3651 | THO1.10 | Thomas d'Aquin / Dietrich de Freiberg | L'etre et l'essence | da |
3652 | THO1.27 | Thomas de Aquino | Summa contra Gentiles | da |
3653 | THO2.1 | Thomas de Celano (Fericitul Toma de Celano) | Viata Sfantului Francisc de Assisi | da |
3654 | MAG5.1 | Thomas Magister | Ecloga vocum Atticarum | da |
3655 | HOB1.1 | Thomas Raynalde, Elaine Hobby (ed.) | The Birth of Mankind: Otherwise Named, The Womens's Book ...... | da |
3656 | THO1.28 | Thomas von Aquin | Kommentar zur Nikomachischen Ethik | da |
3657 | THO1.24.2 | Thomas von Aquin; Schrödter, Hermann | Kommentar zum Trinitätstraktat des Boethius (II) | da |
3658 | THO1.24.1 | Thomas von Aquin; Schrödter, Hermann | Expositio super librum Boethii De trinitate (I) | da |
3659 | THO5.1 | Thome de Argentina | Super Sententiarum prima pars | da |
3660 | THO4.1.1 | Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.) | Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume I: Oxford | da |
3661 | THO4.1.2 | Thomson, Rodney M. (ed.) | Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries. Volume II: Cambridge | da |
3662 | THO3.1 | Thomson, S. Harrison | The writings of Robert Grosseteste | da |
3663 | THU1.2.2 | Thucidide | Historiae, vol. 2 | da |
3664 | THU1.1.1 | Thucidide | Historiae, vol. I | da |
3665 | THU1.2.1 | Thucidide | Historiae vol.1 | da |
3666 | THU3.1 | Thuillier, Jean | Allez les rouges! Les jeux du cirque en Etrurie et a Rome | da |
3667 | THU2.1 | Thurkilli, Visio | Relatore, ut Videtur, Radulpho de Roggeshall | da |
3668 | TIB1.1 | Tibullus | Carmina | da |
3669 | TIM1.1 | Timotin, Andrei | La demonologie platonicienne | da |
3670 | TIM1.2 | Timotin, Andrei | La prière dans la tradition platonicienne, de Platon à Proclus | da |
3671 | TIT1.5.2 | Tite-Live | Oeuvres - Histoire Romaine, vol. 2 | da |
3672 | TIT1.3.2 | Tite-Live | Histoire Romaine, vol. II | da |
3673 | TIT1.3.1 | TITE-LIVE | Histoire Romaine, vol. I | da |
3674 | TIT1.4.1#2 | Tite-Live | Histoire Romaine I | da |
3675 | TIT1.4.1#1 | Tite-Live | Histoire Romaine I | da |