71 | PET1.1 | Petreu, Marta | Un trecut deocheat sau Schimbarea la fata a Romaniei | da |
72 | PET1.2 | Petreu, Marta | In lumea tatilor | da |
73 | PET1.4 | Petreu, Marta; Vartic, Ion | Vlad Mugur, spectacolul mortii | da |
74 | ~D.LZ.1 | Zapartan, Liviu-Petru | Relatiile internationale | da |
75 | BER5.1 | Berkeley, George | Teoria vederii | da |
76 | ~A.XV/57 | *** | Melanges de l'Universite Saint-Joseph | da |
77 | JOL1.1 | Jolivet, Jean | Translationes studiorum. Studii de filosofie medievala araba si latina | da |
78 | ABE1.2 | Abelard, Pierre | Comentarii la Porfir. Despre universalii | da |
79 | MUS1.6 | Musca, Vasile; Baumgarten, Alexander (coordonatori) | Filosofia politica a lui Platon | da |
80 | ARI1.37 | Aristotel | Despre suflet | da |
81 | RUH1.1 | Ruhnkenius, David (ed.) | Lexicon vocum Platonicarum. Timaios Sofistul | da |
82 | PIN2.1 | Pindar | Carmina | da |
83 | SEN1.6.2 | Seneca, Lucius Annaeus | Opera omnia II | da |
84 | VIR1.1 | Publius Virgilius Maro | Opera | da |
85 | CAP3.1 | Capelle, Wilhelm | Die Vorsokratiker | da |
86 | KIR1.1 | Kirk, G.S.; Raven, J.E. | The Presocratic Philosophers | da |
87 | BUR6.1 | Burnet, John | Early Greek Philosophy | da |
88 | PLA1.16 | Platon | Criton ou Le devoir du citoyen | da |
89 | PLA1.14 | Platon | La Republique (c.VI) | da |
90 | PLA1.15 | Platon | La Republique (c.VIII) | da |
91 | PLA1.13 | Platon | Apologie de Socrate | da |
92 | PLA1.12 | Platon | Apologia Socratis | da |
93 | PLA1.11 | Platon | Phedon | da |
94 | PLA1.10 | Platon | Hippias Majeur | da |
95 | PLA1.17 | Platon | Ion | da |
96 | PLA1.9 | Platon | Protagoras | da |
97 | PLA1.8 | Platon | The Crito and Part of the Phaedo | da |
98 | PLA1.7 | Platon | Teetet | da |
99 | PLA1.6 | Platon | Lysis | da |
100 | STE2.1 | Stenzel, Julius | Platone educatore | nu |
101 | ROB1.1 | Robinson, Richard | Plato's Earlier Dialectic | da |
102 | COR3.1 | Cornford, Francis M. | Plato's Theory of Knowledge (The Theaetetus and the Sophist) | da |
103 | FRE1.2 | Frenkian, Aram M. | La methode hippocratique dans le Phedre de Platon | da |
104 | BAX1.1 | Baxter, Timothy | The Cratylus. Plato's Critique of Naming | da |
105 | PLA1.5.14.1 | Des Places, Edouard, S.J. | Lexique de la langue philosophique et religieuse de Platon (p.I) | da |
106 | KLE1 | Klein, Jacob | A Commentary on Plato's Meno | nu |
107 | ~S.29 | Aristotel | Physica | da |
108 | ARI1.44 | Aristotel | Metaphysica | da |
109 | ARI1.45 | Aristotel | Ethica Nicomachea | da |
110 | ARI1.43 | Aristotel | De anima | da |
111 | ARI1.41 | Aristotel | De arte poetica | da |
112 | MAG3.1 | Magrath, John Richard | Selections from the Organon of Aristotle | da |
113 | ARI1.48 | Plezia, Marianus (ed.) | Aristotelis epistularum fragmenta cum testamento | da |
114 | WEI3.1.2.1 | Weisenfels, Oskar (ed.) | Auswahl aus Aristoteles und den nachfolgenden Philosophen (Text) | da |
115 | JAE1.1 | Jaeger, Werner | Aristotle.Fundamentals of the history of his Development | nu |
116 | ARI1.46 | Plezia, Marianus (ed.) | Aristotelis qui ferebatur Liber de pomo | da |
117 | CAL3.1 | Calogero, Guido | I fondamenti della logica Aristotelica | da |
118 | MOR2.1 | Moraux, Paul | Kritisch-exegetisches zu Aristoteles | da |
119 | WEI3.1.2.2 | Weissenfels, Oskar (ed.) | Auswahl aus Aristoteles und den nachfolgenden Philosophen (kommentar) | da |
120 | SOL1.1 | Solère, Jean-Luc; Vasiliu, Anca; Galonnier, Alain (ed.) | Alain de Lille, le Docteur Universel. Philosophie, theologie, et litterature au XIIe siecle | da |