoribus caelorum; Opera omnia vol. 1 | da |
138 | X-dil1.1 | Dilon, John | Damascius on the Ineffable | da |
139 | x-dob1.1 | Dobbs, Darrel | Choosing Justice: Socratese' Model City and the Practice of Dialectic | da |
140 | X-dod1.1 | Dodds, E.R. | The Parmenides of Plato and the origin of the neoplatonic" One" | da |
141 | X-don1.1 | Dondaine, H.F. | Le corpus dionysien de l'universite de Paris au XIIIe siecle | da |
142 | X-don2.1 | Donati, Silvia | A new witness to the radical aristotelianism condemned by Etienne Tempier in 1277 | da |
143 | X-don3.1 | D'Onofrio, Giulio | Giovanni Scoto e Boezio | da |
144 | X-dro1.1 | Dronke, Peter | The Return of Eurydice | da |
145 | X-duh1.1 | Duhem, Pierre | L'astronomie des dominicains (chapitre VI) | da |
146 | X-dun1.1 | Duns Scoti, B. Ioannis | Quaestiones super libros Methaphysicorum Aristotelis Libri 1-5 | da |
147 | X-dun1.2 | Duns Scoti, Joannis | Quaestiones super libros Methaphysicorum Aristotelis ( pars IV, questio 1) | da |
148 | X-dun1.3 | Duns Scot, Jean | Ou la revelution subtile | da |
149 | X-ebb1.1 | Ebbesen, Sten | Philoponus, 'Alexander' and the origins of medieval logic | da |
150 | X-egg1.1 | Egginton, William | On Dante, Hyperspheres, and the Curvature of the Medieval Cosmos | da |